Thank you so much for Vilja. I finished her quest last night, and found her to be a delightful companion. She is nearly as good as my all time favorite, Constance.

Great to hear that. I do miss Constance a little, too, but when I started out on Vilja, I was so much newbee with OB-modding that I found doing a char like Constance a little too challenging.
I had only one issue. For some reason, Vilja did not attempt to heal me even when set to do so. Not a severe problem for my character, but I don't know if there is a bug.
Hmm... I'm not sure what that might be. She heals me in my game. However, she is set up to first heal herself and only heal you when she is doing fine. So if the enemies attack you both, she probably hasn't got resources to heal you as well. It *could* be some kind of mod conflict, too, or other weirdness... :/. Is this during battle, or is it the same when she is supposed to heal you outside battle?
As for suggestions, well, Vilja gives hints of having a bit more of a wild side (dancing on the table?) One of my favorite things about Constance was some of the unpredictability of her behavior; getting drunk, the bit with the 1000 kwama eggs, (absolutely brilliant--as a Paladin I was livid when I ended up in jail!), or her "dancing" :blink: It would be fun (although I realize the amount of work on your part) to see some of Vilja's wild side come out in a similar fashion.
Oh, I'm pretty sure that there will be more added to Vilja later on

. Obviously, she will never dump you with 300 kwama eggs (not 1000! Constance tells me to yell at you for such an awkward accusation, she would *never* dump you with 1000 kwama eggs, she is very specific about that

) as she isn't a thief, but there might be other things to do. As for a dance animation... I was thinking of giving her one, but then I realized that with Umpa's animation mod, she would have hundreds and hundreds of dances to choose among, so there was no real point in giving her one specific one. Have you got Umpa's mods? There are several of them, here is one specifically for companions with various dances http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17503.
A year or two ago Duke Patrick was working on a companion mod called "the Lady says No!" which used some involved AI scripts that allowed the NPC to react to the way the PC treated her. If you treated her nicely, all was well and good. If not, the NPC would get angry and refuse to interact with you! I don't believe he has been working on this mod recently, but it was a great concept and really improved the immersion level.
If Vilja, with whom you have already raised the bar, was combined with Duke Patricks AI scripts--wow, the results would be scary... I can dream, can't I?
I have heard about Duke Patrick's mod "The Lady says No" and that it was absolutely outstanding for Oblivion companions. However, I read a post by him recently where he said he had pulled the mod because something had gone wrong with it, and that he wasn't planning to continue on it. Alas, I have therefore never had a chance to see it, but from what I have heard about it, it must have been very interesting. Obviously, my companions have the same habits of getting angry if treated wrongly (ever tried to pleased Morrowind Laura Craft - or Constance for that matter?), but I believe he had brought this idea quite a few steps further. Sigh... I would have wished to see that mod.
In any case, thanks again. Vilja will be a permanent part of my game.
...and I'm sure she will be ever so happy to tag along

Quote Ayleid_PeopleThanks Emma I have no doubt your companion mod is brilliant especially the interaction and voicing part; I will give it a try when I have finished managing the first levels of my current character.
I must admit that I'm rather curious of how you would like her, given that you have very strong opinions on what you wish and do not wish a companion to be. Obviously, Vilja doesn't fall into the cathegory of companions you normally 'accept'. Still, I'm hoping that her lorefriendliness and the fact that her quests aren't really 'intrusive' (i.e. you rarely have to change your plans because of her; she can tag along and do a lot of her work on her own) might still make her a likeable companion.
Quote Newster123I have to say, it's great that you included such a big amount of fully-voiced dialogue and the quality of the recording is surprisingly good in my opinion!
Thank you!

I have used Audacity, and I was happy that I did manage to record without much background noise. As for the amount - well, it was so fun doing the voice-acting (apart from the horrible lipsync which was... well... horrible

) so it was actually hard to stop! Still, I had to stop somewhere and release her and see if people could live with my accent
