[RELZ] Companion Vilja ver 2.1 - thread no 4

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:09 am

Wow, I find it quite amazing that I'm actually starting thread no 4... Who would have thought that an upgrade of a companion mod would catch so much attention! :)

Vilja has even been nominated for File of the Month at Nexus! Thank you for suggesting her - and than you for voting for her :).

I'm of course very happy for all this - as I have been making companion mods since 2002, I'm glad every time I hear that players do enjoy company in their game. :)

The old threads are available here: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1099210-relz-companion-vilja-ver-2/


With ver 2.1 the infamous problem with companions vanishing from Oblivion planes and later returning with reset inventories should be *almost* gone. Well, for Vilja, that is (not for every companion mod)
Read the readme for more information.
You still need to download ver 2.0 for voicefiles, meshes and textures!




What's new?

First of all - this time I'm not working alone on Vilja. CdCooley, wellknown from the Morrowind community for his scripting knowledge and interest in companions, has fallen for Vilja's charms and offered to work on her scripts. This has indeed meant a huge difference! Her AI is now very much improved.

First, a few screenies to illustrate some of the news:







- Bonus questline. Shortly after you have completed the original quest for Vilja, a new one will start, which will keep you busy for some hours and add some new bonuses.

- Tired of companions that promise to stay out of trouble and then still charge as soon as you see an enemy? Well, Vilja shouldn't... If told to stay out of combat, she will indeed do so... until you are so badly injured that you desperately need her help to survive. The behaviour with all enemies attacking your companion is also gone - if she is set to defensive fighting or no fighting, it is more likely that you are their main target, which makes it much easier to level up. I.e. it is no longer a problem to have Vilja in tow from level 1 - you will still be able to level up your fighting and armor skills. And if you want to sneak your way through dungeons, she will do so, too... unless, of course, you have told her to attack anything hostile.

- Vilja is now much more aware of what is going on around her. She will comment frequently on many (currently like 40 %) of the original Oblivion quests you are doing together, and your actions might please or displease her. And don't be surprised if she also comments on other things in the gameworld. "Oh look! A butterfly! Isn't it beautiful?"

- Vilja is now aware of your other companions (after an introduction by you), with some of them she will interact on an individual basis and also comment on them in her dialog with you (similar to how my Morrowind companions interact with other companions). Currently, she has special interactions with Neeshka, Rhianna, Sonia, Viconia, Stoker Wolf, Saerileth, Vincente, Valeria and Arren, but she will also recognize other companions and CM Partners as fellow companions. If you want to relax at the computer for a while, just leave Vilja and your other companions in wandermode, and I'm sure there will happen things you hadn't expected.

- Vilja will also know about other things. For instance, she will know if she is nvde or if your character is nvde, she will know if your character is ill, she will know if she is swimming (and put on a swimming suit), she will know what kind of dungeon you are in and what kind of enemies you are facing.

- Her daily schedule has been much expanded. If you leave her in wandermode, you can watch her perform her schedule, and when she is making potions, she will literally be making potions, provided that you have given her some of the simple ingredients that she can use (she never claimed to be an excellent alchemist, so don't expect anything too fancy)

- apart from her regular inventory, she has a special pyjamas-bag (where you can choose what she should wear... well, or not wear, obviously... when she sleeps) and two extra storage bags for items you want her to carry without using.

- Vilja now has her own friends in Cyrodiil. Don't be surprised if she decides to go and have a chat with one of them! Those who know her will also have an extra "Vilja-topic" where they will comment on her (those who have played my Morrowind companions will recognize this).

- Option-book where you can set various features on the spot, like for instance: essential versus non-essential, will wear swimsuit - or not, can get encumbered versus never gets encumbered (yes, if you wish to, she can get encumbered, just like the player. But, it is your choice)

- Various details that might improve roleplay. For instance, she can now ride her horse also when you are walking.

- She will offer a few new services. Nothing fancy and no 'cheats', but she will for instance be able to make you a new outfit if you give her cloth. And you can tell her to work in your garden (just for immersion).

- Her dialog has been much expanded and better filtered - the mod now contain over 2800 voice files, more than 2300 of these belong to Vilja. You will find a much broader variety of comments from her, and some dialog is timed so it won't show up too often. (It does get boring after a while if she keeps on asking if she looks fat in this outfit)


More information:


Character, story and voice by Emma
Scripts by CDCooley
Featuring Zrenk Dungeon by Blockhead

Vilja in swedish means willpower, guts, determination. And that is something Vilja has got lots of!

When her sister was put in prison on bread and water for selling beauty creme with unexpected effects to the Vvardenfell nobility, Vilja instantly decided to help her. But things hasn't turned out the way Vilja expected... She is now waiting for a friend of her sister in The Bloated Float at the Waterfront in the imperial city. But, the days are passing, and the friend hasn't shown up. Meanwhile, her sister is suffering in prison.

Will you help Vilja? Will you let her come along with you in her search for ingredients for an antidote potion that might make it possible for her sister to help those unfortunate that used the beauty creme?

Vilja is a young nord girl, born in Solstheim and living in Cyrodiil since... well, that she will explain to you, herself, when she knows you better!

She isn't the best fighter in the world (why would she then need your help?), nor the best marksman, and when it comes to spells, she has only learnt waterwalking, teleporting and some healing ones.

But she will certainly change your lonely life in Cyrodiil, as she is talkative, curious and very unpredictable.


General (ver 1):

Although I - Emma - have made several companion mods for Morrowind, Vilja is my first companion mod for Oblivion. When I had played through the game for the second time in spring 2009, I started to feel lonely and looked around for companions similar to my Morrowind ones. After a lot of research, I found my favorite - Companion Neeshka by Rsdnt_Evle, an absolutely lovely Dunmer lady who I recommend every companion user to use in their game. After using her for a while, I got so intrigued that I couldn't resist starting out on my own companion. At first she was just a clone of Neeshka (which is why also Vilja will be found in the Bloated Float in Waterfront) but as time passed, Vilja took her own path and Neeshka would today probably disagreeingly shake her head if I insisted that Vilja was a 'distant relative' of hers...

Vilja is in many ways similar to my Morrowind companions - she has her own story, her own personality, her own missions, and lots and lots of dialog.

Version 2:

The most important difference between ver 1 and ver 2 is that this time I have not worked alone on Vilja. CDCooley, who I have previously worked together with in Morrowind projects, had fallen for Vilja's charms and offered to work on her scripts. This has meant a huge leap forward when it comes to functionality and general AI. All her scripts are thoroughly reworked. The small, but annoying, glitches from version 1 should be gone, and Vilja ver 2 is not only a hopefully nice company but also a well functioning companion that can be an asset rather than a burden in combat and other situations. On top of this, we have introduced interaction between companion mods - something that since long is standard for Morrowind companions but has to my knowledge never been implemented for Oblivion companions.
Vilja is also very much aware of what is going on around her. She will comment on your ongoing quests and actions, and sometimes your decisions will please her... or make her really angry.

What to expect

What to expect

- There is a quest-line connected to Vilja which will keep you busy for a number of hours; you will have to fight, convince, guess and maybe do some less honorable things in order to help her. However, don't expect a long, involved storyline with new landmasses! Instead, it's a relatively short, simple story that is mostly there to give you a background and a reason why Vilja will want to team up with you and be your side-kick. Those of you who have played my Morrowind companion mods (Laura, Constance, Witchgirl et al) will know what I mean.

- Vilja has her own life story, her own goals, her own wishes and needs. If you talk to her, you will learn more and more about her over time. Treat her well and your friendship will grow stronger and stronger.

