it woult be nice to:
- choose a crosshair like in crysis 1 + I would like to set the size of the crosshair and make that size static (or maybe there are some commands which I could use in the console ?)
- in multiplayer when opponent is in cloack mode and I point at him I think I can see his nickname and green arrow upon him... this destroys the element of suprise in game and snipers are shooting in nicknames ... this is bad (if Im wrong then please correct me)
- i would like to add an server to my favourites during the game
- voting for kicking an user in multiplayer mode should be a good thing - it would be best solution for cheaters - rest of the players will wipe them out
- when the game is already started I should not be able to join the match and should wait until the round will finish ... or the problem related to dropped connection should be fixed
- I should have a ability to filter servers which have ping less than XX - now I can see servers with 1000 ping - what for? I would like to see only those up to 150-200 max so that option would be nice
- cars are randomly blowed up in multiplayer... dunno why and Im not only one who saw this.
and it definitly be nice when we could have the gui in game to set the graphic details and stuff like in crysis 1 - i really do not understand why this solution wasnt implemented in crysis 2 :/
and it for sure be very good for crytek if we could atleast get a list of things which are planned /will be fixed + any date?
There is a maxping filter