Yes, it is part of her questline, so I'll reply in a spoiler, too...
That animation was something we added in in the last minute, but found that we would not get it to work properly, i.e. the way you describe as nicer, without more extensive changes. Which would call for a restart of the finished playtesting. It simply wasn't worth it at that point, and we were considering removing it but decided on keeping it the way it is now. It might be something to expand on in the future - i.e. more animations to her. As for sitting down, we outruled that one, simply because she would then wander off to find somewehre where she wanted to sit, and that could be rather far away, especially for a lady so severely poisoned that she claims not to be able to walk at all. Same goes for lying down... she might wander off to find somewhere to sleep. And that could happen even if her bedroll was next to her. But, as already said, animations is something I would like to look into a bit further in the future. We just felt that we had more than enough for this version.
I see. I think there is an animation pack out that was used in that Realistic Fatigue/Health mod that makes npcs hunch over and walk(not run) when they are injured. Maybe you could use something like that in a future release.
Well, if she was set to attack anything hostile on sight and you raised your weapon, thereby confirming that the pseudo-hostile npcs indeed were to be considered as hostile... I guess she did was she was told to do...I'm pretty sure that if you lower your weapon and tell her to only attack what attacks us, she'll behave like an angel (at least if you are uninjured). 

There is a certain Dark Elf in Skingrad who always says something like "Come any closer and I'll turn your bones to ash!" I wonder if she'd attack him when on this setting. I mean, he seems pretty hostile... hmm. Well, he's gonna get it one of these days, one way or another.

Whooaa... I would have to start a new game quite often if I'd play that way :rolleyes: Thank you for your kind words about Vilja and my voiceacting. 

Yeah, I kinda make it a big deal if my char dies, (or lately if I lose Vilja), like I'll stop playing for a while (a few minutes, or a day, etc. depending on my mood), but then I eventually reload and kinda try to forget whatever happened in the game up to that point (depending on how long it had been since the last save, it could make play repetitive). I've considered doing the "hardcoe" char death thing before (a few people used to do that on Everquest back in the day) but I was never a big fan of having to replay all my progress. It's my story, dammit, so I'll rewrite the ending if I want to!

No, I don't look at all like Vilja... but maybe a bit like my Avatar
(although the avatar is younger and prettier

I kinda figured your avatar was closer. I always associated that avatar with you, either from the Morrowind Forums, your mod site or the Elricm site.
So you're a redhead? If so, it would be ironic b/c I am always wanting to try putting red hair on Vilja, just haven't gotten around to it yet, plus I want to use an in-game resource like a wig instead of mucking around with Vilja's esp. I'd hate to break anything.

I just kinda feel like Vilja should be a redhead for some reason.