Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:26 pm

Outrage: I suggest naming the patch 1.4 instead of this to confuse the morons on your forums

lol man.... indeed..
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:47 am

please rename the thread to: ..Suggestions for 1.5
...since almost nothing has been fixed in 1.4

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Nancy RIP
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:02 pm

AI is still broken. I felt lower frequency of bug, but I don't know whether it's true. I can see many problems. Sometimes AI don't react, AI don't escape from grenade, AI throw grenade to friend(even they didn't see player), AI can see hiding player, stuck & stuck... etc. Please fix AI as soon as possible. The base of Crysis2 AI is good, but many many bugs break it.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:15 pm

HI i currently have a modern system build pc with 2 video cards, the
ASUS 6850 and the XFX 6870 crossfired. i have the most video card drivers but im still having
video issues with Crysis 2. by that i mean that whenever it comes to playing on maps with the sun shining down
on me the sun flickers from bright to super bright constantly. but on night levels everything is good. it happens on both singleplayer and multiplayer. please attend to this issue asap. (side note: it's not through STEAM so STEAM is not a factor in this situation)
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Assumptah George
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:09 pm

It would be nice to be able to press escape and have a chat log box you can look at with scroll ability to see all messages from the beginning of that match in case u missed something. The same as it was in quake 4. Also, the NANOVISION voice is still very loud compared to other suit voices.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:29 pm

I think that the next big thing would be to get the MP disconnects to stop happening, and I wouldn't mind seeing the Pinger replace the Ceph gunship either.
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bonita mathews
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:37 pm

It's just a number ...

1.3 1.4 1.5 or 1.6 seriously ... not a problem.

But a game working correctly that's my first attempt ...

actually crysis 2 is like Counter-Strike 1.3, just a stupid game

But CS takes skill....
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:18 pm

Make the kill feedback toggleable. "Enjoy being dead mf" is complete annoyance.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:16 pm

Scar is one of the weaps that is still overpowered. I sneak and blaze someone with mike only for them to turn and hit me 1-3 bullets and I die
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:34 am

This game has more and moree hacks , some people can just do " one shot , one kill " with a scarab? lol ... also , using armor and nanovision in classic mode? >.>
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:36 pm

Needs much quicker hit/kill conformation. Waste too many bullets making sure someone is gonna die only to get ambushed because I had to reload.
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:06 am

StilL get zero assist points when using K-VOLT
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:27 am

A large part of the Crysis series' charm was playing as yourself, the anonymous cyborg in single player and multiplayer. Yet with Crysis 2 in multiplayer, where your actually working on leveling up and improving your character they take this away from you. Pure brain damage, no aesthetic upgrades or customizations to spend your $ on whatsoever. Crysis 2 needs a patch to address this within a few weeks, not with dlc, not with expansion packs, NOW! Atleast give us coloured visors, a selection that we could buy would be great. Another good idea would be customizable crosshairs.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:43 am

I think we need a health-bar... And players are too vulnerable like this game is simulation or something like that. Few bullets and you're gone. That's why it's so hard for newbies to adapt to this game, and most of players have bad K/D ratio (bellow 1). I'm on level 24 (I think) and my skill are not that low, but sill have 0,66 k/d <_<
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:59 pm

Please dear God add this bug to urgent:
Server lobby shows 0 players when the round has not started. That means if we do not have 4 people on Teamspeak, my group cannot populate our server. Once we get into the ranked round, it shows the proper number of players (usually) and the server fills up. Without this change, the game is almost useless to many clans.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:57 am

new maps would be nice
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Penny Wills
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:22 pm

A game type that has longer rounds would be great.. Or let us change score and time limits without unranking.. That would be even better

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:56 pm

Here are my suggestions, the "first" being the "most important"... I do respect the fact that "Crytek" is releasing patches, but I'm not sure exactly where the disconnect is happening at, because these patches are not fixing everything the claim to be fixing, and they seem to be a "Maximum Fail" @ catching/stopping "hackers"!

1) First off, it would be nice if these "patches" actually worked! That would be the best suggestion I could give, so far 3 patch releases, so far very few fixes.. Maybe "Crytek" needs to get more input from people and their "computer setups" (e.g: Windows type and whether it's 32bit/x64bit, hardware configs, etc..), it may be that some of the people not getting results from the patches are running older OS's/hardware?

2) Fire the developer(s) working on the "anti-cheat detection system" .. cause it isn't working! I almost wonder sometimes if someone is slipping a hacker inside info, when patches are by-passed within a matter of a couple of hours after release something is seriously wrong. Either the patch did not work to begin with, the anti-cheat engine is worthless, or a developer is best buddies with a hacker? (I've seen that happen before believe it or not..)

