Whats the opinion of members with regards to hiring a Companion, Henchmen, Mercenary or Sidekick. like in the single player games.
Think it could work or not?
Would you want one?
and if allowed, should we be able to use them in group dungeons?
Whats the opinion of members with regards to hiring a Companion, Henchmen, Mercenary or Sidekick. like in the single player games.
Think it could work or not?
Would you want one?
and if allowed, should we be able to use them in group dungeons?
sure but only if you can customize a really unique one, because this game would actually (sorry devs) be better if i could have an embittered by life, smart mouthed, tough-guy waist high gnome follow me around. not joking.
would be nice if you'd wanna play single or in a small group-
but think about if everyone got one?
-i suppose it would be best if they weren't able to enter Cyrodiil
AI isn't perfect, many people would probably just complain about them anyway,
and while doing dungeons or joining any larger groups, if people can look like their companions, you'd have problem telling who is who -perhaps,
I would get as much fun from levelling and equipping a 'henchman' as I would from developing my own character - I love combat 'pets' in MMO games.
Sounds great, now I can be subjected to "Pew Pew" the sorcerer's henchman named "OMG Lasers!!!"
It would be amusing too see them duke it out with each other in PvP zones, they could function like a squire. Or perhaps only able to attack a player in cyrodiil if they had already killed their opponents hireling. They would need to despawn in keep battles, or other large scale conflict though just to keep the fps up I would imagine though.
Give them complete customization and full control over their skills and gear, they would be like a more interesting take on pokemon if you could train them through combat.
Mmmm the technical hoops would be a pain for the dev team, but it would certainly be cool to see in game IMO.
if customizable, i'd model the follower after my own character, hehe..."my identical phantom-twin"
If all goes well you will have a couple million companions to choose from...
I would like it similar to GW and SWTOR , but I don't think majority ( not all ) of MMO players would like this idea .
I would not mind more "pet/companion" skill lines in the game. Not sure if I would say it is something everyone gets automatically like in SWTOR, GW, Neverwinter, etc, but a skill line that everyone could spec into. Basically a world based skill line, like Daedric summoning.
On a side note, I think it is funny that this forums spell check highlights Daedric
Yes, but may be you should have to pay up keep.
I like companions on TES games because I feel lonely without them. I don't think this is going to be a problem in a MMO.
Not saying that we shouldn't have them, though. If I could take Jakarn everywhere, I would be so happy...
I do not think that will be a good idea for this reason, side kickers NPCs will not encourage social interaction from real people players.
Why would some one try to find a real person to play with if one can do the same actions with a NPC? Yes, it can be a lot of trouble to find people to help with a quest or two and there are a lot jerks out there, on the other side of the coin, one can find a really good, nice people and make good friendships. Also, it will help to make ESO "Live" longer if people have good friendships instead of play with code (aka a NPC) all the time?
What is the point of playing online with real people, if one just plays with NPC side kicks all the time? Will that just make ESO a single player game then and not a MMO?