I bit ago you mentioned 'maybe' you'd look at adapting the vanilla followers use the CSR system as an optional add-on to the compaion core system. Are you still considering this?
Ah, sorry, I've been a little busy as of late (windup to term), and my modding time has been spent fixing infuriating bugs in RobCo (some new bots will only shoot at people outside and try and hug them indoors, which is utterly infuriating).
[*]If I console-add aaaCompanionTokenParty to a vanilla follower and then addFormtoFormList that follower to aaaPartyList, I can start to manipulate the follower, however the game hangs if I attempt any command that requires the use of your persistent activators (conceivably because I haven't earned the Companionable perk, or more precisely, started the aaaCompanionQuest). This means that most context-sensitive commands (pantsing, shooting, etc) work, but not wait, follow.
[*]After giving myself Companionable, everything appears to work - with some bugs, explained in some more detail below.
[*]At this point, this suggests that the mod could work with vanilla followers with some work; could the quest/perk be rearranged such that aaaCompanionQuest starts game enabled, but that the recruiting dialog doesn't appear unless you have the perk?
[*]Furthermore, couldn't the relative Hire/Fire topics be altered to simply add or remove the character from aaaPartyList as well as adding/removing aaaCompanionTokenParty, etc as needed in the result script? I'm a FWE user and using Geck/Fo3edit I didn't see any script modifications implemented by FWE that would conflict (as a matter of fact Mez, if you're still reading this - the hire/fire scripts are the same as vanilla except for some commented-out lines from Janos's original mod). I don't use Phalanx or SCC so I wouldn't know about complications with those.
I'm pretty sure you just need to add the party token to add someone to your party, as it then adds the follow token which'll add them to the party list. Assuming you've got the follow commands set up...
The wait/follow commands won't work until you get the perk because of the way commands are handled; CSR doesn't register its follow/wait functions with Core until the perk's taken, to keep the length of the function lists down (so if you had RobCo, WW & CSR active but only took the CSR perk the lists would only be 1 long). That's not really necessary, so sure I can have them start game enabled and make the dialogue contingent on you having the perk.
The vanilla companion recruit dialogues could just be made contingent on "GetItemCount party token == 0" and then add the party token instead of setting them as a follower normally. Otherwise they'd get two sets of settings/follow/wait etc. topics.
After adding the vanilla followers to CSR and a lot of perusing of the mod data itself, I've found a number of interesting bugs and questions. Some I'm sure are related to the fact that I was forcing CSR to work with vanilla followers, and you may or may not care about making that possible, but others are more general bugs/defects/RFEs:
- When using the context-sensitive menu option "Attack" or whatever its called (at work, can't verify) - the character will attempt to shoot the target, however there are some issues with this. First, the character shoots through walls (I had Charon shooting Vera Weatherly in her hotel from down the hall. Could this be fixed with a GetLOS check before the UseWeapon command? Second, the UseWeapon call appears to be flagged to automatically hit. Coupled with shooting through walls this is amusing to say the least, but more technically I am concerned about the auto-hit being a balance issue. Lastly, this command didn't appear to 'stick' with vanilla followers, Charon would draw and fire once, but then wig out alternately drawing and sheathing his weapon, finally stopping. When I told him to Wait, he finally resumed killing Vera Weatherly. Again, was using FWE, script/package conflict?
- Does pantsing need explosives? I seem to be able to do it with Charon regardless of his inventory. Also, after pantsing a mobile target (like the Rivet City hallway guards), when the timer expires the explosion seems to occur at the location where Charon made the plant, not at where the guard is standing.
- Upon adding aaaCompanionTokenParty to Dogmeat, I noticed he was carrying the Explosives skill token. If'n you were considering adding support for vanilla followers, would this be a simple GetIsCreature check before adding the various skill tokens in the OnAdd block of aaaCompanionTokenParty?
UseWeapon is currently really, really absolutely 100% certain to hit as I've been bugged about it not working properly before, as it meant noncombat characters couldn't reliably proc groups of enemies (particularly at low level with robot companions). I'm not hugely keen on it working that way myself, but... It's going to be more-or-less obsoleted when I release the Tactical Combat Order System, which has a much more reliable way of doing it thanks to the extra systems I add in it.
GetLOS doesn't actually check the actor's LOS properly, it checks if there's an uninterrupted line between their roots- at their feet. This means low walls and tables block it, so it's not a hugely useful command unfortunately.
The pants explosion not following once activated is something I hadn't noticed, thanks for pointing it out.
Pants don't require explosives as when it was written we had no way of checking someone's inventory for explosives. We can do that now, so I can try and implement it.
Yeah, all creature combat skills are the same, so his 80 melee skill will also flag him as having 80 explosives and thus being a viable demolitions expert, so a GetIsCreature check would fix that.
Some general observations:
- I like the general implementation of the attack command, the UseWeapon seems like it would be useful for forcing a good rifleman to snipe a target from well outside their normal shooting range... which is why I was sorta concerned about the autohit.
- When I had Charon start fighting people, they fought back against him only. This seems like something of an exploit; like the AI should somehow realize that I'm commanding Charon and in effect, I'm the greater threat.
I love this mod a ton, I'm practically on pause with my current game while I try and figure out how to make this mod work with the general followers.

I get your concerns over the attack command (I'm annoyed myself as it means melee followers swing and instahit from ranged distances, which is weird) but it's currently the only way for it to fulfil the role it's supposed to do. I think people will generally only use it as intended to initiate combats, rather than exploiting it, not that that's much of an excuse.
Companions ordered to attack enemies being the ones who draw aggro rather than you is again a design thing; some people just don't want to fire guns in this FPS, so if you don't initiate combat yourself enemies tend to avoid you allowing squishy noncombat characters a chance to survive.
I think going ahead with what I'd talked to Mezmorelda about is probably the best solution; it's easy to set something up to use the same components of Companion Core (the orders, the same follow menus etc.) as CSR but with their own specific follow/wait/combat end functions, so the FWE followers can have their own healing (which is handled by the end of combat functions), have the drug using items added by the Follow function, and so on. Alternatively the FWE companions could just be set up to to use CSR's recruitment and the CSR healing/follow functions could be altered to change the healing as it's an ESM so it can easily be altered.
I'll happily try and do either as soon as I've finally finished and relzed new RobCo, it's taking for-sodding-ever.