Luckily I saved just before it happened so I could go back to when she was fine. I did however push her off again to see if it was a one time fluke and again she never healed.
I had this happen with one of the companions so I shot them then used a stimpak, they got up after that.
Yep, I had the same thing happen to Macready. He fell off a very tall overpass. I laughed at him and continued on, figuring he'd just spawn next to me somewhere like always. .. eventually he did, but he was sitting down on the ground. I tried to get him to move but he wouldn't.. so I ran away further.. again he spawned near me sitting on the ground. I then fast traveled and he spawned in his ko position once more. Like the OP, I had a save right before I went up on the overpass. So I just reloaded and everything was fine.