Ayleid_People, I do see what you mean... you are looking for a highly generic and customizable companion mod, maybe something like http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5799
These kind of mods are really good, as it allows anyone to create the companion they want for themselves - pick the right race and face and roleplay the rest. I quite happily have one or two of these around in my own games, to help out in combat or to add some life to empty housemods.
But, Vilja isn't that kind of mod. She was never intended to, and will never be. In fact, I suspect that Vilja might not at all be what you are wishing for with a companion. I read this quote by you in another thread:
Companions with some background story or personality (Neeshka, Ryhanna, RT, SutericDreams companions, Baddy, ...) just describe the initial taste of their authors which could not be in accordance with the average player taste; anyway sooner or later you will discover some side you don't like in a particular companion (at least you will get be annoyed by his routine AI).
Vilja fits in this cathegory, i.e. she is exactly what you object to, or worse. She is an unique individual, with her own dialog, behaviour, thoughts, feelings, story, background etc etc. She is the way I wanted her to be, and I am sure there will be sides with her that some players won't like, either some of her comments or something with her daily routine AI. However, it's the same with real people, isn't it? Even those that are close to you have sides that might irritate you. You either like them enough to cope with that, or you withdraw.
I don't expect everyone to like Vilja, she isn't tailored to suite everyones tastes. She is definitely not a generic companion, and I will never turn her into that
