[RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 2.1 - thread no 4

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:55 pm

Oh dear... we wanted a companions with her own thoughts, likes and dislikes... and we obviously got more than we asked for!

She doesn't only have friends in Cyrodiil, she now also has two people she obviously dislike.

I'm sure we can cure it to next version, but a little part of me thinks: "Hey, why not let that be part of who she is! Maybe she has a *reason* to truly dislike these two characters. Something she could tell you about as part of her background. Maybe Maiq has insulted her so badly that she gnarls that 'one of these days I'm gonna catch him and beat him up - that scum!' Shady Sam: "Did you hear what he just said - that bastard! I bet you didn't listen, but I certainly heard! That filthy scum! "

I'm not trying to be lazy or not wanting to cure things, but the fact that she hates these two (essential) npcs is actually something one could have wished for when trying to make a npc that has her own likes and dislikes... I mean, I would personally find a certain charm in if I would have to think: "Blasted! There's Maiq... and here is Vilja. I'd better make sure she doesn't see him, or he is in so much trouble..."
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 pm

Oh dear... we wanted a companions with her own thoughts, likes and dislikes... and we obviously got more than we asked for!

She doesn't only have friends in Cyrodiil, she now also has two people she obviously dislike.

I'm sure we can cure it to next version, but a little part of me thinks: "Hey, why not let that be part of who she is! Maybe she has a *reason* to truly dislike these two characters. Something she could tell you about as part of her background. Maybe Maiq has insulted her so badly that she gnarls that 'one of these days I'm gonna catch him and beat him up - that scum!' Shady Sam: "Did you hear what he just said - that bastard! I bet you didn't listen, but I certainly heard! That filthy scum! "

I'm not trying to be lazy or not wanting to cure things, but the fact that she hates these two (essential) npcs is actually something one could have wished for when trying to make a npc that has her own likes and dislikes... I mean, I would personally find a certain charm in if I would have to think: "Blasted! There's Maiq... and here is Vilja. I'd better make sure she doesn't see him, or he is in so much trouble..."

I kinda agree with you on this, Emma. It hasn't really bothered me, as I said before, and it's actually kind of funny that she chases Maiq down when she sees him running. I wonder if she hates him partly because he's "Essential" and she somehow knows he's not supposed to be...? :unsure:

j/k but that would be scary. Besides, then she would hate Neeshka, too! Another variable in my game is T.I.E. - it adds some NPCs that perform random acts of theft; I don't think they would have added that behavior to Maiq, but...
Shady Sam, I haven't really dealt with as I don't pick locks very much; I have spells for that. Last time I tried to pick a lock with 5 tumblers I broke all my picks!

BTW - I've got Neeshka now and I've been having fun just dungeon diving around the IC with our little rag-tag band. Some of the battles have been pretty brutal and intense (see TIE above). It doesn't feel quite right having Neeshka as Essential when Vilja's not, though. I'll have to check Neeska's settings to see if I can set her to non-essential just to be fair, but I may end up doing alot of reloading with these two... :D
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:13 am

I don't really see Vilja as someone who would go berserk and try to kill someone just because she doesn't like him but alright. :P

It seems to be related to 'evil' factions. M'aiq is, for whatever reason, in the creatures faction, which is ticked as an 'evil' faction. Shady Sam is also in a faction which is marked evil. Everyone in Hackdirt is in an evil faction too, which explains her little outburst there last time I played. Characters belonging to evil factions can be legally killed without getting a bounty on your head, so I guess that's why Vilja does it?

And I'm not sure but I think it only happens when you have your weapon out, and therefor Vilja has too.

By the way in the vanilla game Shady Sam is not essential.

And I was happy to see that with the last test esp cdcooley gave me that the double face/baldness/crashing bug is completely solved! :)
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Tai Scott
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:28 am

I've talked to CdCooley, and we'll probably sort out Shady Sam for next version... but leave Maiq. I'll come up with a story why she wants to beat him up :D. This could be fun, especially as the guy is essential and rather run than fight.

Great that the doube face/baldness/crashing bug now seems to be sorted for Vilja (although it will of course not help those who have other companions in tow as well...)