- Vilja's level is set to 3 levels below yours. This means that if you start out with her when you are at level 1, it will take a while before she reaches higher levels (should happen when you are level 4).

- You will get a Vilja SUMMON SPELL that will bring her to you, should she ever vanish.

- Vilja has her own horse, and when you mount your horse, she will summon hers and go riding with you. New in ver 2: She can also use her horse when you are walking.

- She is very talkative, but you can tell her to shut up if you don't want to listen to her.

- You can't bribe her or play the speechcraft game with her. But you will find other ways to improve her disposition towards you. (Do you like strawberries? Well, hope you are not too fond of them, as Vilja will want them all).

- You can tell her to eat, drink, take a nap, go swimming, go home, meet you in various cities. She will recognize your home as her home as well, once you have told her that this is where you will live.

- When she is in wander mode, she has her own daily routines, and unless you tell her to stop, she will continue small-talking to you.

- She can make some simple potions for you if you give her an ingredient. She can collect ingredients for you. She can later on heal you if you ask her to. When you are at home, she might surprise you with one of her pies. You can send her to do some shopping for you, but it's quite hazardous as she might not have the same idea as you on what is a bargain. If you run out of lockpicks, you can buy some from her, and she can help you with a hammer if necessary. Oh, she can light a torch, too. And rake your garden. Give her cloth, and she will make you a new outfit - but don't expect anything fancy, just ordinary Oblivion clothes. The 'service' isn't there to be a cheat, only add to the immersion.

- She can be ordered to fight aggressive, defensive or not at all. If she is not supposed to fight at all, she will only fight back if she is attacked or if you - the player - is so badly injured that she has to rush in in order to save your life.

- On top of that, she offers heaps of advice and suggestions on what to do - but her ideas might not always match yours.

- She is not a romance companion, but she does offer affection, loyalty and friendship.

- When left in wander-mode together with other npcs and companions, she will small-talk with them as well, sometimes using standard topics, sometimes bringing up her own topics (note that in ver 2, she will be able to recognize and interact with specific companions from other mods on an individual level).

- As I have voice-acted Vilja, myself (where else would I find a lunatic that would voice-record and lip-sync 2400 voice-entries?), she is speaking english with a strong scandinavian accent (I'm from Sweden) and she is probably making quite a few mistakes, especially when it comes to pronouncation. Please let me know of unacceptable mistakes that should be attended to in later versions (her english won't be flawless no matter what, as my english isn't flawless).

Known issues

- Vilja is very talkative and will chat with you whereever you go. However, the lipsync in Oblivion only works when you are facing the talking npc. This means that sometimes, her lip-movement will appear once you turn around and look at her, i.e. she will then appear to be talking but you won't be able to hear anything.

- Vilja can fight both melee and ranged, but like every companion in Oblivion, she sometimes "forgets" to load her bow with arrows! (If you are already using companions in Oblivion, you are probably familiar with this problem). We haven't found any way to 'fix' this, but she will start using arrows again after you have switched cells.

- Like any other companion, Vilja will only sleep in beds that have no owner assiged to them, and she might not sit in chairs that aren't marked as "persistant". If you tell her to take a nap and she refuses, it's not her fault - there simply isn't a suitable bed at the location. She will then revert to her daily schedule and do what she would normally have done at that hour of the day.

- Some modder-made houses are companion-friendly, others aren't. If there are no pathgrids, no persistant chairs and no beds without ownership, companions won't behave very well. Thank you Korana for explaining all the important things regarding this, and for always making your houses companion-friendly!
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Alan Whiston
Posts: 3358
Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 4:07 pm

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:35 am

Readme with credits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

Companion Vilja ver 2.0

Character, story and voice by Emma (emma9158@hotmail.com,

Scripts by CDCooley (CDCooley@fastmail.us)


Featuring Zrenk Dungeon by Blockhead


Web-site: http://lovkullen.net/Emma/index.htm


The current version of this mod may be found at:

If you have received this mod from any other source it may not be the latest



1 - Intro


Vilja in swedish means willpower, guts, determination. And that is something
Vilja has got lots of!

When her sister was put in prison on bread and water for selling beauty
creme with unexpected effects to the Vvardenfell nobility, Vilja instantly
decided to help her. But things hasn't turned out the way Vilja expected...
She is now waiting for a friend of her sister in The Bloated Float at the
Waterfront in the imperial city. But, the days are passing, and the friend
hasn't shown up. Meanwhile, her sister is suffering in prison.

Will you help Vilja? Will you let her come along with you in her search for
ingredients for an antidote potion that might make it possible for her
sister to help those unfortunate that used the beauty creme?

Vilja is a young nord girl, born in Solstheim and living in Cyrodiil
since... well, that she will explain to you, herself, when she knows you

She isn't the best fighter in the world (why would she then need your
help?), nor the best marksman, and when it comes to spells, she has only
learnt waterwalking, teleporting and some healing ones.

But she will certainly change your lonely life in Cyrodiil, as she is
talkative, curious and very unpredictable.


2 - Background


General (ver 1):

Although I - Emma - have made several companion mods for Morrowind, Vilja is
my first companion mod for Oblivion. When I had played through the game for
the second time in spring 2009, I started to feel lonely and looked around
for companions similar to my Morrowind ones. After a lot of research, I
found my favorite - Companion Neeshka by Rsdnt_Evle, an absolutely lovely
Dunmer lady who I recommend every companion user to use in their game. After
using her for a while, I got so intrigued that I couldn't resist starting
out on my own companion. At first she was just a clone of Neeshka (which is
why also Vilja will be found in the Bloated Float in Waterfront) but as time
passed, Vilja took her own path and Neeshka would today probably
disagreeingly shake her head if I insisted that Vilja was a 'distant
relative' of hers...

Vilja is in many ways similar to my Morrowind companions - she has her own
story, her own personality, her own missions, and lots and lots of dialog.

Version 2:

The most important difference between ver 1 and ver 2 is that this time I
have not worked alone on Vilja. CDCooley, who I have previously worked
together with in Morrowind projects, had fallen for Vilja's charms and
offered to work on her scripts. This has meant a huge leap forward when it
comes to functionality and general AI. All her scripts are thoroughly
reworked. The small, but annoying, glitches from version 1 should be gone,
and Vilja ver 2 is not only a hopefully nice company but also a well
functioning companion that can be an asset rather than a burden in combat
and other situations. On top of this, we have introduced interaction between
companion mods - something that since long is standard for Morrowind
companions but has to my knowledge never been implemented for Oblivion
Vilja is also very much aware of what is going on around her. She will
comment on your ongoing quests and actions, and sometimes your decisions
will please her... or make her really angry. Read more in the next sections
of the readme.


3 - What to expect:



- There is a quest-line connected to Vilja which will keep you busy for a
number of hours; you will have to fight, convince, guess and maybe do some
less honorable things in order to help her. However, don't expect a long,
involved storyline with new landmasses! Instead, it's a relatively short,
simple story that is mostly there to give you a background and a reason why
Vilja will want to team up with you and be your side-kick. Those of you who
have played my Morrowind companion mods (Laura, Constance, Witchgirl et al)
will know what I mean.

- Vilja has her own life story, her own goals, her own wishes and needs. If
you talk to her, you will learn more and more about her over time. Treat her
well and your friendship will grow stronger and stronger.

- Vilja's level is set to 3 levels below yours. This means that if you start
out with her when you are at level 1, it will take a while before she
reaches higher levels (should happen when you are level 4).

