Emma I think you are brave, for posting those links, it must feel like remembering something you did the night before after a few drinks
Oh, I don't have to be brave to post silly things here

. After all, these boards have been my online home for eight years now. You are my 'online family' and if you have a good laugh you're welcome to it :hugs:
(and I know you were joking

Since Vilja does seem to worry about the PC's well-being, how about something along the lines of 'I will/would kill you if you harm/before I would allow you to harm my friend',
Something like this maybe?
Some more samples - you are welcome to roll on the floor laughing if you want to, just tell me honestly if you think I should use it before I even think of uploading it at Nexus (where I don't feel as much at home as here and would hate to see Vilja get several 'thumbs down' because of her lunatic screaming).