was my Morrowind wifey.

Even if it wasn't exactly anything fancy, I actually kind of liked that quest, it's probably the only place where Bethesda tried to have players develop an actual relationship with a character in the game. Otherwise, becoming "frends" with someone is just a matter of bribing them until they're swimming in gold. I don't know how well she'd work as a companion on the player's adventures, though, considering that the first time she needs someone dead she needs the player to do it.
That being said, though, I've always thought that Mazoga would be a pretty suitable companion. She has skills which would make her suitable to adventure with and you get to work with her and interact with her, and she does have a bit more personality than the average citizen in Oblivion. Last time I was playing Oblivion, I actually thought that, if it hasn't been done already, someone should make a mod that would allow her to become a fully functional companion after you complete the quests involving her, if it doesn't exist already.
That being said, though, I wouldn't want Bethesda to focus too much on companions. I like games like Dragon Age and KOTOR, and in that sort of game, party based gameplay is an important part of the game. Not only are companions much better implemented than the cases of characters who can travel with you in Elder Scrolls games, you actually need to depend on the combined skills of your party, and throughout the game, you interact with them, and sometimes, they interact with other characters too. This works well for them, it kind of gives a feel a bit like the fantasy novels where the hero encounters a ragtag bunch of misfits and ends up traveling with them and doing stuff. However, the Elder Scrolls is not this kind of game, in the Elder Scrolls, your on your own, and I'm fine with this. The feel is very different from party based games, and it is a nice one. This doesn't mean of course that there can't be companions in the game, of course, some modders have made very good companion mods, and sometimes I use them, depending on whether I feel it fits my character, in Fallout 3 too Bethesda attempted to do companions. And while the implementation may have been a little basic compared to actual party based games, but I didn't mind this, because while they were there if I wanted someone to travel with, they generally weren't an integral part of the game. If Bethesda wants to put companions in future Elder Scrolls games, I'd be fine with it, as long as Bethesda doesn't turn the game into a party based game, it wouldn't suit the series.
Borba? Sure. In fact, I daresay she's quite pretty for an Orc. It's not like they should really be judged on human standards. I'm sure most Orcs mind humans to be quite silly looking, too.
True, of course, as a human, I still find humans tend to look pretty silly too, so maybe I'm not the best judge. But I'm sure that orcs don't think other orcs are ugly. If they did I think Tamriel's orc population would be a lot smaller than it is.