- You will get a Vilja SUMMON SPELL that will bring her to you, should she
ever vanish.

- Vilja has her own horse, and when you mount your horse, she will summon
hers and go riding with you. New in ver 2: She can also use her horse when
you are walking.

- She is very talkative, but you can tell her to shut up if you don't want
to listen to her.

- You can't bribe her or play the speechcraft game with her. But you will
find other ways to improve her disposition towards you. (Do you like
strawberries? Well, hope you are not too fond of them, as Vilja will want
them all).

- You can tell her to eat, drink, take a nap, go swimming, go home, meet you
in various cities. She will recognize your home as her home as well, once
you have told her that this is where you will live.

- When she is in wander mode, she has her own daily routines, and unless you
tell her to stop, she will continue small-talking to you.

- She can make some simple potions for you if you give her an ingredient.
She can collect ingredients for you. She can later on heal you if you ask
her to. When you are at home, she might surprise you with one of her pies.
You can send her to do some shopping for you, but it's quite hazardous as
she might not have the same idea as you on what is a bargain. If you run out
of lockpicks, you can buy some from her, and she can help you with a hammer
if necessary. Oh, she can light a torch, too. And rake your garden. Give her
cloth, and she will make you a new outfit - but don't expect anything fancy,
just ordinary Oblivion clothes. The 'service' isn't there to be a cheat,
only add to the immersion.

- She can be ordered to fight aggressive, defensive or not at all. If she is
not supposed to fight at all, she will only fight back if she is attacked or
if you - the player - is so badly injured that she has to rush in in order
to save your life.

- On top of that, she offers heaps of advice and suggestions on what to do -
but her ideas might not always match yours.

- She is not a romance companion, but she does offer affection, loyalty and

- When left in wander-mode together with other npcs and companions, she will
small-talk with them as well, sometimes using standard topics, sometimes
bringing up her own topics (note that in ver 2, she will be able to
recognize and interact with specific companions from other mods on an
individual level).

- As I have voice-acted Vilja, myself (where else would I find a lunatic
that would voice-record and lip-sync 2400 voice-entries?), she is speaking
english with a strong scandinavian accent (I'm from Sweden) and she is
probably making quite a few mistakes, especially when it comes to
pronouncation. Please let me know of unacceptable mistakes that should be
attended to in later versions (her english won't be flawless no matter what,
as my english isn't flawless).


4 - New in ver 2:


- Bonus questline. Shortly after you have completed the original quest for
Vilja, a new one will start, which will keep you busy for some hours and add
some new bonuses.

- Tired of companions that promise to stay out of trouble and then still
charge as soon as you see an enemy? Well, Vilja shouldn't... If told to stay
out of combat, she will indeed do so... until you are so badly injured that
you desperately need her help to survive. The behaviour with all enemies
attacking your companion is also gone - if she is set to defensive fighting
or no fighting, it is more likely that you are their main target, which
makes it much easier to level up. I.e. it is no longer a problem to have
Vilja in tow from level 1 - you will still be able to level up your fighting
and armor skills. And if you want to sneak your way through dungeons, she
will do so, too... unless, of course, you have told her to attack anything

- Vilja is now much more aware of what is going on around her. She will
comment frequently on many (currently like 40 %) of the original Oblivion
quests you are doing together, and your actions might please or displease
her. And don't be surprised if she also comments on other things in the
gameworld. "Oh look! A butterfly! Isn't it beautiful?"

- Vilja is now aware of your other companions (after an introduction by you),
with some of them she will interact on an individual basis and also comment
on them in her dialog with you (similar to how my Morrowind companions
interact with other companions). Currently, she has special interactions
with Neeshka, Rhianna, Sonia, Viconia, Stoker Wolf, Saerileth, Vincente,
Valeria and Arren, but she will also recognize other companions and CM
Partners as fellow companions. If you want to relax at the computer for a
while, just leave Vilja and your other companions in wandermode, and I'm
sure there will happen things you hadn't expected.

- Vilja will also know about other things. For instance, she will know if
she is nvde or if your character is nvde, she will know if your character is
ill, she will know if she is swimming (and put on a swimming suit), she will
know what kind of dungeon you are in and what kind of enemies you are

- Her daily schedule has been much expanded. If you leave her in wandermode,
you can watch her perform her schedule, and when she is making potions, she
will literally be making potions, provided that you have given her some of
the simple ingredients that she can use (she never claimed to be an
excellent alchemist, so don't expect anything too fancy)

- apart from her regular inventory, she has a special pyjamas-bag (where you
can choose what she should wear... well, or not wear, obviously... when she
sleeps) and two extra storage bags for items you want her to carry without

- Vilja now has her own friends in Cyrodiil. Don't be surprised if she
decides to go and have a chat with one of them! Those who know her will also
have an extra "Vilja-topic" where they will comment on her (those who have
played my Morrowind companions will recognize this).

- Option-book where you can set various features on the spot, like for
instance: essential versus non-essential, will wear swimsuit - or not, can
get encumbered versus never gets encumbered (yes, if you wish to, she can
get encumbered, just like the player. But, it is your choice)

- Various details that might improve roleplay. For instance, she can now
ride her horse also when you are walking.

- She will offer a few new services. Nothing fancy and no 'cheats', but she
will for instance be able to make you a new outfit if you give her cloth.
And you can tell her to work in your garden (just for immersion).

- Her dialog has been much expanded and better filtered - the mod now
contain over 2800 voice files, more than 2300 of these belong to Vilja. You
will find a much broader variety of comments from her, and some dialog is
timed so it won't show up too often. (It does get boring after a while if
she keeps on asking if she looks fat in this outfit)

5 - Known issues:


- Vilja is very talkative and will chat with you whereever you go. However,
the lipsync in Oblivion only works when you are facing the talking npc. This
means that sometimes, her lip-movement will appear once you turn around and
look at her, i.e. she will then appear to be talking but you won't be able
to hear anything.

- Vilja can fight both melee and ranged, but like every companion in
Oblivion, she sometimes "forgets" to load her bow with arrows! (If you are
already using companions in Oblivion, you are probably familiar with this
problem). We haven't found any way to 'fix' this, but she will start using
arrows again after you have switched cells.

- Like any other companion, Vilja will only sleep in beds that have no owner
assiged to them, and she might not sit in chairs that aren't marked as
"persistant". If you tell her to take a nap and she refuses, it's not her
fault - there simply isn't a suitable bed at the location. She will then
revert to her daily schedule and do what she would normally have done at
that hour of the day.

- Some modder-made houses are companion-friendly, others aren't. If there
are no pathgrids, no persistant chairs and no beds without ownership,
companions won't behave very well. Thank you Korana for explaining all the
important things regarding this, and for always making your houses





Just drop the content into your Oblivion-data-library. The various folders
(meshes, textures, sound) should automatically merge with your existing
folders (which will guarantee that everything ends up at the correct
locations). You will get a message concerning this from the computer, just
say OK.




Vilja should work very well together with other mods. However, an old mod
called Cheydinhal Petshop affects a global that will prevent Vilja's
daycounters from working (this is not unique for Vilja - the Petshop has the
same effect on all mods with daycounters).
In order to ensure that she won't conflict with landscape overhauls etc we
have avoided adding anything to the exterior game world.
If you use mods like for instance persuasion overhaul you might find that
npcs from the Vilja-mod will have additional topics where they will use the
game-original voices. It's not a conflict, but it sounds a bit annoying.
There isn't much I can do about this, although immersion-breaking it won't
cause any real problem.




In alphabetical order:

- Blockhead - for playtesting, suggestions, troubleshooting and support, and
last but not least for the Zrenk dungeon.

