» Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:44 pm
Problem 158 (Joke, well sort of joke as there are probably more) - how about sorting the scoring in multiplayer.
I have several times noted my kill totals and bonus and then seen a much lower score awarded.
Example, 3 norm kills (3x100=300 points) one headshot, one other bonus, (2x150=300) and one radar bonus, (100 points) now that would total 700 points, how come i was only awarded 400 points? It seems like the bonuses are not added to your score! Or some thing like that(it’s not my problem to figure out, I’d rather just play games that work)
Has anyone else noticed this!!! If this is a problem, why is a problem? This is basic stuff that really winds any gamer up to a point of quitting the game.
To be honest I'm ready for returning crysis 2 and demanding my money back, the PC version of this game has been a complete waste of my time. As a fan of the original crysis i feel that crysis 2 is a console game and as a PC gamer i feel betrayed. And here is why? (ensure for crysis 3 that you don’t repeat these mistakes)
I purchased this game pre-release, a mistake I’ll never be repeating, playing the game for the first two weeks was pointless for many reasons (read cheats, glitches, etc etc, they are too numerous to cover in one post) Then the two week wait for an official announcement about DX11 was a joke, a very bad and unfunny one, the total lack of time frame for the release of this “DX11 patch” is the punch-line that just keeps giving. Even now almost 4 weeks since it’s release it still feels like playing a bad beta copy, this game should not have been released for PC until DX11 was ready and most of the bugs sorted (please tell me someone tested this game before you released it, if you want testers I will do it for free, seriously, I will even play it in a room in underground bunker with security watching my every move, you can even frisk me for mem sticks!)
The only reason I have any sympathy left and still willing to give you a last chance is because I think this happened because of the pirate copy of the PC version hitting the internet. I think you released the PC version before it was finished in an effort to “stop” perceived “losses” (read make money), the problem is how much damage have you done by it’s release).
So, one last chance, I’ll be back in a few weeks after playing games that work!!
At that point (just to help you guys out, as you seem to be F*cking this up royally)
I expect to know a rough date for DX11, a hell of a lot of bugs fixed, maybe even a “finished” game, you know, like what your meant to release!