[RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 2.1 - thread no 4

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:31 am

* waves to Emma*

This is Fernelf ..bah I cannot get my original account to work as it keeps saying the name is taken yet I cannot get my original password to work. But anywho...

I do not know how long Vilja is going to put up with my antics. She has no idea I am a member in the thieves guild, yet I am sure she wonders why I always insist she goes shopping then scoot off to my fense.

The other day had her tressed up in a maid's outfit ( the most modest one I could find from the goddess store) so that she and I could run around the castle whilst we questioned the countess's staff about a missing painting. She seemed ok with that. (I convinced her the staff would talk to us more freely if they thought we were two new maids that were just recently hired as opposed to total stragglers that just so happened to wonder into town....)

I have been taking her into various caves and dungeons for my own purposes while telling the poor thing I was "told" that we could find a picture of a specific root she is looking for.....

I think tomorrow will be the ultimate test. I intend to try and convince her that we need to disguise ourselves as belly dancers and travel to a certain inn and murder a poor sop while he sleeps.....I have to come up with a good reason though. I have no idea what to tell her...I guess I will have to think of something on the fly. Maybe I can pretend to slip and the knife accidentally ..well..hmmm..maybe I will make sure she has had some mead first.....

Hi Freygea/Fernelf! *waves*

Too bad that you cannot restore your old username - have you checked with the moderators if they can help you? I mean... you have been Fernelf for quite a few years, it's no fun having to change.

Heh, I think Vilja probably already knows that you are playing tricks on her, she's just too polite to point it out to you ;).
I haven't yet added much dialog to Thieves guild quests and none at all to Dark Brotherhood, simply because I haven't played Thieves guild since 2006 and never did Dark Brotherhood. So, it's on my to-do-list for upcoming versions of Vilja.

I do hope you are enjoying her company, even if you don't share all your secrets with her ;)
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Wane Peters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:58 pm

Regarding FCOM, OOO etc, I'm taking the liberty to re-post a post by Amgepo in the Vilja-thread at TES Nexus. This should clarify some of the questions:

Ah, interesting - explains a lot. Thanks for the quote. I'll check with Corepc, but I guess the faction set up is quite deliberate so perhaps it's an inescapable issue if using FCOM with Vilja. :(


I have a patch in the works that address this issue for Vilja and OOO or MMM or FCOM getting attacked because of faction changes Overhaul makes, reassign creatures to different factions etc. It will give her alot of protection from getting attacked all the time by certain types of npc or creatures.

It adds a special faction that both OOO and MMM have. That I use in my Travellers mod itself. The patches add either the OOO or MMM Travellers faction to Vilja and Vilja Faction itself, and Adds Vilja Faction to OOO or MMM Travellers Faction has well.

So far Arkngt has reported that is working very well.

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clelia vega
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:09 am

Corepc, that sounds like wonderful news! :)

How very kind and thoughtful of you to create a patch for Vilja - I am so grateful, and I am sure other Vilja-users will be so as well :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:13 pm

Corepc, that sounds like wonderful news! :)

How very kind and thoughtful of you to create a patch for Vilja - I am so grateful, and I am sure other Vilja-users will be so as well :)

Just took me a few seconds really to make the patches..One for OOO / MMMforOOO/ FCOM or MMM - MMMforFrans. FCOM users can choose between them both. But choose only One.

MMM Version offers more protection from certain Npc and Creatures. Requires MMM
While the OOO Version offers less protection. Requires OOO

Alpha Version for testing


Load after 1em_Vilja.esp is all that is needed..

Vilja will still get attacked by certain things but most things are more interested in player now more than Vilja with these patches has well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:56 pm

Thank You Corepc!! :goodjob:

Hmm... well, if she starts her first conversation with you again after a resurrect, it indeed appears that something has happened to the journal entries. That surprises me quite a lot! The journal entries has nothing to do with her personal script and if she *dies* you'll get a journal entry about this (with the non-essential version)

From what I understood, the theory is that occasionally, something happens to the skeleton of the body when an essential npc is so unconscious that she is as good as dead, and the effects of this can show up much later, for instance after a cellchange. Now, I have no personal experience of this, so please don't take my words to serious.

That's something else I don't understand, her and Sonia were trying to get at a Trolll on the other side of the ruin, I thought they might Pop in with me if I entered the building(as they Often do) but they remained outside, (I had made a save Just before I entered) when I came back out I found and killed the Troll, but when I checked on Vilja, she just tipped over, in a lifeless state.

