Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:14 am

How can we get help?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 pm

My suggestion: Create a NEW game that actually works -.- This **** is messed up to bad :p

So you say they made something like this?
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:33 am

Fix, in the 1.5 patch, the music sound overlapping of the multiplayer menu, please
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:28 am

Separate the "Lock" game from SP and MP.

Unlock Cvar / Xml tweak for SP and lock the MP as much as you want ...

But let us tweak the SP !
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:58 pm

Speaking of "Spawn Points" and "Squads". My clan mates and I enjoy this game although it is rather egocentric and opposed to the ingame hints it doesn't really need team work that much. Some thoughts on that:

1. Spawning near your squad mates would be awesome.

2. I would also like so see the names of my mates even if they are farther away, or maybe just a small symbol or something. Now they disappear if the are more than 15 meters away.

3. And as the ticks in extraction for example are not named "A" and "B" it is not so easy to coordinate ("I'll stay with the left one." "What is left for you? Where are you?"). Squad work would benefit if you could polish this.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:27 am

Please add "Fix servers reporting the wrong number of players" to the urgent multiplayer fixes list please.

It's pretty damn difficult to find people to play with when it says all the servers are empty when they're not =/
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:59 pm

5) Crysis 2 is a "EA Promoted Game" correct? If someone is caught "hacking/cheating" .. could Crytek get EA to permanently ban hackers/cheaters caught in Crysis 2 on a "EA server" to also ban these people from "ANY GAME" on all "EA Servers"? The point here is to "make the punishment" not worth the effort. If someone faces the facts of perhaps having to format to play a game again, and/or the chance of being banned from "ALL GAMES" played on "EA SERVERS", maybe they will wise up and play legit? If not.. accept the punishment then. I know the "VAC/VAC2" system made by Valve (VAC = Valve Anti-Cheat) does something very simular, once a hacker is caught, he's permanently banned from all "secure servers" and a simple changing of your CD-Key or acct. information will not get you back in, the system will re-recognize you and re-ban you, sometimes not instantly, but within a few hours/days/week, but it will get you again, unless you reformat and have a new CD-Key & Acct. Give that some thought please... only downfall of VAC/VAC2 is, sometimes it can take up to a couple of weeks to ban someone, but it's usually quicker. Another downfall is, Steam actually allows "hacker/cheater" servers to be online, to me that is like "promoting" it, if you think they are not going to attempt to join a "secure server" and ruin someone's game, you're wrong. It should "not be allowed" under any circumstances.(...)

Banning cheaters from all games they bought? I don't think that's a good thing to do. They payed money for it and if they want to fly around all day in god mode, that's their decision(IF they payed, which I assume here).
The thing is to ban them from non-cheating servers I believe!
I think it's okay to have servers for cheaters and no-cheat servers! If you can kick cheaters out of your server, what's wrong with that? Again, only make sure they stay out of no-cheat servers.
Maybe using cheats can be fun sometimes? I think it should be the gamer's decision how to play their game.
I don't like the idea of cheating being somehow illegal or something. If you want to tweak your gameplay, and you know how to, go ahead. Gaming is like playing Lego, you can do what you're able to.
I mean, guys, I bet there are quite a few game developers out there today who tweaked games away like madmen when they were teenagers. I personally know a game designer who at some time completely rebuilt the design of Doom 2 I think. I mean, doing stuff with your game is somehow natural for a game nerd I think.
Of course, things were different back then. Today we have leaderboards and "Tell your friend on Facebook about the idiot you just shot in the back" and all that. Of course people can become bad-tempered when it's clear that you can only be at the top of the leaderboard when you cheat.
And of course everything that causes problems for other players is not okay.
Then that's an issue the game companies have to address.
I don't want to make cheaters appear like they're all really great guys, but there's not reason to demonize them either.

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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:37 pm

This guy "TCK excelcior" ridiculed all other gamers in EVGA cry 2 server aimbotting everyone.

As others said, it would be great idea to have a few cheater free server for each region running known cheater ban list.

and adding votekick was great and all but it's already hacked as this "excelcior" keeps coming back within a minute after he got votekicked.

and crytek don't forget simple fact, the more rampant these cheaters act out, the more players would lose interest over your game quickly.