I think you are right about having the weapon out, Povuholo. That is what is likely to trigger her.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:03 pm

Yea, i only saw the double face bug one time on her, after she followed me everywhere for like 20 hours of gameplay across 2 days.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:54 pm

I've talked to CdCooley, and we'll probably sort out Shady Sam for next version... but leave Maiq. I'll come up with a story why she wants to beat him up :D. This could be fun, especially as the guy is essential and rather run than fight.

I just came out the gate from Leawyne? and Maiq was running, I've got plus 60 speed, so I laid chase and was pretty much staying even, we caught upto the Black Hore Courrior, her and Maiq were staying the same distance in front of me. (Then I was dropped abruptly otno my destop)

So, Yay I think it's probbly safe to let her chase Maiq if she likes... :evil: (I've yet to see her exhibit this behavior (I've Still got to get her to Cheydanhall :swear: ))
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:25 pm

we caught upto the Black Hore Courrior,

Is that something like the Naked News? :rofl:

J/k man, don't take that the wrong way, it just gave me the funniest mental picture! I must be tired. (It's been a long weekend!) ;)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:49 pm

Is that something like the Naked News? :rofl:

J/k man, don't take that the wrong way, it just gave me the funniest mental picture! I must be tired. (It's been a long weekend!) ;)

Yea, I think her and Maiq dot a Thing going on..., :violin:
might be what's wrong with Vilja... :P
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:26 pm

I've talked to CdCooley, and we'll probably sort out Shady Sam for next version... but leave Maiq. I'll come up with a story why she wants to beat him up :D. This could be fun, especially as the guy is essential and rather run than fight.

Sounds good! :D
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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:59 am

And I'm not sure but I think it only happens when you have your weapon out, and therefor Vilja has too.

I didn't have a weapon drawn any of the times Vilja's gone berserk on Shady Sam. In fact, the last time it happened she was in "follow me; no armor" mode--she equipped her armor and bow herself to attack him! :wacko:

Your post also reminded me that Vilja went a bit berserk for me, too, when we passed through Hackdirt (as part of KDQ, actually ;) ). Or more like the place went berserk on her. Brethren started popping up out of the woodwork (when they shouldn't have, since it was broad daylight and I hadn't gone near the Shadow Over Hackdirt quest) and attacking her. I just chalked it up to faction / general Hackdirt weirdness then, though. Forgot all about it until now.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:33 am

Your post also reminded me that Vilja went a bit berserk for me, too, when we passed through Hackdirt (as part of KDQ, actually ;) ). Or more like the place went berserk on her. Brethren started popping up out of the woodwork (when they shouldn't have, since it was broad daylight and I hadn't gone near the Shadow Over Hackdirt quest) and attacking her. I just chalked it up to faction / general Hackdirt weirdness then, though. Forgot all about it until now.

I've occasionally had the Brethren appear too early too, but just in case it was Vilja causing problems I'm going to make her slightly less aggressive there. She'll still be able to attack when attacked but she might not start combat even at her most aggressive. Then again maybe she will. She can be so unpredictable some times.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:44 pm

How come she suddenly reminds me of... Constance... :P
She's unpredictable, she's unreliable and as a companion she's probably worth her weight in scrapmetal :rolleyes:
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Roy Harris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 pm

How come she suddenly reminds me of... Constance... :P
She's unpredictable, she's unreliable and as a companion she's probably worth her weight in scrapmetal :rolleyes:

Aww. Comparing her to Constance? Is that really fair?

I do feel a twinge of alarm when she does things like: goes into sneak mode right in front of the tavernkeep of Wawnet Inn after I tell her she can grab something to eat/drink! Whatever she "grabbed" fortunately didn't alert anyone (this time).

To Vilja's defense she's been holding her own pretty well along side Neeshka:

-You can see here how http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot161.jpg (hint - look to the far right of the Ogre, behind the column! Yep, that's poor Neeshka!

