Working on a companion mod and I've got the wheel to come up and have essentially added my new npc as a companion but they are not reacting correctly.
I have created the relevant scripts and addtions to VNPCFollowers that it looks like I need.
There are variables in the npc script to flag wait, follow distace and ranged or melee combat.
I have also added the respective AI packages to the guy to achieve this I think.
The packages look for the state of these variables and there's a couple of follows for distance and a guard for waiting.
I've copied these as for other companions, the only thing that seemed odd to me was the default cell reference that seems to be set for the follow packages.
Otherwise it looks like it should work I guess.
When I team up with the guy though he just leaves his default sandbox package and stands around when told to follow, not reacting to combat even.
When I set him to wait, he will notice fighting and go to attack state but never fires his weapon(could be down to ammo).
Not really sure what I've done wrong but just thought I'd post in the hopes someone might have any ideas.