[RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 2.1 - thread no 4

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:42 am

If she didn't recover health after 72 hours, that's weird, cause this is a typical case of when + 72 hours waiting should do the trick. However, are you sure the wolves hadn't reached her already and injured her? Did you remove all enchanted items from her before leaving her? If enchanted equipment is doing this to her, it won't help to leave her for 72 hours, unless you remove the item that is causing the problem.

Well, now That IS interesting, I got her back to the Ramger camp and removed anything in her inventory that had any enchantment on it, then did my thing at the testinghall, came back to the camp, and there were some wolves staging an attack, but I intercepeted her and checked her stats, Health was still at 4, however, she Still had all the effects of the enchated armor she'd had before, tried a Take All, and still no differance... :unsure:
(I Hope she don't remember, but even though it's a save I don't play from, she Still seems to know about it)

Well... Oblivion isn't set up for companion usage, and Vilja's poor little brain hasn't got what it takes to avoid traps. If you cannot help her to avoid them, she'll... well, I don't have to complete that sentense, as you obviously have already discovered what happens...

She's Generaly pretty good about them, but there's times when the entire room will be full of bandits and you can't guide her, or she takes off on her own, also the corridors with the swinging maces, or pendilums, or... the First time she was just standing too close when I flubed opening a trapped chest. :whistling:
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 pm

Just took me a few seconds really to make the patches..One for OOO / MMMforOOO/ FCOM or MMM - MMMforFrans. FCOM users can choose between them both. But choose only One.

MMM Version offers more protection from certain Npc and Creatures. Requires MMM
While the OOO Version offers less protection. Requires OOO

Alpha Version for testing


Load after 1em_Vilja.esp is all that is needed..

Vilja will still get attacked by certain things but most things are more interested in player now more than Vilja with these patches has well.

Seems adding the bash tags Factions, Relations, NoMerge is needed to make it work properly. And of course rebuilding the Bashed Patch with those changes.
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John Moore
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:45 pm

Seems adding the bash tags Factions, Relations, NoMerge is needed to make it work properly. And of course rebuilding the Bashed Patch with those changes.

Seems odd you would mention Smoke Hole Cave, the Ruin I was in was Cehani (I belive), and the Ranger Camp was Smoke Hole :foodndrink:
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sally coker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 am

In the previous Vilja-thread (no 3) I gave you a link to a possible BETA-mod with beds for companions in the Cyrodiil inns*). Have any of you tried it`? If so, how has it worked? Blockhead has done some testing, and I found some problems that I have corrected. I'm thinking of releasing it as a BETA-version (quite frankly, I'm more eager to continue to tinker on Vilja than to spend more time ingame sleeping in various beds, so it's either releasing a BETA or it will take a lot of time before I finish this)

I've still got the first version you posted active, and I still haven't had any problems with it, though I haven't been sleeping in inns much after the initial testing. I'd say go ahead and release it as beta. If there are any (more) problems (I didn't know there were any), that'd be how to find out.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:41 pm

Yay! we finished the first Vilja mission tonight. :foodndrink:
Lovely stuff, very funny!

The only glitch I've had was with Vilja not finding a bed - even downstairs in the Mages Guild where no-one else ever sleeps. We then had an embarrassing incident with the bedroll, she laid it on the ground but then didn't sleep in it and kept on looking for a bed. It's probably my fault because I talked to her before she lay down. But now her bedroll is stuck on the floor in Chorrol Mages Guild :blush: (we were very poor at the time, and couldn't afford a proper home with beds!)

As far as the issue with not fighting certain enemies that other people are experiencing, I experience a similar issue occasionally with my CS&R companion as well sometimes, regardless whether he is set to attack on sight or attack when I draw my weapon. It's like he resets to a passive, always flees and responsible NPC. The error seems to self-correct, but my uneducated guess is that this is not a issue with the mods in question, but the game itself.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:56 pm

Yay! we finished the first Vilja mission tonight. :foodndrink:
Lovely stuff, very funny!

The only glitch I've had was with Vilja not finding a bed - even downstairs in the Mages Guild where no-one else ever sleeps. We then had an embarrassing incident with the bedroll, she laid it on the ground but then didn't sleep in it and kept on looking for a bed. It's probably my fault because I talked to her before she lay down. But now her bedroll is stuck on the floor in Chorrol Mages Guild :blush: (we were very poor at the time, and couldn't afford a proper home with beds!)