3) Details, details, details .. Crytek needs to give more details on future releases, like "estimated release dates", they do not have to be right on the money, just a rough estimation, I think most reasonalble people here understand that delays are possible and that things do not always work out as intended, we also understand you have a life and will not be working 24/7 trying to fix a video game (even though it is your job). Take for example the upcoming "DirectX 11 Patch", all we know is Crytek said they were releasing one, but we do not have any type of idea as to "when" and "what" features we will get, will it be weeks, a month, or months? Will we have a full complement of directX 11 features/enhancements, or just some? Will we get directX 11 "32 bit" and "x64 bit", or just 32 bit? These details would be nice for more than just the reason of us being unpatient and wanting to know, but also so we can give Crytek some input of what else we want/need, etc.. It would also be nice to know "how things are going" AFTER the announcement has been made of a new release, so if Crytek had said "we are releasing a dx11 patch on May 25th 2011", it would be appreciated if we are kept in the loop and know how the status is going, like is all still looking good, or have you experienced some set-backs, etc..? Keep Us Informed Please!

4) Updates, Updates, Updates ... keep your "anti-cheat detection engine" updated on a regular basis, this does not mean 2x a month, but more like 2x a week! Keep changing it up, make it difficult for them please! Right now all the hackers are "laughing" at us...

5) Permanent Bans, Bans, Bans .. It's obvious we are dealing with some of the "same hackers" over and over again.. they get banned and then simply re-enter a new CD-Key and start all over again. Now, while I can not verify this, I think it's pretty obvious. I think "Crytek" needs to give everyone playing Crysis 2 online some type of "unique ID", this ID should "NOT" change simply by changing your CD-Key, it should remain the same and be linked to that persons PC somehow, so when a "player is banned" and is a verified hacker, he can NOT simply re-enter a new CD-Key and startup all over again, nor should he be able to "uninstall & reinstall" Crysis 2 with a new CD-Key and startup all over again. If he is that determined to HACK/CHEAT, let him have to "format his harddrive" each time, make this the ONLY way to rid himself of this UNIQUE ID. My thinking is, if they are to lazy to play the game and get to be a decent player like everyone else, then they would be to lazy to format each time. (I would also suggest you can make this unique ID be permanent, but w/ SSD drives out now, that's impossible)

5) Crysis 2 is a "EA Promoted Game" correct? If someone is caught "hacking/cheating" .. could Crytek get EA to permanently ban hackers/cheaters caught in Crysis 2 on a "EA server" to also ban these people from "ANY GAME" on all "EA Servers"? The point here is to "make the punishment" not worth the effort. If someone faces the facts of perhaps having to format to play a game again, and/or the chance of being banned from "ALL GAMES" played on "EA SERVERS", maybe they will wise up and play legit? If not.. accept the punishment then. I know the "VAC/VAC2" system made by Valve (VAC = Valve Anti-Cheat) does something very simular, once a hacker is caught, he's permanently banned from all "secure servers" and a simple changing of your CD-Key or acct. information will not get you back in, the system will re-recognize you and re-ban you, sometimes not instantly, but within a few hours/days/week, but it will get you again, unless you reformat and have a new CD-Key & Acct. Give that some thought please... only downfall of VAC/VAC2 is, sometimes it can take up to a couple of weeks to ban someone, but it's usually quicker. Another downfall is, Steam actually allows "hacker/cheater" servers to be online, to me that is like "promoting" it, if you think they are not going to attempt to join a "secure server" and ruin someone's game, you're wrong. It should "not be allowed" under any circumstances.

6) I've heard it's coming, but have not seen it yet and truthfully do not understand what is so difficult about doing it... but we want our "graphics options to be customizable" .. we want to be able to choose >> No AA, 2x AA, 4x AA, 8x AA, 16x AA, 32x AA, 64x AA (SLi), No AF, 2x AF, 4x AF, 8x AF, 16x AF, Particle Count >> Low, Medium, High, Extreme, Adjustable >> vision distance, sun/light quality (SSAO), shadows, water quality, textures, etc.. Just having the options of Low/Medium/High/Extreme is not enuff and most have no idea what settings are applied with those options. Currently I try and "override" all the settings I can with the nVidia Control Panel, but unfortunately it does not let me control/override all those choices, mostly just my AA and AF settings. We need this for several reasons, not just because we want it, but for those that have lower-end graphics cards it's important, and for those of us that have high-end graphics cards, we bought them for a reason and that is usually to get the best possible visual effects out of a game!

7) I "think" this is coming, but have not seen any official announcement of it, but I want my "x64 bit mode" back! I run x64 bit operating systems for a reason, and it mostly was for the better visuals associated with x64 bit mode. Now it is true that even running a 32 bit game on a x64 bit system does give you some slightly better quality, but it's nothing compared to a game that actually supports "x64 bit mode", things like Sun Rays, Lighting, Shadows, and Particle Counts are so much better in x64 bit mode. Also, how about some "multi-player x64 bit mode" .. not just single-player! I've been running x64 bit OS's officially since May 2005 when WinXP Pro first was officially released (started running beta's in mid 2004) and have not run a 32 bit OS since then. Windows 7 has more x64 bit versions installed than 32 bit versions according to Microsoft, so x64 bit mode would be nice to have!

