Thanks for the fast reply Emma. I will try your suggestions. Im not sure what version i have ( my daughter is playing at the moment)
I do have a eat, drink and sleep mod installed and it causes MY health to be just alittle low most of the time. I'll check that out also..
Tajond, I think maybe you misunderstood me (or rather, I was very unclear) because her health is set to your maximum health, not to your current health. in the first version it was set to 85 % of your health.
I'm not sure how an eat, drank and sleep mod might affect her, probably not at all. I suggest you just try the 72 hours trick, and make sure she isn't wearing anything with constant magical effects when you leave her.
quote Sazuke21Har alltid elsket moddene dine Emma, Kommer til ? pr?ve denne ut! ^^
Tack s? mycket!

Thank you, it's good to know you appreaciate my work. Hope you will also love Vilja, then.
quote tnuI'm impressed and theroughly creeped out at the same time. i am using Real Sleep extended and as soon as I got sleepy s he actually NOTICED how did you do that?
"You look tired... maybe we should take a break and rest?"

Oh yes, I have heard her saying that, too...
There is an increased chance that she will say it late in the evenings, but many times I wonder, myself, if she has something more than just a simple AI up in her head. She tends to say exactly the right thing at exactly the right moment.
Yesterday, I was testing some of her features and was planning to go swimming with her. As we were approaching the beach, she suddenly charged ahead, killed two mudcrabs and then continued out in the water and killed of a slaughterfish.
She returned to me and said: "How about mud crabs for dinner?" Followed by: "I do like swimming, but I hate those slaughterfishes".
Sufficient to say that I'm thoroughly creeped out as well, from time to time.