As far as the issue with not fighting certain enemies that other people are experiencing, I experience a similar issue occasionally with my CS&R companion as well sometimes, regardless whether he is set to attack on sight or attack when I draw my weapon. It's like he resets to a passive, always flees and responsible NPC. The error seems to self-correct, but my uneducated guess is that this is not a issue with the mods in question, but the game itself.

Great to hear that you enjoyed it! :)
Vilja will make sure that the bonus-questline starts after some days.

I would guess that the beds downstairs in the Mages Guild were set up with ownership (might this have been in Bruma? Then it could be related to a certain part of the Mages Guild's quests.)
The reason why she didn't sleep on her bedroll was probably that you had placed it in a way so that she couldn't reach it (she has to enter it from a certain angle). You could have moved to another space on the floor and told her to place it there instead. But, those bedrolls are a bit tricky and I'm not so happy with how it works. However, you don't have to worry about leaving the bedroll behind inside the mages guild. Next time you ask her to use it, she will still have it, and then Mages Guild bedroll will be gone. In between, it shouldn't be of any bother either, as it gets disabled during all the hours when Vilja isn't supposed to be asleep.

I think the issue with not fighting certain enemies is a bit different here. It's about balancing factions that belong in FCOM etc so that Vija and they like each other just so much that they rather attack the player than Vilja, but that they still are aggressive towards Vilja. Eventually, it will hopefully work as intended :)
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:01 pm

I've still got the first version you posted active, and I still haven't had any problems with it, though I haven't been sleeping in inns much after the initial testing. I'd say go ahead and release it as beta. If there are any (more) problems (I didn't know there were any), that'd be how to find out.

I've been dragging around Vilja to a whole bunch of inns today, and everything seems to work fine. We found one in Bravil that wouldn't work, but it turned out to be my mistake - a small but important mistake in the script for that particular bed.

I'll probably release it as a Beta on Saturday (as I know I will be away from home most of the day tomorrow and friday).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:43 pm

Well, now That IS interesting, I got her back to the Ramger camp and removed anything in her inventory that had any enchantment on it, then did my thing at the testinghall, came back to the camp, and there were some wolves staging an attack, but I intercepeted her and checked her stats, Health was still at 4, however, she Still had all the effects of the enchated armor she'd had before, tried a Take All, and still no differance... :unsure:
(I Hope she don't remember, but even though it's a save I don't play from, she Still seems to know about it)

Hmm... I would have thought this was the typical case where a +72 hours trick would work very well.
As it didn't there must be some more serious conflict involved here (like the one when you were using two waterwalking CE items and Vilja started to cast waterwalk over and over again). Right now, I cannot guess what this is about.
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lacy lake
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 pm

I'll have to go back and get that... we've been sleeping in mages guild beds when available, but that has risks... there is always the chance I will wake up and find I've apparently been sharing a single bed with some random mage. Not always a pleasant prospect. :P

I guess how pleasant it is depends on who the npc is. I remember waking up in the same bed as a bald breton mage in Chorrol (or Skingrad?). He looked... shocked... I probably did so too.

I'm sure Vilja would now like the two of you to go and sleep in Fighters Guild - in particular in Anvil - and see who might wake up in *her* bed in the morning. (Azzan maybe)
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:26 am

What is the purpose of assigning relationship modifiers between the Traveler faction and Vilja's faction if Vilja is in the Traveller faction?

I also suspect that her horse Bruse will also probably need to be put in the Traveler faction or enemies will target him as soon as she dismounts to join a battle.

Travellers faction had to be added directly to Vilja in order for it work correctly.

The Relationship settings define her total faction disposition toward other members that in are Travellers Faction..Aka if using TamrielTravellers4MMM or 4OOO for Instance Npc from that will come to aid of Vilja if they around and she is in Trouble. And Make Vilja Friendly with them has well. In hope they would trade items.

Will add the Travellers faction to Vilja Horse Bruse.

Seems adding the bash tags Factions, Relations, NoMerge is needed to make it work properly. And of course rebuilding the Bashed Patch with those changes.

Will get the bash tags added in the update

I think the issue with not fighting certain enemies is a bit different here. It's about balancing factions that belong in FCOM etc so that Vija and they like each other just so much that they rather attack the player than Vilja, but that they still are aggressive towards Vilja. Eventually, it will hopefully work as intended :)

Extactly the faction settings in between MMM / OOO / FCOM are different. And Travellers faction settings in those mods Define how Npc and Creatures will attack Vilja, since the patches makes so they are more friendly toward her and she does not get attacked has much, enimies focus more on the player. Some faction would not attack her while other factions will.

