What happened to you is normal, because CSR command you companion until you ask him to:
- Wait Here
(then "just stay here" or "make yourself at home" make no difference)
Everytime you use another mod that change AI of your partner you should ask it "Wait Here" before using the new mod.
That works, i havn't think poses change the AI.
Its only a little problem now, they are wandering with this, before i start them posing and i have to position them again.
But i will test the mod again now, thanks !
Additional questions:
- If i set every companion to not loot and start support mode, will they loot ?
The description says, they do everything automatically then but i don't want them to loot.
Of course i can try, but it would be nice, if you make it clear in the desription, thank you !
- Wich aggression mode i need to set on a companion to heal others ? On "attack on sight" it works. On the "avoide fight" mode it don't work.
Sorry i ask so much, i don't understand the messages fast enough, i'm not english speaking.
found glitches:
- Sometimes, when i say wait before a door to another worldspace and then go through the door, the companion follows, and waits on the other side.
- When i ride on a horse marked for the party (order key and leftclick) and use fast travel, i can happen, that a companion sits with me on my horse.
both are not great problems, but i want to give this as feedback.
Alltogether i find this mod very good !
I like the order key and i think i will like the support mode, that i test now.
And i like they don't allway teleport direct behind me like in cm.
A great point is the riding

What i miss, is the more detailed stats from cm.
I tried to add it, but i'm not good enough with the CS.
Greetings from a fan