Then I reloaded just before I entered, she seemed to be fine, I killed the Troll and they Both followed me to the door (where I made another save)
but no matter how many tines I tried, Vilja would not enter the dungeon, and would allways collaspe when I came back out(except the one time we were in Sneak mode and she Melted into a puddle when I vame back out)

At this point I reloaded an earlier game where we were Just aproching the ruin, played about 11/2 minutes and she collapsed, Same with the next two previous saves, we couldn't even Get to the ruin...
Next save before that we were still in Bravil, I didn't try to go back to the same ruin, we went the other way, several caves, forts amd ruins on the way to Anvil via Skingrad, she's been Fine, I've tried her as Nonessential, and she's stayed alive through some pretty harry dungeons, pretty sure I don't wan't to find out what happens when she dies though.

She Is pretty well enchantec though...

----[ 2010-07-26 13:50:16]
Fortify Skill (Acrobatics)
Magnitude: 20

Applied by:
Enchantment 59000837
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:50:27]
Fortify Skill (Sneak)
Magnitude: 20

Applied by:
Enchantment 59000837
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:50:37]
Fortify Skill (Block)
Magnitude: 20

Applied by:
Enchantment 5900083B
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:51:37]
Resist Normal Weapons
Magnitude: 10%

Applied by:
Enchantment 5900083B
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:51:44]
Resist Paralysis
Magnitude: 50%

Applied by:
Enchantment 59000837
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:52:34]
Magnitude: -45.5

Applied by:
Enchantment 59000837
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:52:48]
Magnitude: 20%

Applied by:
Enchantment 59000837
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

----[ 2010-07-26 13:52:56]
Reflect Damage
Magnitude: 10%

Applied by:
Enchantment 5900083B
Defined in Enter The Shinobi - Coors916.esp

*Well I did manage to get her killed, (she was standing to close when I opened a Traqed chest) she started right off telling me about Bruce, so that could be promising, but... I forgot to collect any inventory before I resurrected her, and I had a save shortly before, so, maybe latter. :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:02 pm

Alpha Version for testing


Load after 1em_Vilja.esp is all that is needed..

Vilja will still get attacked by certain things but most things are more interested in player now more than Vilja with these patches has well.

So far Arkngt has reported that is working very well.

Yes, I've briefly tested out the MMM variant and it seems to fix the issue. For example, I redid Fort Horunn where basically all Minotaurs went for Vilja previously - now most went for my char and a couple of ones focused on Vilja. Seems just about perfect IMO. :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:42 am

Do most users of OOO, MMM, and FCOM also use OBSE? If so those changes can be done from within the Vilja mod using OBSE calls and then the patch would only be needed by people not using OBSE.

With that patch will Vilja actually attack necromancers and other standard enemies when she's aggressive and the player is hiding?
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:31 pm

Do most users of OOO, MMM, and FCOM also use OBSE? If so those changes can be done from within the Vilja mod using OBSE calls and then the patch would only be needed by people not using OBSE.

I think most OOO/MMM/FCOM players also use OBSE. Pretty sure its like 90% of the FCOM users - perhaps somewhat lower for those using "just" MMM or OOO. Just guessing though.

With that patch will Vilja actually attack necromancers and other standard enemies when she's aggressive and the player is hiding?

Haven't tried as it's like the opposite of my playstyle - so not sure what I'm looking for if I would test it. She's supposed to attack enemies normally while doing so - and you think the faction change in the patch might break it? I'll give it a go but can't compare to anything.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:39 pm

One of the annoyances for some of the testers when I first set her interactions was that she would not attack enemies because she was too friendly with them. She would only attack enemies after they had started combat with the player and she wouldn't always attack even then.

I just looked at the patches themselves in more detail and I'm confused again. What is the purpose of assigning relationship modifiers between the Traveler faction and Vilja's faction if Vilja is in the Traveller faction?

I also suspect that her horse Bruse will also probably need to be put in the Traveler faction or enemies will target him as soon as she dismounts to join a battle.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 pm

One of the annoyances for some of the testers when I first set her interactions was that she would not attack enemies because she was too friendly with them. She would only attack enemies after they had started combat with the player and she wouldn't always attack even then.

OK, I'll try it out.

EDIT: The results seem to be a mixed bag. Using 1em_Vilja MMM Fix.esp, telling Vilja to attack on sight and with my char keeping invisible it worked fine overall, but in some cases she wouldn't attack until being attacked first. This happened with Black Bow Bandits from MMM, for example. She was passive a long while until she finally retaliated. She attacked Undead and Necromancers from OOO. Did some outdoor exploration and Fort Linchal.