-Then Vilja held her own, though she did get 'a bit' http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot163.jpg herself. :(

-But in the end, the http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot162.jpg,
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot147.jpg :)

I have noticed that ever since Neeshka joined up with us, Vilja has been alot quieter... Do you think she is a bit jealous/mad? :whistling:
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:46 pm

I love Vilja.
I've only had a few issues with her so far.
Hackdirt, yeah. But if I made her wait outside while I did the silly conversation pie minigame, I could then bring her in.
I think she attacks people who have 0 disposition with you.

She also attacked that liar Khajit, whose name I can't remember. He was waiting outside Anvil.

She's pretty strong, but I like that. I only got Oblivion a few months ago and this is my first real playthrough and it's included Vilja from the very start -- can't really imagine the game without her. :P (Played Fallout 3 first, so I'm accustomed to having at least one follower. And I only use Vilja. One is my limit. :P)
She's only been rendered unconscious once... and I was killed shortly afterward too, so it doesn't count. :P I jumped to a bad place and tried to swim through lava in an Oblivion plane. And she died in the lava while I got owned by some Daedra. :D (Playing on default difficulty, with the slider in the middle)
I guess I am very careful with her. I try my best to take care of her. Give her my best armor and weapons and constantly keep her stuff recharged and repaired.

I also don't like how I can't seem to get her to wear two rings.
Or a circlet.
Or a cape.

But those are minor issues. She is overall very delightful. :P Would like to see more conversation from her in the future. :D
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:43 pm

You should get people to voice the NPCs that you can talk to about Vilja. Like her friends and stuff.
Doesn't really matter that the voices won't match, since the voices are all screwed up in Oblivion anyway. Like the beggars especially -- go from raspy starving beggar to well-off middle-class man to raspy starving beggar to nobleman, depending on what topics you speak to them about. :D
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:44 pm

I also don't like how I can't seem to get her to wear two rings.
Or a circlet.
Or a cape.

Circlets and capes are generally set up to use body parts that NPCs don't equip so there's not much we can do for those.

She will wear two rings but only in certain combinations. All game rings are tagged for either the left or right hand. Those are only hints when the player equips a ring but for NPCs like Vilja they are rules. If you've used the Wrye Bash function to make all rings right-handed then she'll be limited to exactly one ring, but in the default game there are a number of left-hand rings.

Rings of: Shadows, Perfection, Stamina, War, Treachery, Wizardry, Vitality, Thieves, Skimming, Vipereye, and the Iron Fist are all left-hande as are the Flame Ring, Mundane Ring, Black Band, Circlet of Verdure, Circlet of Omnipotence, Mania's Ring of Lordship, Indarys Signet Ring, and three non-enchanted quest related rings: Ancotar's Ring of Protection, the Ulfgar Family Ring, and the Wedding Ring.

Vilja can wear one of those and then one of any of the others which are for the right hand. I usually try to find her a Ring of Perfection or Mundane Ring.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:02 pm

Aww. Comparing her to Constance? Is that really fair?

I do feel a twinge of alarm when she does things like: goes into sneak mode right in front of the tavernkeep of Wawnet Inn after I tell her she can grab something to eat/drink! Whatever she "grabbed" fortunately didn't alert anyone (this time).

To Vilja's defense she's been holding her own pretty well along side Neeshka:

-You can see here how http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot161.jpg (hint - look to the far right of the Ogre, behind the column! Yep, that's poor Neeshka!

-Then Vilja held her own, though she did get 'a bit' http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot163.jpg herself. :(

-But in the end, the http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot162.jpg,
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a400/Elricwolf/Elric%20Dravenwulf/ScreenShot147.jpg :)

I have noticed that ever since Neeshka joined up with us, Vilja has been alot quieter... Do you think she is a bit jealous/mad? :whistling:

Huh? Has she got quieter since you added Neeshka? That's something I have never seen! Maybe you have been sneaking more - then she is quieter...

Thank you for sharing the pictures! :)
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:37 pm

I love Vilja.
I've only had a few issues with her so far.
Hackdirt, yeah. But if I made her wait outside while I did the silly conversation pie minigame, I could then bring her in.
I think she attacks people who have 0 disposition with you.

She also attacked that liar Khajit, whose name I can't remember. He was waiting outside Anvil.