I guess that about covers it... please don't take any of this the wrong way Crytek, I think you guys are great, but something went haywire with the "Crysis 2" release. Ever since your first release of "FarCry" and my first experience of the "CryEngine" I have been truely amazed, even today FarCry's graphics far exceed the graphics of alot of game released today, I was even happier when Crytek and AMD got together and released the "x64 bit enhanced patches" for FarCry for the few of us running "Windows XP Pro x64 Bit Edition", it was my first experience of a x64 bit enhanced game and it was very noticable enhancements. I still occassionally play the first "FarCry" and still say "wow, these graphics still look awsome". (Why you like UBi-soft have FarCry 2 I don't know!, it looks good, but I bet you would've made it look better). I think the short comings of "Crysis 2" lays at the feet of "Console Gaming" .. I believe you bit off more than you could chew and choked trying to release Crysis 2 across a multi-platform availability and could not concentrate your efforts enough on the PC Edition. I understand why you did this, more money of course, but you should have shot for different release dates, PC edition should have got the "most attention" first, seeing we are the ones that made Crysis what it is today, then the "Console Editions" should have came at a later date.

All I know is.. I want you to fix it up for us, make it look better, give us the options we want/miss, and grab the hackers by the testicles, rip them off and put them in a jar, any time they start to hack again, pick up the jar and shake the hell out of it!

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:25 am

The Lag/lagspikes are still present after 1.4 patch, game still "freezes" for 10-30 secs, where all players are frozen in place, and u can just run around and get free kills, or i enter a firefight, and the game "skips" several frames, and the person i shot at, is suddenly 6 feet away from where i was aiming at him,.. and he kills me in a second,..
Honestly, i havent played the game for more than 20 mins after 1.4 patch, and i find myself not rilly wanting to play it anymore,...

The game is unplayable until the lag issues are fixed for good,..
Ive NEVER seen a online game b4 whit such bad connection/lag/latency Issues,

This is futile, they are never gonna get this game to run smooth apparently,...
Hope springs eternal, until they after the 3rd patch havent even fixed the lag issues,... that finally killed my hope,..
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:52 pm

The Lag/lagspikes are still present after 1.4 patch, game still "freezes" for 10-30 secs, where all players are frozen in place, and u can just run around and get free kills, or i enter a firefight, and the game "skips" several frames, and the person i shot at, is suddenly 6 feet away from where i was aiming at him,.. and he kills me in a second,..
Honestly, i havent played the game for more than 20 mins after 1.4 patch, and i find myself not rilly wanting to play it anymore,...

The game is unplayable until the lag issues are fixed for good,..
Ive NEVER seen a online game b4 whit such bad connection/lag/latency Issues,

This is futile, they are never gonna get this game to run smooth apparently,...
Hope springs eternal, until they after the 3rd patch havent even fixed the lag issues,... that finally killed my hope,..
I just hate the Orbital LAGGER strike . >_<
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:20 pm

Needs much quicker hit/kill conformation. Waste too many bullets making sure someone is gonna die only to get ambushed because I had to reload.

You would have known the second guy was there about to ambush if camo wasn't overpowered.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:33 am

A large part of the Crysis series' charm was playing as yourself, the anonymous cyborg in single player and multiplayer. Yet with Crysis 2 in multiplayer, where your actually working on leveling up and improving your character they take this away from you. Pure brain damage, no aesthetic upgrades or customizations to spend your $ on whatsoever. Crysis 2 needs a patch to address this within a few weeks, not with dlc, not with expansion packs, NOW! Atleast give us coloured visors, a selection that we could buy would be great. Another good idea would be customizable crosshairs.

Play Halo: Reach if you want that. It's also much better multiplayer/singleplayer/everything wise. The only reason I'm not playing it now is my xbox live ran out and forgot to buy more.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:35 pm

I have to add my voice to this forum. The technical state of this game is an embarassment.
Even at 1.4 these game-breakers are still there:

- Completely broken AI in SP that ruins the experience to start with.

- Graphical bugs left and right like flashing textures, a downed helicopter floating out of the sea into oblivion (physics problem?), momentary empty hands in MP when swapping weapons.

- overlapping music in the Customize Equipment menu in MP makes you want to mute everything,

- and something I haven't seen other posts about: Random reflections on water surfaces on the road.
What's reflected is completely irrelevant to the surrounding environment.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:10 am

Just to touch on this a bit:

-Under “Graphics Options” settings to adjust or remove motion blur. Some players are unable to remove motion blur even with config tweaks, and for those prone to motion sickness this may make the game unplayable.
This option should be available for everyone in both SP and MP. I've checked on Steam version 1.4 for it to work in both SP and MP. Not only through configs but whilst connected to a server through console.

Usage: r_MotionBlur 0

-LOD issues (
Have responded to this issue, looking for more info:

-Servers need to be able to set a maxping option, which apparently existed during the beta. People running around with 300+ pings really takes the fun out of it for others.
This has been added, i believe in the 1.4 patch. It's up to server admins to set it up correctly.

A lot of the other points have been passed on also :)
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:42 am

Where can we find or recieve (some) server documentation?
Seems that even locked down the FTP for the (sub) account(s).
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