You are not going to like what you see in my scripts. I am self taught (not professionally trained programmer, just what I could lean on my own with a small manual on color basic way back before there was the INTERNET when I got my first PC a TSR-80 ). And I do not follow normal convention's (such as indenting and notations) and in general have an unorganized "jest get it done" way of working. Most of what I do is hacking with safetypins and duck tape.
YES! A kindred spirit! I got my first Coco2 when I was about 11 or 12 and promptly began learning how to make text-based dungeon-crawl D&D clone games with it!
Although since then, I have discovered OO programming and have always valued modularity over "spaghetti code" (still mostly self-taught). I think I just found it easier to break problems down into the simplest form and solve one piece at a time.

He gave Vilja an extra ring (I guess that kind of gift has always had dangerous side-effects, both in real life and in games) and started to CTD when exiting cities.
You are indeed wise in the ways of both the virtual and real worlds, Emma!
Vilja as good company as Laura... although Vilja of course hasn't got any hug animation or 'very special dance'.
No special dance?!? 
Well then what the heck have I been feeding this girl all these strawberries, sweetcakes and Surrille brothers wine (yeah, yeah, it's the cheap stuff) for??? :confused:
/begin HanSolo_impression "No reward is worth this!"
I haven't tested with Vilja, as her healing spell is sufficient... I simply stick potions I want her to carry into her blue or red extra inventory, where she won't use them. In ver 1 I didn't notice that she gulped other potions in a maniac way.
When she is in wandermode and you have given her ingredients, she will literally make potions for you when she is doing her alchemy-ai-package. these are in her inventory afterwards, so obviousl she is wise enough to stay away from her own mixtures...
She gave me a potion last night (Restore Magicka) How sweet! She sure knows her way into her's heart.
She should probably make a few "Flame Resistant" potions for herself, though - I have lately given her a bow and arrows and told her to keep a distance from foes, but she still gets a little "singed" on occasion by Elric's rare stray Fireball. :flamed:
That said about Oblivion companions, I will never forget in Morrowind, when I had given Grumpy's packguar potions to carry, and when I turned around later he was gone... although not really. He was high up in the air after gulping levitation-potions. (I'll spare you the details of what happened when the effect wore off... sufficient to say I hadn't given him any slowfall potions)
Priceless! :rofl:
If you never used companions, maybe it's about time... You might find a new way to explore Cyrodiil

That's the truth. There were a few times when we were "exploring" the wilderness looking for a quest location and she commented "Don't take this the wrong way but... Are you sure you know where we are going?" Yup. Just like a real world female companion! (I always kill, maim, disable and otherwise ignore the ADHD-proof Quest Compass thingie in my game, btw. It's not a
True Elder Scrolls Game if you can't get lost)
BTW - I like how she asked me who I was going to give a certain Mages guild book to... and Casta Scribonia's comments on Vilja are priceless. Which reminds me; I need to find Vilja a copy of "ABCs for Barbarians". Vital source of knowledge, indeed!