Great to hear that you enjoy her! :)
The liar Khajiit - that would be Maiq, I'd say... i.e. the khajiit we discussed a page or two ago, when we decided not to cure this little "flaw" (caused by that he is in creature-faction). Vilja has got her own friends in Cyrodiil, we're going to exploit this little glitch and let him be her own enemy - I'll make up a story for it. It might be more fun than just curing the problem, especially as he is essential and as he is an outlaw - the guards won't get upset.

She's pretty strong, but I like that. I only got Oblivion a few months ago and this is my first real playthrough and it's included Vilja from the very start -- can't really imagine the game without her. :P (Played Fallout 3 first, so I'm accustomed to having at least one follower. And I only use Vilja. One is my limit. :P)
She's only been rendered unconscious once... and I was killed shortly afterward too, so it doesn't count. :P I jumped to a bad place and tried to swim through lava in an Oblivion plane. And she died in the lava while I got owned by some Daedra. :D (Playing on default difficulty, with the slider in the middle)
I guess I am very careful with her. I try my best to take care of her. Give her my best armor and weapons and constantly keep her stuff recharged and repaired.

It's amazing how well people take care of her - she must seem rather real, as they bother to consider her as something else than an extra shield.

I also don't like how I can't seem to get her to wear two rings.
Or a circlet.
Or a cape.

But those are minor issues. She is overall very delightful. :P Would like to see more conversation from her in the future. :D

As CDCooley already gave a much better reply to this than I would ever be able to, I just leave this be ;)

You should get people to voice the NPCs that you can talk to about Vilja. Like her friends and stuff.
Doesn't really matter that the voices won't match, since the voices are all screwed up in Oblivion anyway. Like the beggars especially -- go from raspy starving beggar to well-off middle-class man to raspy starving beggar to nobleman, depending on what topics you speak to them about. :D

Well, most people I can find to voiceact would have a swedish accent, and *that* would be odd on these various npcs. As it is only a little topic that is not voiced I think it's probably still better to keep it like that rather than having them change accent. The side-characters in Vilja's story are all fully voiced (Heneri, Runar and all the rest of them).
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Emily Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:21 am

I recently went through Hackdirt and didn't notice any peculiarities, of course I didn't slow down or talk to anyone, can't say I've noticed her get upset with Maiq either, we've seen him several times (he's pretty Fast) :huh:

Swedish Accents.?? That would probably work quite well, especially when their describing Vilja... :P
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:00 am

Huh? Has she got quieter since you added Neeshka? That's something I have never seen! Maybe you have been sneaking more - then she is quieter...

Thank you for sharing the pictures! :)

Lol, oh, no she does not. I don't mind her repeating her little quips while we're walking around -- they add atmosphere and I find myself replying to her out loud, even if it's something I've already heard her say. :D
The only bit about that, that really bothers me is that she's constantly commenting on my complete ineptitude at sneaking, even when I'm over 75 sneak and can run without making noise. I kinda liked these back when I was first starting out, as she would remind me to slow down so as to not be detected, but I thought it'd go away as I reached a higher level.
Vilja, "You're making more noise than a guard patrol!"
Me, "But I'm an Expert! :("

It's amazing how well people take care of her - she must seem rather real, as they bother to consider her as something else than an extra shield.

She's a much better follower than any of the followers I've seen, even in Fallout. And that's due to largely to her great amount of dialogue. When I was choosing a companion before I started playing, I noticed how much dialogue Vilja had and that it was all voiced. I was originally considering getting a second follower, but I couldn't find one that really compared to her, so I stuck with just Vilja.

Though, if there are any supported pet mods, I wouldn't mind a wolf or dog or something. I'm sure Vilja wouldn't mind either. She's brought it up more than once.
I know you said that the Cheydinhal Pet Store one doesn't work because it affects global timers or something.

I also like hearing her thoughts about our quests.

In Fallout 3, I could take a quest and Clover would just say, "I'm bored."
Or Star Paladin Cross would say something like, "You do your father honor." or something completely irrelevant. :)

I buy the Strawberries, Sweetcakes, and Sweetrolls out of every store I see them in, too :P

Well, most people I can find to voiceact would have a swedish accent, and *that* would be odd on these various npcs. As it is only a little topic that is not voiced I think it's probably still better to keep it like that rather than having them change accent. The side-characters in Vilja's story are all fully voiced (Heneri, Runar and all the rest of them).