It's very good way to lose customers fast. Please do remember that.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:06 am

Please change the amount of players require to start a server from 4 to 2!

The number of populated servers stationed in Australia have been dropping dramatically the last couple of weeks. There are 60 or so servers running in Aus and as of recently there are only 1 or maybe 2 servers populated at any given time. 4 players to start a server should be easy, but its becoming very difficult. Once a server has been started however (once you've got 4 players) it quickly fills, generally within 5 minutes.

Maybe I'm wrong but changing a line or two in the servers .cfg file cant really be as hard as changing the text on the in-game server lobby screen from 6 to 4, can it? :P

I see no reason not to do this.. statpadding you say? Meh! Servers seem to still be filling fast and hackers are more of a problem, tho now we have votekick. +1 for votekick! A GUI would be nice :P, but still a +1. I don't think this is too much to ask to save Crysis 2 MP in Aus, atleast for a little while, until... maybe... DX11?!! heh.

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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:29 am

flip guys. the fact that i waited for about a half an hour with someone on a server and no one coming in to join me. wtf. that is so irritating. there is a glitch that made me go in a match alone and there was people in no time

please if someone is waiting to play and that **** 4person rule to start a mach only then. please make other people see you are waiting, this is highly frustrating
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:49 am

Please change the amount of players require to start a server from 4 to 2!

The number of populated servers stationed in Australia have been dropping dramatically the last couple of weeks. There are 60 or so servers running in Aus and as of recently there are only 1 or maybe 2 servers populated at any given time. 4 players to start a server should be easy, but its becoming very difficult. Once a server has been started however (once you've got 4 players) it quickly fills, generally within 5 minutes.

Maybe I'm wrong but changing a line or two in the servers .cfg file cant really be as hard as changing the text on the in-game server lobby screen from 6 to 4, can it? :P

I see no reason not to do this.. statpadding you say? Meh! Servers seem to still be filling fast and hackers are more of a problem, tho now we have votekick. +1 for votekick! A GUI would be nice :P, but still a +1. I don't think this is too much to ask to save Crysis 2 MP in Aus, atleast for a little while, until... maybe... DX11?!! heh.


Agreed with (un)Ranked servers to start a match with 2players. No one wants to sit and wait in a lobby, plus 1 vs 1 matches that can't be done now.

We need server documentation!
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:11 pm

fix the lag from that killstreak (don't know the name of it)
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:18 am

Fixing the problems with unlock/experience tracking would sure be nice, since the latest patch hasn't seem to have taken care of it. Everytime I log in, I'm still at the same level with the same unlocks as I was when I patched the game. Kind of makes playing the game pointless... frustrating since I had the same issue prior to the new patch, except for it always started me back at level one.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:54 pm

Don't know why no one has said anything about this but how can any PC game only allow you to change the sensitivity in 5's????

5 is too low for me, 10 is too fast...

Sure I can change it in the config file but I like different sens for different weapons (sniper vs shotgun) and don't wanna exit the game just to change it =.=
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:43 am

Please change the amount of players require to start a server from 4 to 2!

The number of populated servers stationed in Australia have been dropping dramatically the last couple of weeks. There are 60 or so servers running in Aus and as of recently there are only 1 or maybe 2 servers populated at any given time. 4 players to start a server should be easy, but its becoming very difficult. Once a server has been started however (once you've got 4 players) it quickly fills, generally within 5 minutes.

Maybe I'm wrong but changing a line or two in the servers .cfg file cant really be as hard as changing the text on the in-game server lobby screen from 6 to 4, can it? :P

I see no reason not to do this.. statpadding you say? Meh! Servers seem to still be filling fast and hackers are more of a problem, tho now we have votekick. +1 for votekick! A GUI would be nice :P, but still a +1. I don't think this is too much to ask to save Crysis 2 MP in Aus, atleast for a little while, until... maybe... DX11?!! heh.


Hey, I know you!

Yes, it would be good if we could start building a solid player base but given that we need 4 people to *start* playing, it's somewhat irritating. That and the fact that the servers occasionally report the wrong player numbers is seriously making things difficult.

