Argh! I have a frustrating experience to share... not directly Vilja-related, but more companion/AI related I suppose, so forgive me for posting here...
First off: I'm not a big fan of reloading when things don't go my way unless things get
really screwed up.
Second: I use T.I.E. which changes animals & their behavior to be more natural and also adds these dreaded things called "Gas tipped arrows" which can knock people out for extended periods (and NPCs use them) - more on this follows...
Anyways - Last night, I was travelling with Vilja from Cheydinhal, when a wild boar crossed the path and went running off into the brush - I chased it, thinking "what a good day for a boar hunt!". Then, as I dismounted my horse to sling some destructive magic at the prey, when suddenly, I am struck down and collapse to the ground (thinking something instant killed me), then I hear Vilja give some battle cry like "Leave my friend alone, you bastard!" and she attacks the bowman (whom I can now see), but she is also struck down. Then our 2 horses follow: mine, Nightshade gives a valiant fight, but is quickly dropped. Bruse is kind of just standing there, and gets shot down.
By this time, I am thinking "Sunuva@!#^&*$#*%&! :swear: Time to exit and reload, but I wait for the prompt, and wait, and wait until I realize we are all not dead, but
incapacitated. Checking my stats, I see that I'm at like
-1500 fatigue! I do what I can, potions and food (can't cast spells) to try and quickly raise it back, and in the mean time, an Imperial guard comes along, attacks, and is quickly incapacitated along with his horse (damn those stupid arrows!) After some time, I get up, quickly summon a scamp and start flame broiling the archer, Vilja gets up and does her part, but both of us are knocked down
again before it's finally over and I can finally impart the killing blow on him (and again, and again, and again... oh, he's already dead... okay. :stare: ) Well, now I look around and start reviving people and horses, thinking everything is now hunky-dory and I'm like "Wow, we actually lived through that epic battle!" (well epic for 4th level) when suddenly, retard Imperial Legion Soldier gets up and starts attacking Vilja, killing her before I can manage to shoot him with one of the knockout arrows from the archer guy. I now get the sad message about Vilja being gone for good, and finish taking my frustration out on the stupid (and now very dead) Imperial Guard.
Then, not being able to continue without Vilja, I exit to reload another day.
Sorry to clutter the thread with my spic story, but it is very Vilja-related, just not caused by her mod b/c I've experienced it with other companions. I would give cookies and fishysticks galore to the person who could solve the annoying problem with why Imperial Guards
always seem to attack companions when they are involved in a group battle against a 3rd party! Is it a case of mistaken identity? Do they think your companion was one of the enemy npcs for some reason? Just stupid AI, or what?
I didn't even bother saving after that, b/c the only way to RP my character after that experience would be as a Warlock-gone-truly-evil who goes around killing Imperial Guards for fun to revenge the death of poor Vilja. I want to hear the rest of her story, though, so I'll have to pretend that never happened. :meh:
Well, that's of course the ultimate goal with the mod... However, we have problems implementing this. She can jump out of the computer all right, but there's no way to stop her from eating all the strawberries instead of making the pie. ;D
So I've heard.

...but on the other hand, he probably needs more sleep, as he has spent the days throwing fireballs at enemies, which I do hope you haven't (well, not outside Oblivion anyway)
Well, there are some days when I feel like I've come close irl...
That bowl of strawberries story (True Story btw!) just illustrates why she seems like a real person sometimes! Maybe a little weird, but unique, to be sure!