[quote name='spookyfx.com' date='02 July 2010 - 01:34 AM' timestamp='1278048840' post='16113122']
No, none of the NPC arrows are removed, instead the NPC is prevented from using the bow after firring the qty (20 or what ever you set it to). Then if the NPC is left alone long enough (is not actively blocking, dodging or attacking ) they refill their quiver with more arrows from their normal inventory. What that means is that they are given the ability to use the bow again!
Sounds interesting! How would this work on a companion. I mean, she is always active in the player's company, will she be able to 'refill her quiver' while running/walking etc?
Best kind of accent to my ears! :hubbahubba: This is crazy good! Is this the first fully voice acted companion for Oblivion? I cannot think of any other that did not use caned speech from the game of other sources. Many of the features I wanted to put in my The Lady Said No companion mod were never attempted at all because I could not find the voice files from the game that would work. [/quote]
:) Thanks! Yes, I believe she is the first fully voice acted companion for Oblivion. There are some, like Viconia DeVir, that has quite a few voice entries, but it's not fully voiced and it uses two different voices.
I doubt it would have been possible to find any [s]lunatic[/s] voice actor who would have done all the voice acting I did for Vilja, so I can very much see why it would be a *lot* harder for you to gather the voices needed for your Lady.
[quote]Believe me I know what you mean, that is the reason I retired my companion mod, the number of thinking loops for her psychology (circular logic branches that had to interact with each other but run at the same time) went way WAY pass the normal 7 loop limit programmers are warned to try to stay under. And I am not a talented programmer, I consider myself clever and tenacious with a intuitive skill for Relay Logic but otherwise a poor script writer! Relay Logic is what is used in a hard wire, no micro controller, poor man's version of a control systems for animatronics. "If this happens then do that - but not if the other thing happens - and only when this happens" kind of thing using simple sensors, relay switches and electric timers! My professional skills with Relay Logic is what I depend on in mod scripting.[/quote]
I'm crap at scripting

. All the new scripting in Vilja ver 2 are by CDCooley. But as i am crap at scripting, I have learnt a lot about how to use dialog and voice entries to accomplish things. I would probably prefer an approach where you just have a few short vars in her script (mem1, mem2, mem3) and then I would have tried to do the rest with dialog, voices and various filters. (There are also plenty of the features described in the Vilja-readme that doesn't involve scripting at all, just usage of dialog, voices and filters)
[quote]You have given me an idea for a new mod, Duke Patrick's Actors Have Memory Now! Token script that allows the NPC to use pass disposition events with the player to modify their current disposition... I have most of the work done already from my The Lady Said No Companion mod.[/quote]
That sounds like a very interesting mod! I would love to see how that would work!

[quote]I cannot mod with out OBSE anymore. There are too many ways to solve Vanilla script bugs with OBSE to not use it these days. Why do you ask, id your companion mod NOT using OBSE?
Vilja is not dependant on OBSE and not on Shivering islands. There are some extremely minor features that will be missing if you having got OBSE and SI, that's all. I'm happy as long as it is possible to keep her independant, but would accept a dependancy if it later on became necessary for some reason.