[RELZ] Companion Vilja

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:26 pm

I knew that you came from MW of course! :)
I forgot how was dialogue dealt there, but I think that it wasn't too hard.

I don't know about many tutorials, and I don't know what would be most suitable for you since you obviously have quite some knowledge.
I have started with this simple quest tutorial ( http://www.morrowind-oblivion.com/oblivion/oblivion_quest_tutorial.php ) and expanded by using Wiki, forum advices and learning from examples of other mods and game.
I guess that my best advice to you would be to use the CS forums and the good will of community there without any restrains whenever you have any question or need an advice.

On the other hand, I have a question. Since I also use WAC that changes races for some NPCs, are there any other NPCs in your mod that won't work in my game except for Phintias?
(I'm asking so that I can fix them)

Thank you for the link :)
That one would have been *really* good to have when I started, it looks like a very good tutorial - by now I'm starting to feel rather confident with the basics. (Should be, after more than 1500 dialog entries for Vilja :D). But things with compatibility and things that were simple to do in Morrowind (how I miss functions like fadeout, cellchanged and above all startscript) still sometimes makes me almost rip the hair from my head. Like this issue, where I thought I was soooo clever :P :).

Dialog is, IMO, easier in Morrowind - still, it has always been the aspect of MW-modding that most people find complicated. I love dialog, especially as long as it helps me to avoid serious scripting issues.

As for your question, there is one more specific npc that I have filtered the same way, but if it is beards that causes the changed race I doubt this one is going to cause any problems:

Falanu Hlalu All Things Alchemical in Skingrad.

Apart from her, you are going to talk to alchemists at Mages Guilds, but I can't imagine that should be a problem as you have several choices of persons to talk to.

I hope you will enjoy Vilja's company :)

EDIT: As this was post no 201 I assume this thread will very soon be locked. I'll start a new one. Please post in that one instead. It's located http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1068423
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 pm

Please post in that one instead. It's located http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1068423

New thread ....
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