Hi all!!
After exiting from Big John bunker, Piper did't come out with me and after walking around for a while I came back and tried to enter into the bunker again but it was closed (sealed again). I tried to fast travel, to switch to another companion and the only thing I got is that after the area was reset (I knew because there were some frag mines around again), I found Piper standing in front of the bunker, but she doesn't want to come with me
She stays trying to enter into the bunker again and a message pops up on the screen saying that the trap is sealed... even if I am far away from there. I think that companion is spawned outside the bunker and has a order to go inside for its "real" position inside the bunker
The thing is that I managed to get some stuff that she was carrying, but even if I can tell her to follow me again, she will keep trying opening the trap (including an opening door animation), and fast travel won't help at all...
I read about the bunker bug and that someone got to open the trap after the area reset (activating the engine even if it was running) and I tried this also but I cannot get it (maybe I should wait for more time)
I don't know if this could help, I entered the bunker on foot and Piper was wearing a power armor, and I left the bunker on the power armor and Piper was laying on a mattress when I went out
This bug is far more strange than other I saw before ... (facepalm)
Did someone managed to solve something like this? I wonder if I can consider Piper lost as a companion for the rest of this gameplay