On another note, 5]-[M3D, I'm likely to be on almost every night so we might be able to get enough to get some games started.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:48 am

and another thing. yesterday i found a bug(that i like) when i got into the lobby the game started. it wasnt even 5 seconds then someone joined me. another half minuite then there was 5 people, and the list goes on. its probably coz people saw that im on the server. crytek serious issue is on your hands and please make it in the new pr release

the 4 people to start the game??? wtf were u thinking? i think i have wasted about 3 hours sitting with another guy in the lobby for someone elce to come have a visit to let the game begin.

if crytek can just give its users a email explaining how to use the votekick system. i dont want to try and hammer it in their brains how to do it instead of winning the game at hand. it should be really noobie. they dont even know how to open the console button. crytek should have made it something like teamtalk and make it yellow across the top of the screen because far left. people dont even see it. im the only one that knows how to initiate the votekick system to vote for a hacker and then i end up in having to tell them how to do it but still they dont understand.
people think they must be admin on servers to vote or something.

please crytek send the newsletter out. or include it in the servers when it loads at the bottom or something. anything that the users know how to kick because they dont visit this forum
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:33 pm

"`(console)- votekick 'playername'"

And great game BTW.

I would suggest:

*Removing (optional) feint brackets behind the crosshairs. because when the blood, bombs and bullets are flying and you're trying to pick out a cloaked assailant without nanovision, hose damn useless brackets are SIMPLY IN THE WAY.

*Prone mode. I know the controls are streamlined (really well done, bravo!) but there are a very few instances when you need to go prone to fire un cover or simply duck behind cover where a prone option could help greatly. Crysis 1 had this.
Crysis 2 is on other platforms. Well whoopdidoo, make prone PC-only then.

(Just give us OPTIONS man!)

*4 Modules (one for weapons). I know this is pushing it, but I would have liked to see an extra module (together with Armour, Power, Stealth)- so that we can fit in all those extra permutations to allow modules that only have an effect on the weapon itself.
i.e. Rapid Fire, Weapons Pro, Loadout, Aim, etc. All these things seem kinda outta place and are pigeon-hole awkardly especially in the "Power" section.

One would like to see, for example:

*Energy Transfer (Armour)
*Stealth Enhance (Stealth)
*Mobility Enhance (Power)
*Rapid Fire (Weapons Mod)

Why not?
Add a couple more Modules while you're at it, and a few extra levels for each. Thank you.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:43 pm

Oh yeah:

Please can we make the submachine guns slightly more accurate, the skill is already in getting your aim dead centre, we can't also contend with an unreliable weapon while the natives are trying to kill us too.

Having a submachine gun with an effective range of about 20 metres is unrealistic and dissatisfying. I mean, we have the MP5 in todays' world and it has an effective range of over 100 metres.
(Fair enough, the maps aren't so spaceous, but inaccurate weapons is what put me off the Battlefield franchise forever. Just make it realistic, the skill is in manipulating the mouse on-target anyway, getting kills over a range of 50 metres is very difficult unnecessarily in anything up to the SCAR.)

(Oh ja, question:

Is the K-Volt a "joke-weapon"??? seriously)
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:20 am


"Power-charge" option on grenade throw.

For a guy that can flip cars, Mr. Nano is a total pvssy when throwing grenades.

*Left-click= Mr. Nano tosses grenade as per usual.

*HOLD left-click= Mr. Nano charges his right arm for a farther grenade-throw.

(Same system as melee attack- holding in briefly, increase the power of the execution.)

Why not?
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:09 pm

Oh yeah:

Please a button binding for "Instant grenade throw", like in Crysis 1

... for those of us with a 5-button mouse this would be ideal, instead of having to scroll-select grenade and be more vulnerable.

i already have melee on mouse-button 4, and it works great, as I can keep four left-hand fingers on manuevering my character.

Setup for most payers would be as follows:

*Mouse Button #1= Fire
*Mouse Button #2= ADS
*Mouse Button #3= Suit Menu
*Mouse Button #4= Melee Attack
*Mouse Button #5= Throw Grenade.

This is ideal, using a Razer Deathadder as an example.


make it happen.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:33 pm

Critical server browser fix request:

Servers still show as empty while people are sitting in the lobby. The game only updates the #players shown in the server browser once the game actually starts. This causes us to browse info of all 0 player servers just to see if there are people waiting in the lobby...

The other fact is people aren't aware of this issue, so when they log into the game and only see 0 players in their main browser, they just quit, thinking that no one is playing - even though there are possibly multiple close to full servers currently in lobby mode!
Please look into it urgently.

