Community Suggestions for Future Patches

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:43 pm

Congratulations Crytek! Crysis 2 is offer to an amazing start, with excellent reviews scores and great sales! It’s not quite perfect yet, though, and here is a compilation of issues on the PC version. =)

What Crytek has Already Done:
This section is just to point out the various things that once appeared on this list, that Crytek has since fixed. This is to remind players that Crytek is listening and doing what they can to make us happy. I’m sure this section will get even longer with time! :)

-DX11 and Crysis 2 Editor are on their way!
-Improved anti-cheat!
-Added option for crouch toggle in MP & SP
-Fixed a bug where players lost Nano Catalyst points after restarting the game
-Filter settings in server browser are now retained (this one made life so much nicer!)
-Fixed issue of sometimes not being able to melee after dying
-Fix for modules failing to level
-Fix for inaccurate saving of stats and unlock tokens.
-Fixes to Nanosuit reboot
-Various recoil increases.
-Air stomp buffed
-Retriever perk will level properly.
-r_MotionBlur command should work for all players via config tweaks and command console. Use “r_MotionBlur 0” to disable it.
-As of Patch 1.4, server admins can set a “maxping”

Resolving issues from 1.4:
-Some players crash on level changes and when exiting the game that did not have this problem before patch 1.4.
-Why weren't balance changes included in patch 1.4? Or were they? Please give us some information on what happened and why.
-Various useful Cvars were locked. Please allow fully unlocked Cvars for singleplayer and only lock those that are necessary to avoid cheats in multiplayer.
-Regression occurred wherein Ranked Lobbies once again fail to start and remain counting down at 1.

This section is for issues that are currently affecting player’s ability to enjoy the game, and which cannot be mitigated by console commands or config editing.

-Return access to cvars disabled by 1.4 that were not used for cheating (
-Multi-GPU support improvements. Specifically, a fix for the texture flickering issue.
-Main menu music begins playing a second overlapping audio track.
-Surround sound issues. (
-Ground texture issues on Roosevelt Island map. (
-LOD issues (

-Quicksave/Quickload feature. Although I can personally understand if the lack of this is intended for difficulty reasons, overwhelming consensus is that the game would benefit.
-When there is a "camera-lock" or a cinematic moment, the inverted Y axis goes back to non-inverted for that time. For those who play with inverted it really takes you out of the action/moment in the game.
-Audio glitch: (
-If you use non-toggle crouch, accessing your suit or weapon customization while crouched will cause you to un-crouch-- causing you to peek out of cover.
-Option to disable access to "Tactical Options". Perhaps add a higher difficulty setting that removes tactical options notification and display on HUD?

-Server Browser should use PING rather than Latency. This would, according to those who know more about networking than me, make it so that it reflects what your ping would be once in the server, rather than the less useful number you now see.
-In the server browser, the number of players within a server is not updated until the map starts. Therefore, lobbies with players are stuck at "0".
-Continued log-in issues.
-Spawning next to enemies. (This is probably due to allowing 16 player servers. I'm personally in favor of 12 player maximum for Ranked, but oh that's just me).
-A regression returned the lobby ticking down but game not starting bug to return in patch 1.4.

-Grendel does not remain silenced when in single-shot mode.
-Lack of hit indication when using laser sight. And other laser sight issues/suggested improvements: (
-All weapons that do not use bullets have issues rewarding assists.

-Ability to bind two or more keys to the same action. For example, I want C and Left Control to be crouch so that I can slide using C.
-Under sound options, a “Nanosuit Speech Volume” separate from overall dialogue.

These issues might currently be possible to fix by tweaking the game files or they might just not be as important as the above issues. However, there is either a clear and strong consensus in favor of these changes, or they offer an obvious improvement to a specific segment of the community without bothering anyone else.

-Ideally, you’ll add an “Advanced Graphics Settings” menu, wherein you will give us access to each “sys_spec” variable with an option corresponding to 1-4.
-An anisotropic filtering option.
-An anti-aliasing option.
-If it is easier or in some way more functional, perhaps you could release an official config utility that operates from outside the game, like the unofficial ones currently available. Bioware has used this system for almost a decade now. (
- Checkboxes to enable/disable Bloom/HDR, motion blur, and depth of field. The intense lighting and blur effects can cause headaches and nausea for some people. A slider for motion blur amount would be nice. Perhaps a slider to control the amount of these effects, if possible.
-The ability to set up a separate autoexec file for singleplayer and multiplayer would be great. Some of us are content with 30 FPS in singleplayer in exchange for maxed graphics, while wanting a far higher framerate in multiplayer. You've already done a great job with performance on the multiplayer end, but this would make life even better. This will prove even more useful with the release of DX11.

-Mouse left/right need to be reversed for quick-time events on PC version. This is particularly noticeable during a section of the game where a player is asked to crawl and the button press does not properly matched up to the hand moving. This is a common mistake because on consoles left is alternate and right is primary fire, whereas that reverses for PC. (edit: This may have been fixed).