- Charley the Khajiit - for voiceacting Heneri, Runar and Thorgeir

- Cyrano - for proofreading, script optimizing of Vilja ver 1,
brainstorming, troubleshooting, encouragement, playtesting and many valuable
suggestions. I don't think Vilja ver 1 would ever had been released without
your support, Cyrano!

- CM Partners/Blackie - Looking through this great companion template gave
me many valuable ideas and solutions for ver 1. The Partners base mod can be
found here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7819

- DarkDiva - for feedback and encouragement on ver 1.

- Eamico - for feedback, playtesting, troubleshooting and suggestions for
ver 2.

- Kateri - for playtesting, feedback and encouragement on ver 1.

- Korana - for playtesting of ver 1, for feedback, encouragement and for
explaining many things about Oblivion moddings that were new to me.

- Kpss - for valuable input and innovative ideas regarding scripting and
animation (some ideas yet to be implemented).

- Loriel - for proofreading of ver 2 additions, playtesting,
troubleshooting, encouragement, support and suggestions.

- Neko - for support and scripting suggestions for ver 1.

- Nequam, who made the lovely eyes Vilja is using. Vilja's eyes are included
with the mod, but for those who would like to see more of Nequam's eyes in
their game, the full mod, Elaborate Eyes, can be found here:

- Ogramirad - for voiceacting Thordar and the Redheaded woodelf as well as
playtesting, troubleshooting, and giving suggestions, encouragement,
feedback and support.

- Osiris - for feedback, encouragement and suggestions for ver 1.

- Princess Stomper - for feedback, encouragement and suggestions for ver 1.

- Pseron Wyrd - for feedback, encouragement and suggestions for ver 1.

- Robert - the swimsuit is made out of the meshes for his female body, which
can be found here:

- Rsdnt_Evle for his lovely Neeshka companion, which inspired me to start
out on Vilja. The first version of Vilja was a rework of the latest version
of Neeshka, although today, after CdCooley's overhaul, there are not many
traces left of Neeshka anymore. If you want many companions in your game, I
strongly recommend Neeshka, she is adorable! You will find here here:

- Surazal - for feedback, encouragement and explanations of various mod
installments. Also thanks for the lovely new walking style Vilja is using in
your mod "Sensual walks for female npcs", available here:

- Terry Pratchett - for feedback, encouragement and several valuable
suggestions for ver 2.

- Xtudo - for making noise reduction files for Vilja ver 1, and in the
future hopefully also for the voice files added in Vilja ver 2.

- the original author of a texture called TXCZ01_skin_hi.dds, which I edited
and reworked long ago and have now used the result for Vilja's face.

- All the helpful people at the Oblivion TES-forum, who have given me so
much support, feedback and encouragement.

- Last but not least, the modders who with their scripting achievements made
the foundation that originally turned Elder Scrolls companions into useful
friends rather than cannon fudder, Grumpy (RIP, dear friend) who spent years
on improving and finetuning a warping system for Morrowind companions, and
The Other Felix, who has optimized and improved almost every aspect of
Morrowind companion behaviour.




- Vilja in her current state is to be considered as a WIP - I/we will most
likely continue to tinker on her and add to her. Therefore, it would be very
unfortunate if she was included in some kind of compilation, or if this
version was uploaded at various locations without our knowledge. Please do
not do this!

- I have been voice-acting Vilja, myself, and as I am not too proud of my
scandinavian accent, I wouldn't wish to find my voice re-used in other mods.
I ask you kindly to understand and accept this.

- As the mod is so dialog-heavy, it probably wouldn't work very well as a
template. If you still want to re-use scripting and AI-packages, feel free
to go ahead and do so, but please make sure that everything is properly
renamed in order to avoid conflicts. The scripts are by CdCooley, if you
have questions regarding them, please contact him.

- The main home of this mod is on my
web-site,http://lovkullen.net/Emma/index.htm. If you have received this mod
from any other source it may not be the latest version!!

- Should something happen so that the mod is no longer available on the net,
please try and contact me or CdCooley. In case you have been unable to reach
us for more than one month, please feel free to upload this mod IN ITS
CURRENT STATE to one of the public Elder Scrolls download sites. Please send
an e-mail or PM to notify on this!

- Please do not upload any altered versions of this mod anywhere without my
knowledge and agreement!

- Emma




A. Vilja's new combat system.

Vilja has three combat settings:

1. Only attack enemies that attack us. This is her default setting! With
this setting, she will not engage in combat until a) enemies attack and you
raise your weapon OR B) she is directly attacked by an enemy OR c) you have
taken a few hits from an enemy (i.e. you have started to take damage). This
means that you can gladly run past wild animals and sneak past enemies
without having to fear that she will charge ahead and ruin your plans.
However, if you are injured after a battle and don't heal yourself before
continuing, she will get protective and rush in to defend you against any
potential threat. So, if you want her to obey your orders on a long term
basis, don't run around injured.
If you like to play stealthy, this setting should be excellent. She will
never attack enemies that haven't spotted you, and I have been sneaking my
way through whole dungeons, without Vilja acting up at all.
If you play as a mage and choose not to carry a weapon that you can raise,
this might not be the optimal setting if you want her to be your tank while
you attack with spells from a distance. The best solution to make her respond
quickly is that you carry some kind of weapon and raise it as an
'attack-sign' for Vilja to follow.

2. Attack any enemy upon sight. I don't think this one needs any further
explanation :P. What you get is traditional Oblivion companion behaviour and
a Vilja that is happy to bash everything from rats to daedras.

3. Let's avoid fighting. With this setting Vilja will not fight, and enemies
are very unlikely to attack her. There are two things that will make her
disobey your orders: a) if she still is directly attacked by an enemy, then
she will defend herself OR B) your health is so low that she fears you will
die very soon. Then she will rush in to rescue you - after all, she is your
loyal friend, and as such she couldn't just stand there and watch you dying,
could she? As with setting no 1, she will continue to disobey your orders if
you refuse to heal yourself. And realistically, why would anyone follow
orders from someone who hasn't got enough sense to take a healing potion
instead of running around half dead?
Oh, there is one more thing that will make her disobey you! If someone
attacks her horse Bruse, she will rush in to defend him. Don't blame her for
that. It's her horse and she loves him dearly.

You will note that the original Oblivion enemies respond differently to
Vilja than to other companions. Whereas most enemies by default attack
companions rather than you (which is a nuisance when you want to level up
your combat and armor skills), they will in most cases rather attack you
than Vilja. This may not be valid for enemies added by mods, though.

B. Vilja and other companions.

With Vilja ver 2 we are introducing a new system for companions from
different mods to interact with each other. You can introduce Vilja to any
of your followers and she will know that this is a fellow companions. With a
number of unique companions, she also has unique interaction. She will
recognize them by name, discuss with them as individuals when in wander mode
conversations, and sometimes smalltalk with you about them.
These companions are so far: Neeshka, Rhianna, Arren, Stoker Wolf, Viconia,
Saerileth, Sonia, Valeria, Vincente.

However, Vilja won't recognize a companion until you have properly
introduced them!
In Viljas main topic "Let's just talk for a while", you will find a
sub-topic called "About my other companion". Choose this topic, and then
choose which companion you want to introduce her to. She will then prompt
you to introduce her to the other companion as well (i.e. you have to talk
to the companions). After this, the introduction is finished and Vilja will
'know' your mutual friend.
If you should make any mistake when introducing a companion, the
introduction can be undone in the same topic. Tell Vilja that you made a
mistake, and then tell the other npc.
Vilja will know if a companion has died. But if you have removed a companion
mod from your game, you have to do something manually. Go to Vilja's
option-book (you'll find it in her skillreport menu) and mark which
companion should not be around any more.