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Justin Bywater
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am


"Power-charge" option on grenade throw.

For a guy that can flip cars, Mr. Nano is a total pvssy when throwing grenades.

*Left-click= Mr. Nano tosses grenade as per usual.

*HOLD left-click= Mr. Nano charges his right arm for a farther grenade-throw.

(Same system as melee attack- holding in briefly, increase the power of the execution.)

Why not?

*Underlined again*
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:01 am

Oh yeah:

Please a button binding for "Instant grenade throw", like in Crysis 1

... for those of us with a 5-button mouse this would be ideal, instead of having to scroll-select grenade and be more vulnerable.

i already have melee on mouse-button 4, and it works great, as I can keep four left-hand fingers on manuevering my character.

Setup for most payers would be as follows:

*Mouse Button #1= Fire
*Mouse Button #2= ADS
*Mouse Button #3= Suit Menu
*Mouse Button #4= Melee Attack
*Mouse Button #5= Throw Grenade.

This is ideal, using a Razer Deathadder as an example.


make it happen.
Absolutely! Harmatia, would it be okay for you to add this to the list?
It would be a pretty big gameplay fix.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:33 pm

"`(console)- votekick 'playername'"


yea for us its really **** easy. but for the other noobs who dont even know how to open console. its really hard. its because they dont visit this forum.

Oh yeah:

Please a button binding for "Instant grenade throw", like in Crysis 1

... for those of us with a 5-button mouse this would be ideal, instead of having to scroll-select grenade and be more vulnerable.

i already have melee on mouse-button 4, and it works great, as I can keep four left-hand fingers on manuevering my character.

Setup for most payers would be as follows:

*Mouse Button #1= Fire
*Mouse Button #2= ADS
*Mouse Button #3= Suit Menu
*Mouse Button #4= Melee Attack
*Mouse Button #5= Throw Grenade.

This is ideal, using a Razer Deathadder as an example.


make it happen.
Absolutely! Harmatia, would it be okay for you to add this to the list?
It would be a pretty big gameplay fix.

ok now i press "G' and then click. its quite fast so if you guys just in the mean time make that button("G") the grenade button(*Mouse Button #5= Throw Grenade.) i think it would be much faster. dont you think?
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Unstoppable Judge
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:16 pm

ok now i press "G' and then click. its quite fast so if you guys just in the mean time make that button("G") the grenade button(*Mouse Button #5= Throw Grenade.) i think it would be much faster. dont you think?

I hear you Mrs. Bullseye.

(Speaking of Bulls: GO BULLE, Super 15 Champs 2011 here we come, 1 down 8 to go.)

Crysis, IMO, is the first FPS to really nail character handling. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that they removed the "Instant Grenade Toss" binding that the Crysis 1 had. It's due to the console port I suppose. But everything else is smooth as butter.

ADS (Aim Down Sights) is a bit slow IMO.
Partly why I suggest one extra "Weapons-Specific" module. All other mods enhance the suit itself. Have an extra mod slot that enhances only the weapon, or loadout itself. This will allow for more combinations too, and thus replayability.

The "Aim" module at lvl III increases the speed of ADS switching, which is really a LIFE-AND-DEATH skill, you know.

Another thing that is slightly agitating, is the Stealth Transition. Stealth-OFF is a bit slow, you have to come out of Stealth Mode and bang off a few rounds, but if you cut it too fine, you will find yourself without energy.
Stealth Enhance of course speeds this transition up, but I think "Stealth-OFF" should be near-instantaneous, as opposed to "Stealth-ON"
The effect seen by the player on the screen for Stealth Mode is already gone and Armour Mode is already announced by the Nanosuit, yet you fire a round off and all your suit energy is drained, being judged to have fired from Stealth Mode still.

Please make the transition OUT OF Stealth Mode faster/safer. (Seeing as you can't even sprint 5 metres without being pwned/owned/bichslapped/bounced/busted after a cockup like that). Many, many, kills go a begging in this way.

P.S. Mrs Bullseye,
My Crysis 2 Multiplayer Experience would not be complete till I have avenged myself for Thursday's nightmare of...."You have been killed by BullseyeGranny".
Expect some loving from behind in the near-future. ;)
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