BTW, would using OBSE calls make Vilja using CE enchantments more reliable? Perhaps that could get the same treatment then, i.e. that OBSE users automatically will get the enhancement but the mod won't require OBSE, so those not using it will have it as normally?

I think that with this FCOM patch and her using CE enchantments (she would have had 85 AR since a long time by now if only possible) that would be all that is necessary for making her more viable as non-essential in an FCOM game.

Also, I want to thank you not only for enhancing Vilja, but also for all the awesome stuff you've done for Morrowind. Improved Teleportation is a staple in all my Morrowind games. :foodndrink:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:14 am

Vilja's Health is down to ~4 of 250, I cast Convalescence on her and I see her casting an apparent Heal spell, but it remains low. (that's why the trapped chest blast killed her) :mellow:

*I've tried Setav-no effect, Take All-no effect, not sure if the UOP can be used on NPCs or not, I didn't see a way...

**Tried disableing OBSE-no effect (Vilja is currently set NonEssential)

***She seems to be Fine after a Resurrection, journal entries all look good, questions and stories are at about the same stage...
Still would like to know what's going on with her health, this may have been part of the Previous issues as well.

I'm pretty sure this is the Charcter I Upgraded her from v_1, and thought she was acting strange, (I Still have Tameril Flora in my invemtory, but it shows in the Journal that she allready recieved it)
And I'm pretty sure I Uninstalled, Clean saved and Reinstalled, but it appears the quest line remained constant.... :unsure:

****It seems that I've lost my Vilja spells, I'm not sure it's All that serious, but it was comfoting to know they Were there... :shakehead:
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:12 am

Vilja's Health is down to ~4 of 250, I cast Convalescence on her and I see her casting an apparent Heal spell, but it remains low. (that's why the trapped chest blast killed her) :mellow:

*I've tried Setav-no effect, Take All-no effect, not sure if the UOP can be used on NPCs or not, I didn't see a way...

**Tried disableing OBSE-no effect (Vilja is currently set NonEssential)

You mentioned previously that she was pretty well enchanted. Did you by any chance alter her enchantments so that she had fortify health?

***She seems to be Fine after a Resurrection, journal entries all look good, questions and stories are at about the same stage...
Still would like to know what's going on with her health, this may have been part of the Previous issues as well.

I'm pretty sure this is the Charcter I Upgraded her from v_1, and thought she was acting strange, (I Still have Tameril Flora in my invemtory, but it shows in the Journal that she allready recieved it)
And I'm pretty sure I Uninstalled, Clean saved and Reinstalled, but it appears the quest line remained constant.... :unsure:

****It seems that I've lost my Vilja spells, I'm not sure it's All that serious, but it was comfoting to know they Were there... :shakehead:

You resurrected her after she really died? (i.e. not after she had started to go weird).
If she actually died and you got a message about this, then you will lose her spells for good. Reason: if Vilja is dead and you have the summon spell, you will summon her corpse. Until it is disabled. Then your game will crash.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:20 am

You mentioned previously that she was pretty well enchanted. Did you by any chance alter her enchantments so that she had fortify health?

No, just the enchanments I had listed, I just rechecked with RefScope under Active Enchantments and the list hasn't changed, no Health mods

You resurrected her after she really died? (i.e. not after she had started to go weird).
If she actually died and you got a message about this, then you will lose her spells for good. Reason: if Vilja is dead and you have the summon spell, you will summon her corpse. Until it is disabled. Then your game will crash.

Yeah, I'd set her NonEssential, she dropped to 4 health and I couldn't raise it, I checked the save where she went into Parrelelasis and her Health was fine, all of her stats were good that time (No seperate Base numbers)

I think I can do allright without the Summon spell, generaly don't let her that far out of my sight anyway, unless I'm off on "Unoffical Bussiness", in witch case I tell her to Stay Put... :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 pm

Brozly, I'm re-reading your post and I cannot see that you have used the no 1 solution to odd effects on companions. When her health unexpectedly went this low and you couldn't raise it, did you start with putting her into wander mode, travel somewhere else without her and wait for +72 hours before you returned to her? As you know, this will take care of many strange things that happens with npcs and make them start working properly again. I guess she must have been under the effect of some spell, maybe from a mod.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:59 pm

Brozly, I'm re-reading your post and I cannot see that you have used the no 1 solution to odd effects on companions. When her health unexpectedly went this low and you couldn't raise it, did you start with putting her into wander mode, travel somewhere else without her and wait for +72 hours before you returned to her? As you know, this will take care of many strange things that happens with npcs and make them start working properly again. I guess she must have been under the effect of some spell, maybe from a mod.