By the way..We have never put the Travellers Faction to usage outside of my Own Travellers Mod. So yours is the first to use it for Companion by the way. So make need a little tweakage once again.

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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:18 pm

I have had two reports previously in the Nexus- thread for Vilja about that Vilja had started to attack non-hostile creatures. It turned out that for some reason, Vilja's personality had been altered so it was at 30 instead of 80.

Her personality is set at 80. I no longer have a save near the event, so I can't say if it was or was not 80 at that time, but it is 80 currently. I have not changed my load order at all since then.

There was also a time in Chorrol where she picked a fight with a town guard. Although in that instance, I believe it was the guard who attacked first.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:00 pm

Hmm as i was posting in a thread where some guy was asking for a mod to make companions sit i came to think of a way to improve immersion for vilja. She will already sit when i do, but one thing that annoyed me was that she always ended up sitting at a different table then me. So i was trying to figure out how best to get her to sit at my table, but then it occured to me the simplest way would be to just add a dialog option asking her to find a place to sit, then i could sit down next to her. Much simpler then trying to find a way to make her understand where i want her to sit.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 pm

Hmm as i was posting in a thread where some guy was asking for a mod to make companions sit i came to think of a way to improve immersion for vilja. She will already sit when i do, but one thing that annoyed me was that she always ended up sitting at a different table then me. So i was trying to figure out how best to get her to sit at my table, but then it occured to me the simplest way would be to just add a dialog option asking her to find a place to sit, then i could sit down next to her. Much simpler then trying to find a way to make her understand where i want her to sit.

That's an interesting idea. I'll see how hard it is to work into her script.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:15 am

Regarding FCOM, OOO, MMM-patch... I got a post with feedback on this from Amgepo at the Nexus forum. I'm re-posting it here.

I have test the patch and works properly. while Vilja is in attack mode, is not attacked by most of the enemys. I have encounter an exception. Some goblins did attack Vilja. I think those goblins aren't aligned with any faction at all. when my character was near death, Vilja attacks and is attacked.
There's a ruin south of waterfront where there is a great number of bandit type NPC (bandits, marauders, cutthroats...). There, I was been attacked by more than ten NPc, running near Vilja without her being attacked. when my Character health goes enough low Vilja attacked, being inmediately surrounded by four of them. Judging by the fact that I haven't the time to hit even once to help her, i assume that the enemies that wheren't hiting her, where attacking her with bows and magic. So aparently when she attacks, the enemies considere her the first priority.

In Vilverin, fighting with two NPC, I was dodging and covering with Vilja. while they can't walk pass her, when they 'hit' her, they hit nothing (they where attacking me, and hitting Vilja by accident). when one of them fall wasted to the ground (realistic fatigue mod) I had let the other hit me until Vilja attacks. In this point Vilja demolished the poor fellow, but didn't attack the fallen one. Usualy Vilja is not so mercifull, and judging by the treats of the fallen NPC he was still in combat mode. So aparently while all enemies attack Vilja when she deffends you, she only attacks the ones triggering the attack and any who hit her.

After defeating one of those goblins who attacks her anyway, Vilja attacks a mage traveller. After a comprobation, her personality was 80. I supose Vilja was hit accidentaly by a harmming spell.

In other combat after I lose enough health to enrage Vilja, whe were Vilja, an archer traveller and me against a mele combatant and two mages. After the combat, Vilja was showing an arrow piercing her arm but didn't attack the traveller who oviously harm her by accident.

Aparently when Vilja goes from pacifist to a Very anoyed berserker defending her undeserving buddy, she only take revenge from friendly fire, if this comes in magic form; or maybe is a matter of the amount of harm.

Criatures wise, wolves didn't attack Vilja nor fallen ones, some of the goblins and an extrange tiger that maibe was part of 'desserts of anequina'

Tough day for Vilja, I see myself buying many sweetrolls tomorrow.

This patch changing Vilja NPC obviously change Vilja back to original form if you have a modified esp (Textudos versions for example) or a patch that modifies Vilja (I have a patch that changes her airstyle to a saram one -I like it because as other saram hairs is long, but not enough to clipping when she is sneaking- )

To solve this, the only thing needed is to open the provided patch and the file where you have the changes in vilja (being this 1em_vilja.esp or a patch) with tes4edit, draging any row not matching (except the faction ones), from the Vilja changing file, to the patch.

