Your assumptions for her was correct from the start, but I think you have forgot the training ability which I believe is much more appropriate to Vilja the Alchemist.
If you plan to add the training service for her it also means that a little tweaking to Vilja is needed, actually you could also add several quests to obtain better alchemy equipment and she might direct the player to Sinderion (vanilla - Alchemy Training Quest) for further advanced training.

Also, an optional OBSE variant sounds awesome. Wouldn't that also make it rather easy to make CE enchantments work - and also give better control over which weapon she has equipped etc.?
Plus 1 from most users here for that idea (= +3), I asked and all agreed it would be a very welcome ability. Some ideas from here - Possibly with vilja occasionally commenting "Could we rest for a while, I need to repair some things" if she could detect her own damaged items. - And having it as a switch available in her options if OBSE is installed. Some OBSE users may not want it on as has been mentioned above... micromanagement may be part of their immersion.
I personally like having the realism of fixing gear, but I am in the minority on that one everyone else think its the one pain in the butt feature of Vilja. So would appreciate the switch to enable it for everyone except me with OBSE.
You're not alone to like the realism of repairing your gear, but Vilja should say this "Before we continue you need to repair your equipment, I must make some potions because our supply is low" instead to reflect her profession as an alchemist.
After all she do have a healing ability, which reminds me of some mods I think could be an addition of realism.,
Uhm... calm down a little, guys

In Sweden we call this 'making a hen of a feather'

CDCooley said that maybe this could be added as a *bonus-feature* for those using OBSE in a future version of Vilja, and I said that unlike recharging items, it wouldn't be out of line with her original skills.
There are already now some small bonus features for OBSE-users and for SI-users which you else simply won't notice (a better encumberance display among other things, and extra AI-packages for SI-users).
I don't believe CDCooley had a separate OBSE-version in mind, and and I don't believe any of us are considering a massive soon-to-come upgrades with new quests in regards to this. I'm sorry if my previous post was confusing and misleading
