Since patch 1.4 ostensibly did NOT include the balance changes that are already deployed on console, perhaps this means Crytek is planning on making different balance changes for the PC version than on consoles. This would make sense, since it is an entirely different platform with different wants and needs.
Let's compile a list of the changes the PC community wants!
Changes That Should Remain From the Console Patch:
? Jaw: Reduced damage, Reduced rocket speed
? AY69: Increased recoil
? DSG1: Reduced fire rate
? Feline: Increased recoil
? Kvolt: Increased damage
? LTag: Increased fire rate, Increased damage
? Scar: Increased recoil
? Scarab: Increased recoil, Increased spread
? Gauss attachment: Increased clip size, Removed damage falloff
? Headshot damage modifier reduced
? Air Stomp: Reduced recovery time
? Nano Recharge: Reduced recharge rate
? Detonation Delay: Reduced delay
? Energy Transfer: Reduced tier 3 transfer amount
? Point Fire Enhance: Reduced spread further
? Weapon Pro: Increased reload and ironsight speeds further
? Mobility Enhance: Increased energy costs
? Headshot damage reduction.
Why should these stay?
1) Across the board recoil increases to make the game more challenging using a mouse and keyboard. Part of the challenge of any great shooter is getting the hang of each weapons recoil and spread, and Crysis 2 currently lacks a bit of that challenge. These changes should most drastically affect the fully automatic weapons, which seem to be dominating at the moment. These patch changes do a good job of accomplishing this goal.
2) Kvolt and LTag are simply too weak.
3) Headshot damage reduction will make players live longer, thereby increasing skill. With more health, good players can hope to make up damage against a worse player who started firing first.
What Changes From The Console Patch, DON'T we want?
? Frag grenade: Increased damage
I don't think there is a single person in the world who wants grenades to be even MORE powerful on the PC version. Perhaps we're just better at aiming, but grenades seem VERY strong as is.
? HMG: Removed crouch accuracy bonus
A smarter change would be to make the HMG 20% less accurate. This way, when crouched, the player still receives an advantage over a player who is not crouched, This accomplishes the same exact nerf while still ensuring that skilled players are rewarded.
? Light shotgun attachment: Increased clip size, Reduced damage
This simply doesn't seem to need a nerf. That being said, Light shotgun attachment should aim down the sights like a normal weapon, even when using assault scope.
? Jackal: Reduced full auto spread, Increased single shot spread
Single-shot Jackal is currently VERY fun and VERY balanced. If anything, I would advocate making single-shot mode the default for the Jackal and leaving it at that.
? Mk60: Reduced recoil
? Hammer: Reduced recoil
Simply not necessary on the PC version, as the recoil is already minimal and easy to manage. As mentioned above, recoil should be getting drastically increased. Players who dislike that still have the option of using aim enhance.
? Nanosuit 2.0: Reduced armour bonus
I haven't heard anyone complain that the Nanosuit 2.0 is too powerful. If anything, it seems a fair reward for a 7 killstreak and seems to offer an incredibly fun experience that you can't get in any other game.
? DSG1: Reduced fire rate
OSG just does not seem to be a balance concern on PC version.
What PC-specific balance changes do we want?
? Remove or in some way reduce/modify sprint and jump cancelling when shot. PC gamers do not like the feeling of losing control over their character, and it makes fleeing and escaping impossible in Cry2-- removing an element of skill and decision-making. (
? Increase length of games. With 16 players, most game modes go WAY too fast.
What did I miss? What balance changes does the PC community want for Crysis 2?