» Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:25 am
1 - Some players are cheating whit glitching, they have found a way to enter inside geometry of buildings u are not supposed to be abel to
and they just sit there and shoot everyone running past the building, (u cant even see where theyr shooting from, before u see the killcam)
(the big building in the middle of the map, on Evaczone,
and "under" the lighthouse, on the Lighthouse map,)
2 - I would like to see all maps, being avalible for all game modes (TDM-Chrashsite, etc etc)
3 - And MORE maps in general, (I know its not gonna happen whit the nxt patch, but down the road)
- im already gettin a little bored playing the same maps over and over again, (within a month after launch!)
- anyone else agree, or am i just too easily bored?
4 - Fix the horrible Lagspikes, where the game freezes for 10 secs, (happens whatever res/graphic/server settings i use)
5 - Melee needs to be a one-hit-kill, like in all other modern FPS games,
and the silent kill move, is bugged,.. only gives me the option to do it maby 30% of the times im right behind another player.
6 - fix bug where when u spawn, ur weapon have no attatchments on for 10-20 secs.
7 - fix the spawnpoint issues, annoying to get killed right when u spawn, becoz u spawned right infront of an enemy. this rilly cant be that
complicated to fix, all other FPS games have no problems, in this regard.
8 - somtimes when i switch to grenadelauncher attatchment, the crosshair dosent change to match.
9 - the crosshairs change randomly to the console versions crosshair (i guess)
10 - Fix the LAGSPIKES!!!