So, I got Strong yesterday, and we're doing one of the Cabot missions where we get the serum from the Creamery. Anyway, after killing the raiders, I start looting the place, and ended up picking the lock to a container. Then he says he doesn't like that.
I'm like, I don't care if you like it or not. Shut the he11 up.
Which made me think really hard about the mechanic in Fallout 4 to get your companions' perks. Is that really the way to do it? By only doing things they like, and not doing things they don't? Or should it instead be something like doing a special mission or two for them that helps them in some way?
My preference is for the later, so I can play the game the way I want, without worrying about what they like or not.
That's my opinion. What do you think?