I can go back and try that, I'm not sure I can get her out of the Ruin alive, but I think the area is clear, wouldn't I just tell to "Wait Here"?

I don't see any effect from spells, suposedly they would show up in RefScope (Active Enchantments)
I imagine it's a Mod that alters the Health system, simalar to Mart's with the Fatigue deal, Probably Is Mart's, but a differant aspect, her Fatigue has been fine for quite some time...

*Well that didn't work, for some reason I was thinking the Cell woulfn't regenerate with them in it, Wrong. I did manage to get her and Sonia out of the Ruin and to a nearby Ranger camp, I left them and went to the Testinghall, 3 days and an hour (I have a 3-day respawn), went back to the camp, just in time to find a pack of Wolves attacking, but I could see she still had just the little dot of a health bar left, (Just before I missed the wolf and hit her) :whistling:

(Don't tell her that after I bring her back next time) :blush:
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:32 pm

Idk if this is a bug, but for some reason Vilja is a horrible shot with a bow.

For instance, I was fighting a zombie in Vilverin. I was low health after getting hit by a trap, so I backed up and healed. I walked behind VIlja, hoping the would finish the zombie off (he had 2.5% HP left) But she missed when she shot, even though he zombie was directly in front of her, and her bow was pointing straight towards him.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:00 pm

Idk if this is a bug, but for some reason Vilja is a horrible shot with a bow.

For instance, I was fighting a zombie in Vilverin. I was low health after getting hit by a trap, so I backed up and healed. I walked behind VIlja, hoping the would finish the zombie off (he had 2.5% HP left) But she missed when she shot, even though he zombie was directly in front of her, and her bow was pointing straight towards him.

Are you using some kind of magic bow from a mod? Arkngt can tell you a long story about this... :)
He thought Vilja was the lousiest bowgirl in the world, in spite of that he had given her a phantastic bow from I believe OOO.

It turns out that companions are crap with these bows. When he replaced it with a standard silver bow from original Oblivion, she would do her job properly.

(Note that there *is* still a bug with companions sometimes 'forgetting' to load their bows with arrows. This is a general bug, and it is described in the readme for Vilja. I however believe that you have seen that she does use arrows here, and that she still couldn't hit the enemy).
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cheryl wright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:42 am

Well, when i first found her i let her use that fine steel bow she had, and i went through vilverin and she didnt hit anything the entire time. I also recall her not shooting arrows about 1 or 2 times.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:26 pm

Are you using some kind of magic bow from a mod? Arkngt can tell you a long story about this... :)
He thought Vilja was the lousiest bowgirl in the world, in spite of that he had given her a phantastic bow from I believe OOO.

It turns out that companions are crap with these bows. When he replaced it with a standard silver bow from original Oblivion, she would do her job properly.

(Note that there *is* still a bug with companions sometimes 'forgetting' to load their bows with arrows. This is a general bug, and it is described in the readme for Vilja. I however believe that you have seen that she does use arrows here, and that she still couldn't hit the enemy).

I kinda thought she was pretty good with a bow, enchanted or not, (I can generally tell by how many of her arrows I find in the Carcasses)now Traps are another story,.. I've lost her 6 times since I set her NonEssential, 5 by traps alone (No that's Not counting the time I hit her instead of the Wolf) :meh:
I really don't have much opportunity to watch her in action as most of our battles consist of at lest a dozen bad guys rushing us along with all their Multiple Summons (witch I normally ignore), somehow she Generally manages to stay alive through most of the battles, but then walks into a trap, last night I heard one of the Rising Floor traps going up a half dozen times while I was clearing the area, then found her body there after... :sad:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:26 pm

I can go back and try that, I'm not sure I can get her out of the Ruin alive, but I think the area is clear, wouldn't I just tell to "Wait Here"?

I don't see any effect from spells, suposedly they would show up in RefScope (Active Enchantments)
I imagine it's a Mod that alters the Health system, simalar to Mart's with the Fatigue deal, Probably Is Mart's, but a differant aspect, her Fatigue has been fine for quite some time...

