Weird. The Forum editor cut off half my original post. :glare:
Anyways, as I was saying - After starting off my weekend with a minor personal tragedy involving my car, I finally got settled enough to play Oblivion and had a chance to meet Vilja in game. It was nothing too serious, just very expensive and incredibly inconvienient; involved me hiking 15 miles through the countryside (thank you, military training hikes) and spoiled my former weekend plans. On the brightside - if there is one - I am now spending the weekend with some local friends and also with Vilja!

At first I quick-read these lines without my glasses, and jumped... what I got out of it was: "I met Vilja ingame - I'm not too serious about her, she is very expensive and incredibly inconvienient and she spoiled my weekend plans."
Then I put on my glasses...

Too bad with the car, Elric! I do hope the costs for repairing it won't be as bad as you fear!
Elric Dravenwulf met up with Vilja one evening at the Bloated Float. She immediately caught his notice because of her distinct accent and
After talking a bit, they left to find a quieter place to get a bite to eat - and got
They ran together to The
Finding it a bit crowded, but adequate, they sat down and had
Elric agreed to protect her and searched for a suitable place where they could both rest, but Vilja seemed oddly picky about the sleeping arrangements! Finally, after much confusing banter about the sleeping arrangements (confusion on Elric's part!) they finally settled down with Elric in a rented inn bed (which was big enough for 2!) and Vilja in her Bedroll (because Elric couldn't find a bedroll for sale at such a late hour and he knew Vilja refused to sleep in the Inn bed because it was apparently dirty or something )
I have to say, in just the little time I've experienced Vilja's company I have already fallen in love with her quaint Scandinavian accent (I am a Bjork fan, after all), and I am finding that becoming familiar with all her quirks and personality is quite amusing (if, at times, confusing).
I guess women (also those who actually only consists of some pixles and a script and 2500 voicelines) are *supposed* to be confusing and have their little quirks

. Hope it will continue to be amusing!
I will post more later about my experiences with it, as I am about to leave to visit some friends. But great so far! Thanks for the neat companion!
I didn't have time to finish my post earlier, so in continuation; that whole bed ownership thing was kind of annoying because my chars usually sleep in inns pretty frequently at least in the early levels and it's kind of weird that a companion wont sleep in an inn bed. I mean, you can't exactly rent a separate room for them. In some inns they always try to sleep in the next room, but the door is locked so they can't get in (and if you do go to sleep, they will be trapped in this room the next morning!) I try to get her to use her bedroll, but she says something like "While you sleep in a bed, typical!" or "Just make sure there is room for me to crawl in (but she wont!)" I know this is just a companion/NPC issue, but it is frustrating...
There probably wasn't enough space for her to crawl into her bedroll. You basically have to put it in the middle of an open area, but you can always move around a little in a room and try to reposition it (the bedroll in itself won't reposition the first night, but the sleepmarker for it will, so she will go to bed... next to the bedroll

. The next morning at 8 the bedroll will be disabled. When I added it, I was thinking of sleeping in inns - which doesn't always work out well with positioning the bedroll, as it's so narrow. But I was also thinking of one-bed-abodes, where the player and Vilja will live for a longer time. There, she can use the bedroll, and it will be disabled during daytime.
It wouldn't be much of an issue, I guess, except that I use the HTS mod which adds sleep (and hunger and thirst) requirements for the PC - so I have to get my rest... And I can't imagine playing without these - I can RP, but it just doesn't seem right to know that my char could go months or years without eating or sleeping with no penalties!
So as a symptomatic cure, are there any inn mods that change bed ownership to the player so the companion will use it(?) or add an extra bed or something? Just wondering if anyone has made or come across a fix for this... Once I get enough money for a house with this char, it will be okay, but for now...
I don't know about any such mod. Or, rather, the problem is that the bed ownership is set to the player, because that will make the companion *not* use it. But I still don't know of any mod like the one you requested. As I posted earlier, the 'fix' for it is to make sure she is in follow mode when you go to bed. Then she won't run off to sleep in other beds, and she won't complaing about somewhere to sleep (she will smilingly be watching over you all night long).
Also, more Vilja-specific; she often says she is thirsty, but when I talk to her she doesn't often give me a dialog for that - the closest I can find is "Are you Hungry?" and then if she says 'yes' and I choose the option to get a bite to eat, she doesn't do anything. If she instead says she would like a drink, she just takes out her mug and starts drinking, but only occasionally does she ask to provide her with something (and I usually have draft beer handy for that)

I'm just trying to figure out how to give her something to eat or drink or do I just wait for her to ask?
I assume it is various remarks, like "I'm thirsty", "I wouldn't mind a drink", "Maybe we should go to a pub tonight"? When she just does these smalltalk remarks, there isn't much you can do, but occasionally she will indeed ask for something to drink in her greeting. If you have something she likes in your inventory, you'll be given to option to give it to her (she likes all kind of drinks that belong in the original game, apart from those who belongs in quests).
I would have believed that she would eat if you choosed the option to get a bit to eat? That one, I have to look into, it really should work...
And is there a way for me to offer strawberries, or will she eventually ask for them? (I have some in my inventory).
There is... Choose the topic "Let's just talk for a while" and then choose "Is there anything I can do for you?".
Oh - and regarding the Noise-reduction voice files; since Vilja's files are all packed in a BSA, and the NR files are not, do I just use the OBMM BSA redirection to enable them? Just wondering b/c there is no readme with that NR mod and no 1em_Vilja.esp folder exists (since the files are packed in BSA)...Emma - please don't take that last bit the wrong way; the background noise would be barely noticable except that I play with music turned off and being an audiophile, I know the kinds of crazy measures you have to go through to prevent
any background noise in a recording. Unless you have amazing equipment and facilities, you pretty much always need some NR processing in a professional recording! But there is nothing wrong with your voice acting and your accent and tone is quite pleasant.

No worries. Also I can hear some background noise if I turn off the music. With Xtudo's files i believe it is more or less gone completely, although I think that it also makes her voice a tad bit 'flatter' if you see what I mean. I'm very happy that Xtudo has taken the time to do this enormous work with noise reduction

So many questions, sorry! :blush:
Oh, you are welcome to keep on asking