-We need the ability to add friends by clicking their name while waiting for a game to start, and a way to invite friends to a game while we are in it.
-Similarly, we need a way to add servers to favorites from in the lobby and while playing.
-In game chat is still a bit slow. Messages don't show up long enough for anyone to read them and at high resolutions the font seems too small. We should be allowed to type messages while dead.
-Game lengths are TOO short for PC version player counts. (
-Medals/Awards Bugs: "Drunk and Disorderly: play after 11:30 pm and finish in the bottom third 3 times in a row" is actually rewarded if you finish in the TOP third 3 times (not bottom, mislabeled or misimplemented).
-"Dirty dozen: score 12 kills without dying" is often rewarded inproperly (e.g. when you go 7 Kills and 4 Deaths...). Another counter reset failure probably.
-Skill shots appear not to stack (ie: no "Busted" + "Headshot" when you kill a cloaked person with a headshot). If this is not intentional, bugfix.
-"Most motivated: get highest objective score" is actually rewarded when you have the highest overall score, while somebody else has the highest objective score (e.g. Crash Site points).
-Unless I'm mistaken, cars have a set amount of time after being moved from their default location before their health will decay and they will explode-- potentially killing unlucky players. This is VERY frustrating. Change it so that it does not do enough damage to actually kill a player when exploding purely due to decay.

-Should still get hit indication even with laser sight equipped.
-Proximity Alarm perk only levels if it is IN USE when you get a kill. Either correct the tool-tip or bug-fix.
-L-TAG in-game kill icon shows up as exploding barrel
-Players can often mistake Holograms for enemy players because they don't have text over their name like a normal ally would-- this caused them to shoot and give away their position. Adding some text above them like "Hologram of ..." would keep players from making this error and give the UI some more consistency.

-Cool Loading Screens for PC like Console Versions!
-A keybind option for "Last Weapon".
-Under “Game”, an option for “Toggle Sprint”. Worth noting is that many players seem unaware that you can change settings for toggle crouch and zoom. Perhaps these settings might be better located within the key binding UI.
-Under "Mouse", an option to remove acceleration and smoothing. Ideally, you will provide “raw input” and more refined sensitivity settings as well.
-Separate option for inverting axis under gamepad and mouse.
-Adjustable FOV (If possible, correct animation/clipping issues at higher FOVs.)
-Under “Sound”, separate volume setting for radio pvssyr—the voices yelling at you when you die. The ideal paradigm has three sound options: 1) Nano-suit. This affects suit sounds. 2) Dialogue, this will affect the voices telling you objectives. 3) Radio pvssyr.
-Option to set a specific key for "Secondary Weapon", rather than just offering a toggle. (In a perfect world, you'll allow us to bind EVERY weapon/explosive/etc specifically, but Secondary Weapon is probably the most important one.)
-There seems to be an almost irrational hatred for your polite request that we occasionally "press enter".
-In the Loadout Menu, theres no reason you can’t show assessment progress and weapon stats at the same time. This is a bad holdover from the console UI that has also appeared in every iteration of the Call of Duty series.
-An alternative to the above: In the screen where you choose your options for the class, you roll the mouse over the modules and the grenade and it tells you how many kills you have. It would be cool to see that for the primary and secondary weapon on that screen as well instead of having to go all the way to the assessments area.
-Ability to bind "Sniper Scope Zoom" to a different key than melee.
-Ability to bind "maximum melee" from singleplayer and maximum jump to a different key than the standard action. We have a whole keyboard, don't really need to keep everything on the same few keys console style. :)

Tier III: Hopes & Dreams
Stuff that we are crossing our fingers will come down the line, but that is not game-breaking in any way and which probably should not be prioritized.

-Higher view distance (render distance)/increased texture quality options (perhaps using some Cry1 textures, heh).
-A 64 bit executable if this proves to actually offer a performance improvement
-The ability to run our own dedicated servers. This one is very unlikely for a lot of reasons, but there has been significant clamor for it, so it bears mentioning.
-Lots of people are asking for a more destructible environment, but this just really isn't something that can be patched in. Maybe consider this in your DLC offerings or for the (I hope) destined Crysis 3.
-The female suit voice for multiplayer. Would make a cool unlock/DLC.
-Remove Solid Shield DRM from Steam Version.
-The ability to play as a female character in singleplayer and multiplayer. Women can be post-human warriors too, Crytek! Obviously not like to come in Cry2, but consider for Crysis 3. :D
-Full support for AMBX.

-Remove or tweak Jump/Sprint cancelling from PC version. (
-A real health bar above the energy bar-- Crysis 1 style.
-Further recoil increases so that PC version has more recoil overall than console versions.
-The ability to select from multiple crosshairs (a la Cry1) and customize their size. Perhaps this could be something unlockable in the future, and perhaps DLC or Cry3 could add customizable red dot sights like Black Ops.

FIN... for now :)

Please continue to post community feedback, including disagreements and debate! That's how we let Crytek know whats important to us and help them craft this into the best possible PC Game!