*Well that didn't work, for some reason I was thinking the Cell woulfn't regenerate with them in it, Wrong. I did manage to get her and Sonia out of the Ruin and to a nearby Ranger camp, I left them and went to the Testinghall, 3 days and an hour (I have a 3-day respawn), went back to the camp, just in time to find a pack of Wolves attacking, but I could see she still had just the little dot of a health bar left, (Just before I missed the wolf and hit her) :whistling:

(Don't tell her that after I bring her back next time) :blush:

If she didn't recover health after 72 hours, that's weird, cause this is a typical case of when + 72 hours waiting should do the trick. However, are you sure the wolves hadn't reached her already and injured her? Did you remove all enchanted items from her before leaving her? If enchanted equipment is doing this to her, it won't help to leave her for 72 hours, unless you remove the item that is causing the problem.

I kinda thought she was pretty good with a bow, enchanted or not, (I can generally tell by how many of her arrows I find in the Carcasses)now Traps are another story,.. I've lost her 6 times since I set her NonEssential, 5 by traps alone (No that's Not counting the time I hit her instead of the Wolf)
I really don't have much opportunity to watch her in action as most of our battles consist of at lest a dozen bad guys rushing us along with all their Multiple Summons (witch I normally ignore), somehow she Generally manages to stay alive through most of the battles, but then walks into a trap, last night I heard one of the Rising Floor traps going up a half dozen times while I was clearing the area, then found her body there after...

Well... Oblivion isn't set up for companion usage, and Vilja's poor little brain hasn't got what it takes to avoid traps. If you cannot help her to avoid them, she'll... well, I don't have to complete that sentense, as you obviously have already discovered what happens...
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 pm

In the previous Vilja-thread (no 3) I gave you a link to a possible BETA-mod with beds for companions in the Cyrodiil inns*). Have any of you tried it`? If so, how has it worked? Blockhead has done some testing, and I found some problems that I have corrected. I'm thinking of releasing it as a BETA-version (quite frankly, I'm more eager to continue to tinker on Vilja than to spend more time ingame sleeping in various beds, so it's either releasing a BETA or it will take a lot of time before I finish this)

*) It's probably on page 7 or so in that thread.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:51 pm

I just want to thank everyone who has voted for Vilja as File of the Month at Nexus. :wub:

She is currently at the top of the nominated files, with 84 votes!!!
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:27 am

Well... Oblivion isn't set up for companion usage, and Vilja's poor little brain hasn't got what it takes to avoid traps. If you cannot help her to avoid them, she'll... well, I don't have to complete that sentense, as you obviously have already discovered what happens...

I would have expected that from any Oblivion companion, but there were a couple of times that I thought Vilja had some trap avoiding logic or something. There was an Ayleid ruin where I disarmed a tripwire before a staircase and she stopped at the tripwire and wouldn't go past it until I eventually want back for her. I thought it was because of the trap, but I guess it was something else? (Random unexplained OB companion behavior)

In the previous Vilja-thread (no 3) I gave you a link to a possible BETA-mod with beds for companions in the Cyrodiil inns*). Have any of you tried it`? If so, how has it worked? Blockhead has done some testing, and I found some problems that I have corrected. I'm thinking of releasing it as a BETA-version (quite frankly, I'm more eager to continue to tinker on Vilja than to spend more time ingame sleeping in various beds, so it's either releasing a BETA or it will take a lot of time before I finish this)

*) It's probably on page 7 or so in that thread.

I'll have to go back and get that... we've been sleeping in mages guild beds when available, but that has risks... there is always the chance I will wake up and find I've apparently been sharing a single bed with some random mage. Not always a pleasant prospect. :P

I just want to thank everyone who has voted for Vilja as File of the Month at Nexus. :wub:

She is currently at the top of the nominated files, with 84 votes!!!

I did my part! ;)
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:12 am

...now Traps are another story,.. I've lost her 6 times since I set her NonEssential, 5 by traps alone (No that's Not counting the time I hit her instead of the Wolf) :meh:

Well... Oblivion isn't set up for companion usage, and Vilja's poor little brain hasn't got what it takes to avoid traps. If you cannot help her to avoid them, she'll... well, I don't have to complete that sentense, as you obviously have already discovered what happens...

That's my sole remaining concern if having her set as Non-Essential. The Deadlier Traps in OOO will probably be just that. Guess she'll have wait at the entrance to some Ayleid dungeons. That said, she's surprisingly good at navigating traps etc. when set as Essential - I thought she would have huge problems with them (like "dying", reviving - only to "die" again etc.). Also, Smoke Hole Cave ends with a hole in the ground that you jump through to get to the start - she jumped after my char almost like a scene in a movie. So - much smoother when it comes to such things then I'd imagined.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:25 pm

Speaking of Vilja dieing, I set her to essential after a Dremora cast a kill spell and KOed her in 1 hit. :obliviongate:
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