C. Vilja's option book.

With Vilja ver 2, we are introducing the Options book - a book where you
can toggle various features for Vilja in-game. For instance if she should be
set to essential or non-essential, if she should sell lockpicks, if she
should provide you with armor hammers, if she should get encumbered like the
player or not, if she should wear her swimsuit or not (if you turn her into
an argonian the swimsuit won't fit very well). Here you can also delete
companions that have been removed from your game, so that Vilja won't talk
about companions that aren't around anymore.

Her default settings are non-essential, sells lockpicks, provides armor
hammer, will wear swimsuit, will get encumbered.

You'll find her Options book in her Skill report menu - click on it and pick
your choices.

D. Extra storages

Apart from her main inventory, Vilja now has a Pyjamas bag and a Blue and a
Red storage bag INSIDE her inventory. She will wear anything you put in the
pyjamas bag when she sleeps. The items in the Blue and Red storage bags she
will never wear or use - these storages are for items you just want her to
carry for you.

E. Upgrading from ver 1

>From what we have seen, upgrading from ver 1 of Vilja should be easy:

Put Vilja in an interior cell, leave the cell and save your game. DO NOT USE

Leave the game. Replace the old esp with the new one (keep a backup of the
old esp in case something should go wrong and you need to re-do the

Ingame, return to Vilja and ask her to join you again. Important! You must
give her new combat instructions! Else, it won't work properly.

This should be enough... you are ready to continue your adventures in
Vilja's company. However, there is no way to grant that this easy-upgrade
will work in your game. Should you find that the 'new' Vilja acts odd in any
way. Try this: Put her in an interior cell and leave her behind for +72 game
hours (i.e. you can just go somewhere else and rest for +72 game hours).
Return to her, and hopefully she should behave well again.

If nothing helps, and you are not happy with how your 'new' Vilja behaves,
use this recommendation from TESPOSitive on how to update saves:


e-mail: emma9158@hotmail.com, emma@lovkullen.net
web-site: http://lovkullen.net/Emma/index.htm
Emma's forum with hints- and spoilers- section:

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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:56 am


Xtudo has been so kind and made three optional swimsuits/bikinis for Vilja, suitable for TGND, Robert's female and HGEC (HGEC-bikinis are based on Ryk's models). As I'm currently in my summer cottage, I haven't been able to update my website, but you'll find it all on Vilja's page on Nexus http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28977&tab=6&navtag=/modules/comments/index2.php?tid=172080|:|fid=. These outfits also work with alternate skin tones, so if you have a chocolate Vilja, an argonian Vilja, a dunmer Vilja etc, you will definitely want this optional add-on!

The add-ons are esp-free - you just drop the material for the bikini of your choice into your Oblivion-folder, it should automatically merge with the existing data-folder. See the included readmes for further instructions.

Xtudo has also made some alternate esps for vilja for those who want to tinker on her looks using other headmeshes. These are also available on Vilja's page on Nexus. Just remember that if you change her race, you *have* to keep her personality at 80, else her behaviour might not be the expected.

Many, many thanks to you, Xtudo, for so generously helping us to add more variety to Vilja!
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:51 am

And yes, I've used that avatar for an eternity now :).

Don't ever change it! :D

And now it seems to be time to start the 4th Vilja release thread!

I must say I had never expected this kind of interest in her, I'm amazed and of course really happy that she seems to be so appreciated. Also, many, many thanks to you who have voted for her as file of the month at Nexus. It must be quite a few of you, as she has 72 votes at the moment. :hugs:

I'll go and start a new thread, and then I'll tell the moderators to close this one :)

The votes and interest is well deserved. :)


!!!!!! has what? :P
Xtudo has been so kind and made three optional swimsuits/bikinis for Vilja, suitable for TGND, Robert's female and HGEC (HGEC-bikinis are based on Ryk's models). As I'm currently in my summer cottage, I haven't been able to update my website, but you'll find it all on Vilja's page on Nexus http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28977&tab=6&navtag=/modules/comments/index2.php?tid=172080|:|fid=. These outfits also work with alternate skin tones, so if you have a chocolate Vilja, an argonian Vilja, a dunmer Vilja etc, you will definitely want this optional add-on!

Ah. I'll stick with the default, but choice is always good! :)

I'll have another go at testing that weird fast travel bug/conflict some time. I managed to get the double (maybe even triple if I saw that right) face bug again after fast travelling to the Imperial City, but this time without her wearing any helmets or wigs.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:17 pm

Don't ever change it! :D

Probably never... it's my only chance to remain eternally young and beautiful! :angel:

The votes and interest is well deserved. :)

Thank you! :)

!!!!!! has what? :P

Has a frog in its pocket? Has the first Q-cup ever? Has a typo in the headline?
(I fixed it now... but it looked more... interesting... before) :D

Ah. I'll stick with the default, but choice is always good! :)

Indeed! To me, Vilja can only look as her original self anyway... but some variety of swimsuits might not be bad.

I'll have another go at testing that weird fast travel bug/conflict some time. I managed to get the double (maybe even triple if I saw that right) face bug again after fast travelling to the Imperial City, but this time without her wearing any helmets or wigs.

Triple face bug? That sounds interesting... sort of... I hope it isn't anything serious. (It reminds me of when I released ver 2.2 of Laura Craft, and Grumpy refused to tell me why he thought it was so incredibly fun that I had written in the headline: "Laura Craft - now with four heads" :laugh:
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:55 pm

Not sure if you caught my post in the last thread, you were doing one at the same time. :P
I reloaded that same game back before I left Bravil, also reuninstalled All Natural,(Outdated version,(between that and Blood & Mud are the Only conflicts I can find in TES4Edit.(Blood & Mud being the Greatings(German headers)))) played all night, but haven't tried goimg back to Veyond so I Really don't know Anything... :shrug:
I did manage to get the Bald head, with an Instant travel while she Was wearing a Hood. :hehe:
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:43 pm

I managed to get the double (maybe even triple if I saw that right) face bug again after fast travelling to the Imperial City, but this time without her wearing any helmets or wigs.

Triple face bug? That sounds interesting... sort of... I hope it isn't anything serious. (It reminds me of when I released ver 2.2 of Laura Craft, and Grumpy refused to tell me why he thought it was so incredibly fun that I had written in the headline: "Laura Craft - now with four heads" :laugh:

So I gather you guys have been trying to track down a mystery crash involving Vilja and the infamous "double-face" bug. If I've read right in past posts on the subject, it's come down to something in the UOP and/or the Real Lights plugin from All Natural? If so, you can eliminate the RL module as a cause of the double-face issue since that issue has existed for longer than our module has existed.

This whole double-face bug in general is some kind of odd flaw in the underlying game engine. That's the reason Kivan ended up including a spell in the UOP that the player can use to correct the issue on any affected NPC follower. Whether or not they're specifically a companion doesn't matter.

Despite this, I have never heard of any instances of it actually inducing a crash if the player continues to fast-travel to other locations one it had hit. There's certainly no requirement that an NPC follower be wearing a helmet, and I've seen this happen in a purely vanilla game with Martin, coming back from Kvatch to Cloud Ruler.