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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:21 am

Uh, how about we add to the list....

2. At least give us DirectX 10, preferably 11
3. Fix the login problems
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:55 am

Biggest issue the game has is Multi-gpu support, imo.

Unplayable in current state for anyone running at 5970 or 6990.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:49 pm

Set look inversion separately for mouse and gamepad. I enjoy using both a mouse and my X360 controller, depending how how I feel, and there aren't separate options (at least not that I see). I play mouse normal, and gamepad with an inverted Y axis. It's annoying to have to manually switch it every time I switch controllers.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:07 am

Also, add more settings for graphics, so we can fine tune performance for our systems.
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Hilm Music
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:13 pm

Directx10 card can run on Dx11 but they'll not have all the features so give us dx11 it'll work on the most of graphic card to disable blur and all the other tweakable things.

- We need graphic options;
- Fully usable console not only 47 cvar.
- Better textures
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Annick Charron
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:11 pm

graphics options, multi gpu support to stop flickering, let me play an online game without seeing the serial code currently in use error, dx11
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:23 am

multi gpu support please!! ffs this is Crysis game we are talking about zzz...
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:15 pm

I just started a level with rain and a lot of wet surfaces, the problem is everything is popping up, sometimes part of the ground , other things are wet and sometimes dry, shadows pop up everywhere. Before that level everything was parfect...
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:29 am

Also fix the AI so they are not so retarded...Thanks
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:30 pm

Graphics settings PLEASE. (Can't f'ing believe they just simply took out damn near all of the cvars) Give us a pc game instead of shoving settings down our throat. uuugh.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:01 am

lol 47 cvars.

wonder how pissed the modding community is.

oh wait, don't need to wonder, they're already pissed as hell!

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Stryke Force
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:26 am

1. FULLY unlock console. None of this "only some stuff" crap. Sure lock some of it in MP, but in SP? WTF? I should be able to do whatever the hell I want. Where's r_displayinfo at?

2. 64-bit .exe. I have 12gb of DDR3 @ 1600mhz. Thats a lot of ram. Why isnt it being used.

3. Multi-GPU support. Im building a new rig this week, hopefully with the GTX 590. I NEED SLI-support (im on a 295 right now).

4. Fix login problem w/ gamesas account. I got the LE for the unlocks, now I cant use them :/
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:49 am

this is great if anyone "offical" is reading it. first and foremost for me and sounds like MANY MANY others.... option to turn off motion blur as its maing it un-playable for me as i get get extremely sick for some reason with it on. then More graphics options. For example, separate texture settings from overall graphics settings. Anisotropic Filtering? that would be a second for me too. and sli support would be SUUUUPER! im running 2 gtx 295's in quad sli and needless to say sli isnt working even with a single gtx 295 sli isnt working. theres soemthing REALLY WRONG with this game as my video cards fans barely move. in crysis warhead after 10 mins they would sound like a hair dryer running next to me. well those are my mian complaints hopefully someone fixes this SOOOOON as the motion blur has effectively disabled this game for me completely in other words im looking at a 60$ paper weight on my desk
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:13 pm

Ask them to put Crysis 2 in the 1.2 patch.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:43 pm

Advanced graphics options,for a company that prides its self on the way there games look and "having the best graphics youll ever see",yet we only get 4 levels and to change resolution,cmon guys,we want to see what this game has
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:02 am

Just got off the phone with ATI and they've assured me that the MultiGPU issue is an error on Cryteks side.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:53 am

Ask them to put Crysis 2 in the 1.2 patch.

More like ask them to put the PC game into the 1.2 patch.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:01 am

Uh, how about we add to the list....

2. At least give us DirectX 10, preferably 11
3. Fix the login problems

I will repeat this again as I have already said on another forum....Multi Gpu Support is up to the video card manufacturer to fix, not the game developer. Have you ever gone to a video game developers website and downloaded a SLI or Crossfire Profile or video card driver...nope...go to or to download the appropriate drivers/crossfire/sli profiles
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:49 am

It's really unfortunate to hear about the dual gpu problems; although it seems as though it would run just fine on one gpu.

Doesn't catalyst have an option for this? Just as a quick fix before the patch is released.

Once I get it installed tonight I'll be sure to add some suggestions! ^_^


Whoops, didn't read the post above mine, looks like there may be another problem too :(
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:01 am

I'd be curious to see how the game is affected by driver updates in the future.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:00 pm

OP updated to include a few more issues.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:31 pm

"-Surround sound issues. 4.1/5.1 surround are apparantly not working. "

works fine for me....

"Also fix the AI so they are not so retarded...Thanks"

Idk what difficulty this guy is playing on but the AI is flanking me like crazy....smartest ai in an FPS game by FAR. Every other fps shooter ai just line up for me.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:58 am

SLI works for my GTX's, but i had to download an outside EVGA program in order for it to work ingame.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:23 pm

we need sandbox3 so save crysis2 ass xd
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Kathryn Medows
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