Ah! I haven't met these people yet. It took me the longest time to find the Shy Root of Hunger. I'm already level 20 from doing all the other side quests in the towns while going around checking the Mage Guilds' alchemy shops. :) I'm on the next ingredient, I think. Going to Cheydinhal next to meet the mean Dunmer's mama.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:08 pm

She's a much better follower than any of the followers I've seen, even in Fallout. And that's due to largely to her great amount of dialogue. When I was choosing a companion before I started playing, I noticed how much dialogue Vilja had and that it was all voiced. I was originally considering getting a second follower, but I couldn't find one that really compared to her, so I stuck with just Vilja.

I could not agree more!!! I tried other companion MODs (lots of them) but all got removed after a short time.

Though, if there are any supported pet mods, I wouldn't mind a wolf or dog or something. I'm sure Vilja wouldn't mind either. She's brought it up more than once.
I know you said that the Cheydinhal Pet Store one doesn't work because it affects global timers or something.

Be patient and play the complete quest, you may be in for a surprise.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:12 pm

Lol, oh, no she does not. I don't mind her repeating her little quips while we're walking around -- they add atmosphere and I find myself replying to her out loud, even if it's something I've already heard her say. :D
The only bit about that, that really bothers me is that she's constantly commenting on my complete ineptitude at sneaking, even when I'm over 75 sneak and can run without making noise. I kinda liked these back when I was first starting out, as she would remind me to slow down so as to not be detected, but I thought it'd go away as I reached a higher level.
Vilja, "You're making more noise than a guard patrol!"
Me, "But I'm an Expert! :("

...Vilja: "Eh? Am I supposed to be *impressed*??"

(You're right... I should see if I can tailor that a bit better in upcoming versions of Vilja.)

She's a much better follower than any of the followers I've seen, even in Fallout. And that's due to largely to her great amount of dialogue. When I was choosing a companion before I started playing, I noticed how much dialogue Vilja had and that it was all voiced. I was originally considering getting a second follower, but I couldn't find one that really compared to her, so I stuck with just Vilja.

Neeshka is the one I prefer as our side-kick, mostly because she and Vilja has quite a lot unique pvssyr when conversating. (well, Vilja has...and Neeshka respond to her)

Though, if there are any supported pet mods, I wouldn't mind a wolf or dog or something. I'm sure Vilja wouldn't mind either. She's brought it up more than once.
I know you said that the Cheydinhal Pet Store one doesn't work because it affects global timers or something.

Lovely idea... :whistling:

just wait and see, you haven't finished all her quests yet

I also like hearing her thoughts about our quests.

In Fallout 3, I could take a quest and Clover would just say, "I'm bored."
Or Star Paladin Cross would say something like, "You do your father honor." or something completely irrelevant. :)

I buy the Strawberries, Sweetcakes, and Sweetrolls out of every store I see them in, too :P

Ah! I haven't met these people yet. It took me the longest time to find the Shy Root of Hunger. I'm already level 20 from doing all the other side quests in the towns while going around checking the Mage Guilds' alchemy shops. :) I'm on the next ingredient, I think. Going to Cheydinhal next to meet the mean Dunmer's mama.

Maybe I should release a "Strawberry Farm mod" as so many seems to be so busy collecting strawberries nowadays :D (There is a mod where you actually can grow your own vegetables... and then we do have Korana's lovely Millstone Farm)

Ah... sweet Heneri, the lovely Dunmer witch. Have fun :)
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:13 pm

I could not agree more!!! I tried other companion MODs (lots of them) but all got removed after a short time.

I hope Vilja will remain a keeper :).


I'll be away from home for a few days, not sure how much internet access I will have meanwhile. I'll try to check in here and see if something is up - luckily, there doesn't seem to be any real problems.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:24 am

Heneri reminds me of Yoda. :P
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:13 pm

Just wondering... how is the testing of the patch for FCOM OOO MMM proceeding?
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