Some speculation that it might have been caused by an altered mesh. The UOP, going as far back as 3.2.0, includes no altered helmet meshes of any sort, other than the ground versions of a few. I don't believe any older UOP copies contained any altered helmet meshes. The UOP Supplemental doesn't either. So it's probably pretty safe to assume it makes no difference what sort of headgear is being worn - though Kivan did make mention that headgear is also doubled with the face bug.

I notice Vilja has a script with an OnLoad block that is specifically designed to stop the double-face bug. The script commands used there are exactly the same kind as used by the UOP, except her script is calling its own disable/move/enable sequence. I don't know if that's important because the cautions on the use of MoveTo at the CS Wiki only talk about weird stuff when it's used on the player. In any case, if people are seeing her with the double-face problem then that aspect of her script may not be doing anything at all. If the bug happens at a point after her OnLoad block would have fired, then having it is useless.

Has anyone who was testing this checked to see what happens if you wait for her to go bald or get the face bug and then use the UOP provided spell to fix it?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:40 pm

Arthmoor, I haven't heard that others have seen Vilja with doubled face, and I think this was only an occasional incident. The trouble-shooting here wasn't about doubled faces but about the fact that when players have any companion (not in particular Vilja) wearing a whig or a helmet when fasttravelling, the companions will arrive baldheaded and sometimes the game will crash. There are two mods that we have seen are in the mod-list when this happens. One is UOP, the other one is All Natural - real lights. If none of these mods are in the mod-list, the baldness and potential crashes don't seem to happen. Add one of them to the modlist again, the problem is back.
During the discussion, it has been pointed out that both of these mods alters the standard torch.

That's all I know. I haven't been testing this, myself, I'm just trying to keep a close eye on what is reported in Vilja's threads, so that I know the reasons if someone starts to have problems with her.

The 'conflict' between companions-in-whig/helmet and UOP and All Natural - real lights isn't really a huge problem as it's so easily solved: don't let your companions wear whigs and helmets when fasttravelling.

EDIT: here is a link to the post that I've been refering to: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1101547-relzcompanion-vilja-ver-21-thread-no-2/page__view__findpost__p__16120110
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sam westover
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:04 pm

The UOP makes two edits to the standard torch. One to change the "falloff exponent" to 1.0 from 0.0. I don't really have an idea of what that does. The other to remove the sound effect the torch gives off. I doubt either of these would result in bald NPCs.

AN-RL does not touch the torch at all.

The helmet/wig thing has to be related to the double-face problem in some way though since it only affects companions (or NPC followers in general), and only if they're currently following the player. That's partly why I was asking if someone had waited for this to happen and then try the UOP double-face bugfix spell on whichever companion is exhibiting the problem. I'm assuming it doesn't matter which helmet or wig they have on at the time?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:34 am

I managed to fix any double face/baldness bugs from Vilja with the UOP spell.

Also about OnLoad, is that always guaranteed to run? IIRC if you have a cell still in the memory (so it instantly loads when you enter it) the OnLoad scripts in that cell won't trigger. I don't know how this would work for companions moving with you though. And every time the bug appeared for me it wasn't with a cell that the game still had stored.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:10 pm

I don't really know about the Bald thing (just seen it once and reloaded without headgear), as I Rarely Fast Travel, but I can't figure the Companion Shutdown, I ran my LO through Tes4Edit and the only Red marks were from http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/TES4_Vilja_AllNat.jpgand http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/TES4_Vilja_BM.jpg neither of witch look like possible canidates...
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:48 am

Actually I can state that Vilja is often afflicted with the double face bug - And its only since installing Vilja I have ever experienced it. Sorry Emma never associated this with just Vilja (thinking it to be a well known old problem UOP addressed) so have not mentioned it before now.

I knew of the fix double face bug spell being added to the players spells from UOP, but before Vilja came along often wondered if it was ever going to be necessary and considered deleting it at one point.

I have never had any fast travel and/or wig problems, no CTD's (apart from the odd Duke patrick related ones due to me not doing a clean save)

I have used wigs before on Vilja v1, from apachii goddess store, but since changing over to TGND body (Goddess store had to go because nearly everything in there changes body shape/size/wrist problems/etc), and since v2 Vilja came out, any cosmetic changes have either been via the CS using the varieties of hair Vilja already has available, or similarly and more recently with Xtudo varieties of Vilja only through the CS.

My latest installations has Vilja original on the desktop, no modification for the ladies playing Oblivion here (they all like original Vilja), and on my machine I have Xtudo Custom Vilja (which I have not got round to tailoring to my own liking in the CS yet)

In both cases desktop and laptop installations, recently the Fix double face bug spell from UOP has had to be used a few times, and works very well for those instances when Vilja gets the overlaid ghost head.

But still no CTD's or fast travel problems. And never had a bald Vilja problem on either setups.

Double face bug however, in our case I think can be linked with Vilja's arrival.
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josh evans
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:30 pm

Actually I can state that Vilja is often afflicted with the double face bug - And its only since installing Vilja I have ever experienced it. Sorry Emma never associated this with just Vilja (thinking it to be a well known old problem UOP addressed) so have not mentioned it before now.

I knew of the fix double face bug spell being added to the players spells from UOP, but before Vilja came along often wondered if it was ever going to be necessary and considered deleting it at one point.

I have never had any fast travel and/or wig problems, no CTD's (apart from the odd Duke patrick related ones due to me not doing a clean save)

I have used wigs before on Vilja v1, from apachii goddess store, but since changing over to TGND body (Goddess store had to go because nearly everything in there changes body shape/size/wrist problems/etc), and since v2 Vilja came out, any cosmetic changes have either been via the CS using the varieties of hair Vilja already has available, or similarly and more recently with Xtudo varieties of Vilja only through the CS.

My latest installations has Vilja original on the desktop, no modification for the ladies playing Oblivion here (they all like original Vilja), and on my machine I have Xtudo Custom Vilja (which I have not got round to tailoring to my own liking in the CS yet)

In both cases desktop and laptop installations, recently the Fix double face bug spell from UOP has had to be used a few times, and works very well for those instances when Vilja gets the overlaid ghost head.

But still no CTD's or fast travel problems. And never had a bald Vilja problem on either setups.

Double face bug however, in our case I think can be linked with Vilja's arrival.

Did you run Wrye's Bash on the mod-list after adding Vilja? That has always removed the double face bug for me. If I don't do this, I of course have the same problem. Doesn't matter if it is Vilja or other companions. I.e. it affects them all as soon as I have touched my mod list without running Wrye Bash afterwards. I'm certainly no expert mod-user, but from what I have seen this always removes the problem.

Obviously, altering Vilja without running Wrye Bash afterwards to restore the load order will instantly cause the double-face bug.

In addition, adding/removing/altering other mods can affect your companions, and maybe not even the 'right' companion. I have often had to run bash on my modlist after working on Vilja because *Neeshka* suddenly got the double face bug. Bash fixed this, of course.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:41 am

Never had the double face bug with Vilja - and I fast travel a lot as well as recall a lot, which I guess works the same regarding this. I've had it occasionally before, though, when fast traveling with Martin etc.

In fact, I'd say she's completely issue free for me, no weird fatigue stats yet or anything. But then I would never upset her hairdo with a helmet or wig - so the baldness thingy is one issue I'll never experience. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:48 am

I haven't noticed DoubleFace on Vilja yet, I did have something similar on CM_Companion "Bree" at one point, and quite often on "Undead Aylied Warriors", (will try for a Screenie) pretty sure under those occasions the Fix Spell didn't help. :shrug:
I also noticed issues with Bree and Baldness, never bothered tracking it though... :nope:

*http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/ScreenShot7-2.jpg http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab289/Brozly/ScreenShot8.jpg

Spell won't work on them guy's as their Not followers, But. I'm pretty sure I tried it on "Bree" without success
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:53 pm

Emma and Arthmoor:

Regarding the Double Face Issue... this happened on my game not long ago. I was going to mention it, but I was dealing with some other things at the time, and as it seemed minor, I forgot.

