I have a few questions for those who play with FCOM, TIE, and similar mods. What would it take to get Vilja strong enough that you could risk playing with her in non-essential mode? Would an extra 100 health be enough or does a health increase need to be leveled? What about a constant effect shield ability? Is there something else that would help? If it's not too hard I would like to add an option that could be used as an alternative to making her essential for people who play at those "quick death" mods.
Wow, yeah; I can't speak for the others, but TIE has made the game very challenging. I am still getting used to playing a mage char, but I feel pretty competent at it... that said, even with 2 summoned creatures, Shield effects and a pretty killer touch-based fire spell (and a few other tricks) Vilja will still die pretty quick just fighting 2 bandits that are supposed to be part of the Mages Guild beginning questline (the Recommendation). My own chars' life is in dire peril, as well, but she tends to die first and then I end up having to reload anyway. I mean, these guys are hitting
hard Me being a Mage-based char with a very low endurance my health is still a little higher than hers. Maybe her being just
one level lower than the PC would be better, but I know you probably don't want to go too far and overpower her. Maybe she could have some type of special shield/ring/amulet enchanted with a boost to health or an additional shield effect or something. She could have picked up a magic item somewhere in her Morrowind adventures.

I don't want to whine about it b/c I choose to play with TIE, but I guess if her health was a little higher, it would be less of a headache to worry about protecting her and let me worry more about watching my own butt a little! I am glad you mentioned the Shield thing, though, b/c I need to buy a spell that protects companions, too, so I can cast it on her when I know a fight could be imminent.
If I think of anything else, I'll let you know, but that's all for the moment as I go back to my fight for survival! Maybe it's time to call in Neeshka for back up, after all. B)
I'd get Sonia, but she's a little
too tough for my current set up, I think. She comes with enchanted fire weapons and hits pretty hard (I know, I've been in her line of fire before!) and I want to keep my game fairly challenging.