ok now i press "G' and then click. its quite fast so if you guys just in the mean time make that button("G") the grenade button(*Mouse Button #5= Throw Grenade.) i think it would be much faster. dont you think?
I hear you Mrs. Bullseye.
(Speaking of Bulls: GO BULLE, Super 15 Champs 2011 here we come, 1 down 8 to go.)
Crysis, IMO, is the first FPS to really nail character handling. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that they removed the "Instant Grenade Toss" binding that the Crysis 1 had. It's due to the console port I suppose. But everything else is smooth as butter.
ADS (Aim Down Sights) is a bit slow IMO.
Partly why I suggest one extra "Weapons-Specific" module. All other mods enhance the suit itself. Have an extra mod slot that enhances only the weapon, or loadout itself. This will allow for more combinations too, and thus replayability.
The "Aim" module at lvl III increases the speed of ADS switching, which is really a LIFE-AND-DEATH skill, you know.
Another thing that is slightly agitating, is the
Stealth Transition. Stealth-OFF is a bit slow, you have to come out of Stealth Mode and bang off a few rounds, but if you cut it too fine, you will find yourself without energy.
Stealth Enhance of course speeds this transition up, but I think "Stealth-OFF" should be near-instantaneous, as opposed to "Stealth-ON"
The effect seen by the player on the screen for Stealth Mode is already gone and Armour Mode is already announced by the Nanosuit, yet you fire a round off and all your suit energy is drained, being judged to have fired from Stealth Mode still.
Please make the transition OUT OF Stealth Mode faster/safer. (Seeing as you can't even sprint 5 metres without being pwned/owned/bichslapped/bounced/busted after a cockup like that). Many, many, kills go a begging in this way.
P.S. Mrs Bullseye,
My Crysis 2 Multiplayer Experience would not be complete till I have avenged myself for Thursday's nightmare of...."You have been killed by BullseyeGranny".
Expect some loving from behind in the near-future.