So a few things that may be of significance - I don't believe I am using Real Lights, I have the AWLS installed, but unless it is packaged with something (I don't use All Natural), then I don't have it; I do, however have the UOP.

Also, I don't currently use any wigs for Vilja, or helmets and I am sure I was not using one at the time.

I can't recall now where I got the double face; it has never happened to me before with Sonia or Jade (pretty much the only other OB companions I have ever used). I think it was outdoors, perhaps near Bruma, but can't be sure about that (not sure if it even matters). - Wait! I remember now - it was at those annoying Imperial Ruins between IC and Weynon Priory, the one you have to pass though and always has enemies. I think we had just killed some bandits or goblins or something there. I had to use the companion 2-Face Fix Spell for the first time, and it worked!

I also got a crash when leaving Leyawiin last night. Play time was only like 20 minutes or so, we had just left Leyawiin (still outside the city), fought some random Bandit attacker, and were both mounted. I think I had just picked up a Nirnroot near the North wall of Leyawiin, remounted, Vilja had gotten in the water with her horse, so I was leading her back out and started north on the road, then... Boom :nuke: Crashes are pretty rare on my machine (surprisingly), but I chalked it up to having more mods than I used to use...

So I will post my current mod list (should be almost the same since I got the 2-face bug - except for the addition of Realistic Leveling):
Kvatch Rebuilt.esm
CM Partners.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp
Better Bell Sounds.esp
AoC Armoury of Conan.esp
BAB Cold Steel.esp
Growlfs Animated Hair.esp
Conan Swords - Atlantean 2Hand Fur Scabbard.esp
Babarized ExnemRogueOutfits.esp
Babarized BrashLeatherArmors.esp
Slof's Horses Base.esp
Shadow Steed.esp
Mage Equipment.esp
Forgotten Tomb.esp
ImpeREAL City Unique Districts - All the Districts - Merged.esp
Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
Cyrodiil Travel Services.esp
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp
ForgottenTomb-LostCoast patch.esp
KvatchRebuilt-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Drop Lit Torches Weight.esp
Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp
Vampire Ashes.esp
Dark Dungeons - SI.esp
CM Partners.esp
CoO1.esp - custom race mod
Companion Neeshka.esp
Getic Race.esp - my custom Germanic race mod; I use for my PC

I hope this adds anothe piece to the puzzle that helps, but in my case, the 2-face prob could have just been the addition of a mod that had to go ahead of Vilja in the Load order. Can't be sure of that, because I have been using BOSS and OBMM, but I have added a few mods here and there.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:55 pm

Did you run Wrye's Bash on the mod-list after adding Vilja? That has always removed the double face bug for me. If I don't do this, I of course have the same problem. Doesn't matter if it is Vilja or other companions. I.e. it affects them all as soon as I have touched my mod list without running Wrye Bash afterwards. I'm certainly no expert mod-user, but from what I have seen this always removes the problem.

Obviously, altering Vilja without running Wrye Bash afterwards to restore the load order will instantly cause the double-face bug.

In addition, adding/removing/altering other mods can affect your companions, and maybe not even the 'right' companion. I have often had to run bash on my modlist after working on Vilja because *Neeshka* suddenly got the double face bug. Bash fixed this, of course.

Yep - Right now using v287 Wrye bash with the 03 Python installation, I only use Wrye bash to install everything via Bains, followed by TES4LodGen for generating VWD updates (From the Wrye bash launcher icon), followed by BOSS'ing the load order (Also via the Wrye bash launcher icon), (BOSS masterlist is updated regularly from the google code page, currently its two days since any updates were applied, I am waiting on a few additions to that I mentioned in the BOSS thread), then a rebuild of the Bashed patch is just about an automatic reflex with my install/changes routine, checking all imports are correct before hitting build, then finally using the Wrye bash mod checker icon (also down next to the launcher icons if you have never used them)..... and as said on the desktop installation Vilja is original Vilja no modifications from us, the other three players also experience it occasionally.