After doing this I have run oblivion again. The behabior was the same of the patch before the changes and the hair was the one I use normaly (Aparently there wasn't chances of screwing, but you can never know for sure).

I have used the MMM version, Tomorrow I will test the OOO one (I should be sleeping by now), if I didn's report a bug will be that OOO version is OK too.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:31 pm

ChillWill, CDCooley, I think it's an awesome idea! :)

If it is hard to work it into her script, I reckon we could just let her go into wandermode and use an eat-package (maybe same system as with the pub- and shop-visits).

Why on earth haven't we thought of this before!
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:45 am

Glad you like the idea, it's nothing huge, but it's one of those little things that add up and already make vilja so special.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 pm

This patch changing Vilja NPC obviously change Vilja back to original form if you have a modified esp (Textudos versions for example) or a patch that modifies Vilja (I have a patch that changes her airstyle to a saram one -I like it because as other saram hairs is long, but not enough to clipping when she is sneaking- )

To solve this, the only thing needed is to open the provided patch and the file where you have the changes in vilja (being this 1em_vilja.esp or a patch) with tes4edit, draging any row not matching (except the faction ones), from the Vilja changing file, to the patch.

That's easier to fix by adding the bash tags Factions, Relations, NoMerge to the patch and import those into the Bashed Patch - and then keep the patch unchecked. As Corepc said, those will be added in the next release so no need to add them manually then.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:55 pm

So I set Vilja as Non-Essential and - she was promptly killed within 5 minutes. :rolleyes: That was my fault, though, as I was reckless, but when she died I got a popup that my char had killed a member of the Mages Guild and was dispelled, which was odd as my char didn't kill her. To me it seems that it might be connected to the MMM patch altering factions/relations, but as it's the first time she's really (or, rather, "really"...) killed in my game I wonder if it might happen w/o the patch as well?
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GEo LIme
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:36 pm

That's interesting as well, I've heard that before but I actually Killed her in my game and Still never got that prompt... :shrug:
Did you lose your Vilja spells?? :huh:
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:57 am

That's interesting as well, I've heard that before but I actually Killed her in my game and Still never got that prompt... :shrug:
Did you lose your Vilja spells?? :huh:

I didn't check and didn't save either. It doesn't matter that much as I of course never would let her die - but it was just weird so wondering what might cause it.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:43 am

If one of your other companions or a summoned creature kills Vilja it will be treated as if you did it. Some other situations can also result in the player getting the blame so it's probably not the MMM patch.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:36 pm

If one of your other companions or a summoned creature kills Vilja it will be treated as if you did it. Some other situations can also result in the player getting the blame so it's probably not the MMM patch.

My char inadvertently hurt her when the fight started - so perhaps that was it. I'm a one-companion guy. ;)
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:30 pm

I've gone back to a differant game, where she's still Essential, but her Stats were wonky, (High Fatigue) tried Resurrection and looks like there's no problem with it, she maintains her quest stages And resets her Stats to "Normal".
I haven't found any other way to reset them, even with the enchanted items removed she was Still showing the effects from them in RefScope, I think I've tried with the effecting mod Uninstalled as well, actually I tried CM_Partners with just Oblivion.esm, and their stats were still messed up... :confused:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:20 pm

I've gone back to a differant game, where she's still Essential, but her Stats were wonky, (High Fatigue) tried Resurrection and looks like there's no problem with it, she maintains her quest stages And resets her Stats to "Normal".
I haven't found any other way to reset them, even with the enchanted items removed she was Still showing the effects from them in RefScope, I think I've tried with the effecting mod Uninstalled as well, actually I tried CM_Partners with just Oblivion.esm, and their stats were still messed up... :confused:

Right... if you have the problem with only CM_Partners and just Oblivion, it seems pretty clear it isn't a Vilja problem...
Alas, that doesn't help you much... :(

At least it good to know that resurrect on a paralyzed companion seems to help with your old problem. And when she is set to essential, you are not at risk of losing her Vilja summon spell.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:56 pm

ChillWill, CDCooley, I think it's an awesome idea! :)

If it is hard to work it into her script, I reckon we could just let her go into wandermode and use an eat-package (maybe same system as with the pub- and shop-visits).

Why on earth haven't we thought of this before!

It really is a good idea and it's almost trivial to do. Just two minor AI package adjustments, a few lines of script, and a dialog entry. There's one minor quirk though. She will just stand and eat if there aren't any available chairs nearby. But what heartless player would ask her to choose a seat when there are no chairs nearby?
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