Current BAIN Installers list from Wrye bash
Bain Packages:
000 - ==UOPs==
++ 001 - 1.UOP_3_2_0_and-Hotfix-5296.rar (C3E72FFA) (Installed)
++ 002 - 2.Unofficial_Official_Mods_Patch_v15_Manual_Version-9969.rar (59895567) (Installed)
++ 003 - 3.Unofficial-SI-Patch-v1_4_0-10739.rar (79CE866D) (Installed)
++ 004 - 4.KOTN_UOMP_Hotfix-27710.7z (B213EDDF) (Installed)
005 - ==Sounds==
++ 006 - Louder_Nirnroots-5277.rar (1C92F999) (Installed)
++ 007 - Quiet & Whispered Feet MAX.rar (E8212F8E) (Installed)
++ 008 - Ambiant_Sound_FX_1-2-29676.rar (93165CB5) (Installed)
++ 009 - AS_Rain_and_Thunder_Sounds_V1.7z (DF3DBAB0) (Installed)
010 - ==Land LOD Replacers Weather==
++ 011 - 1.Bomrets_Detailed_Normal_Maps_for_Vanilla_Version_1_1-18430.rar (19757949) (Installed)
++ 012 - 2.RPG-BDs LowTriPolyGrass-BAIN.rar (C7E22FEC) (Installed)
++ 013 - 3.RPG-BlackDragons-LowPolyTrees.rar (FFADC21E) (Installed)
++ 014 - 4.VibrantTexturesWeatherDistantLOD-BAIN-18677.7z (B8FDFD62) (Installed)
++ 015 - 5.Abnormal_Caves-Normal_texture_maps-20778.rar (051D0BB5) (Installed)
++ 016 - 6.RAEVWD_v1_7-20053.7z (C0E54CCD) (Installed)
++ 017 - 7.RAEVWD_Darker_Regal_IC_Texture_Pack-20053.7z (B083FE55) (Installed)
++ 018 - 8.RAEVWD_SI_Edition-20053.7z (1A70F42C) (Installed)
++ 019 - 9.RAEVWD_SI_Bomret_Textures-20053.7z (34AAB9C8) (Installed)
++ 020 - 10.AWLS_-_Brumbek_Mixed_Textures_v5-1-3-19628.rar (55868814) (Installed)
++ 021 - 11.Animated_Window_Lighting_System_-_Meshes_v5-2-0-19628.rar (5D9A793B) (Installed)
++ 022 - 12.UOP_Supplemental_v329-27710.7z (5017E006) (Installed)
++ 023 - 13.Phinix_Waterfix_v2-6680.rar (B44B2349) (Installed)
++ 024 - 14.Real_Wood_Road_Signs_Full-25429.rar (9FF09A61) (Installed)
++ 025 - 15.ImprovedSignsComplete-9498.rar (7B1F6919) (Installed)
026 - ==Dungeon Quest Locations==
++ 027 - Aleswell_Cottage-28702.rar (A17331C6) (Installed)
++ 028 - Faregyl_Village-21562.rar (F182678F) (Installed)
++ 029 - Vergayun-26643.7z (EAC246C4) (Installed)
++ 030 - Hoarfrost_Castle-14714.rar (E44B7126) (Installed)
++ 031 - The_Ayleid_Steps_3_4-16316.7z (AFBC1590) (Installed)
++ 032 - Oubliettev1.2.rar (7AEB8C14) (Installed)
++ 033 - Feldscar-30000.7z (AAF51607) (Installed)
++ 034 - A_Brotherhood_Renewed-1.04-31773.7z (3CCE082F) (Installed)
++ 035 - TIE-v1.35.rar (B7324A9B) (Installed)
036 - ==Race and Body==
++ 037 - 1.Cobl_172-21104.7z (BFECAEE3) (Installed)
++ 038 - 2.Cobl_Cosmetics_Res_01-21104.7z (C1254BEC) (Installed)
++ 039 - 3.Exnem-Female-EyeCandy-v1.0-10171.7z (136D7B1F) (Installed)
++ 040 - 4.RobertMale_v5_plus_Average_BAIN-25365.rar (19FA4533) (Installed)
++ 041 - 5.TGND_Release_2.1_BAIN-30914.rar (BD372531) (Installed)
++ 042 - 6.Foxs_Female_Argonian_textures_for_Exnems_body_v11-10506.rar (C068570D) (Installed)
++ 043 - 7.Natural_Faces_v95-1965.zip (B8029D49) (Installed)
++ 044 - 8.IAFT_Improved_Argonian_Facial_Textures-6611.rar (2396DCF1) (Installed)
++ 045 - 9.Tabaxi_Version_2-Fixed-BAIN-9870.rar (6B71D144) (Installed)
++ 046 - 10.Immersive_Tabaxi_Textures-22091.rar (E324EF0C) (Installed)
++ 047 - 11.Khajiit_Replacer_v2-31156.rar (1127FEC1) (Installed)
++ 048 - 12.Cosmetic Compilation Revived - Capucine-17042.7z (00C83C68) (Installed)
049 - ==Companion and Animals==
++ 050 - AliveWaters-6914.rar (B994E512) (Installed)
++ 051 - AliveWaters_Grass_Bug_Fix-v1-20698.rar (BEC70298) (Installed)
++ 052 - AliveWaters_Grass_Bug_fix-v2-25511.rar (1F9CE503) (Installed)
++ 053 - slofs_horses_base_2-24312.rar (3EFC924F) (Installed)
++ 054 - slofs_extra_horses_pack2-24312.rar (653BDC26) (Installed)
++ 055 - Espless_Slofs_Horse_Replacer-27675.rar (2BCF76BE) (Installed)
++ 056 - Deadlier_Creatures_V2-31882.rar (09BC037C) (Installed)
++ 057 - Companion_Vilja_ver_2_1-28977.7z (E9B369AC) (Installed)
++ 058 - Xtudos_Noise_Reduction_BSA_-28977.7z (414627C9) (Installed)
++ 059 - Customized_Viljas_v2.1-Bain-28977.7z (A3446DE9) (Installed)
++ 060 - Xtudo_Bikinis_collection_for_Companion_Vilja-28977.7z (F997F964) (Installed)
061 - ==Misc placers==
++ 062 - Sensual Walks Patch ESPs (07E897A1) (Installed)
++ 063 - slofs_ob_pillow_book_1.1.rar (7A987642) (Installed)
++ 064 - Neck Seam Concealer Version_1_2-18669.rar (E942D40B) (Installed)
++ 065 - VAs_Better_Gold_with_No_Menu_Icon-5122.rar (DDF03442) (Installed)
++ 066 - Leviathan_Soul_Gems_-_Abridged_1_2-BAIN-23162.rar (FB3B6CEC) (Installed)
067 - ==Armour and Clothing==
++ 068 - Dwemer_Spectacles-5198.rar (04C823F3) (Installed)
++ 069 - TGND-Athol_Brose_v1_1-31246.rar (2A78FA8F) (Installed)
++ 070 - TGND-Corsets_of_the_Rose-Fixed-31331.7z (41DBB352) (Installed)
++ 071 - TGND_Sister_of_Eisen.rar (6DE7A087) (Installed)
++ 072 - TGND_Witch_Queen_Ritual_Robe-31026.rar (354E7B06) (Installed)
++ 073 - TGND-Zertualpro_Sonja_Underworld_armor-25734.rar (122147B4) (Installed)
++ 074 - Kogane_Ranger_Armor-30916.rar (3F01A9F9) (Installed)
++ 075 - Exnem_Rogue_Outfits-30919.rar (3203A243) (Installed)
++ 076 - TGND-Featherwynd_-_Amazon_Priestess-Patched-28151.rar (C7BC3CCF) (Installed)
++ 077 - Mithris_HGEC_v2_with_TGND-32958.rar (C6664024) (Installed)
++ 078 - Dark_Sisterhood_for_TGND-32970.7z (D4760C14) (Installed)
++ 079 - Phasmatis_Rogue_Leather_for_TGND-32999.7z (16252534) (Installed)
++ 080 - Shell_of_the_Artificer_1.5_RobM_TGND-33087.7z (6B4D4A6E) (Installed)
++ 081 - Lingerie_and_Underwear_for_TGND-33113.7z (8AD00C8D) (Installed)
082 - ==Weapons==
++ 083 - SothaDagger_-_The_Ornate_Dwemer_Blade-24236.rar (A9231713) (Installed)
++ 084 - Blade of Woe and Sufferthorn Replacer.rar (92842CB0) (Installed)
++ 085 - Nicos_Tabaxi_Bows_v1_0-17444.rar (41579318) (Installed)
++ 086 - Goblin_Tribal_Shields_0_3-11871.7z (9FDD2ED6) (Installed)
087 - ==Game mechanics==
++ 088 - Cyrodiil_Terrain_Map-Fixed-AfterDarN-v25-2634.rar (324A9A51) (Installed)
++ 089 - Display_Stats_1.2.1-AfterDarN-31855.rar (C52E15B5) (Installed)
++ 090 - Initial_Glow-5138.rar (E03EBA12) (Installed)
++ 091 - Duke_Patricks_Near_Miss_Magic_And_Arrows_Alert_The_Target_Rev_7p1-16150.rar (DFD8414A) (Installed)
++ 092 - Duke_Patricks_magic_you_can_believe_in_Rev_6-30635.rar (735CD7EE) (Installed)
++ 093 - Duke_Patricks_Actors_Can_Miss_Now_Rev_3-17706.7z (D217A24F) (Installed)
++ 094 - Duke Patricks - Follow That Actor rev 1.2.7z (7B35683F) (Installed)
++ 095 - Duke_Patricks_-_Friendship_Ring_For_Companion_Detection_1p8-21594.7z (C75F3D08) (Installed)
++ 096 - Duke Patricks - Combat Archery 3.1a.rar (AC47341C) (Installed)
++ 097 - Streamline_31_and_patch_BAIN-22170.rar (886C5D82) (Installed)
098 - ==Last==

Current Load order
Active Mod Files:
00 Oblivion.esm
01 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.72]
02 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.2.9]
03 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]
04 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
05 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
06 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.0]
** Oblivion Vwalk UOS.esp
** DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk UOS.esp
** DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS UOS.esp
++ phinix-waterfix.esp
++ ln.esp
07 WindowLightingSystem.esp
08 AliveWaters.esp
09 AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp
0A AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp
0B Display Stats.esp [Version 1.2]
0C Duke Patricks - Follow That Actor.esp
0D ImprovedSigns.esp
0E Luchaire's Neck Seam Concealer.esp
0F RAEVWD Cities.esp [Version 1.7]
10 RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp [Version 1.5]
11 RAEVWD Imperial City.esp [Version 1.7]
12 Slof's Oblivion Pillow Book.esp
13 VAs Better Gold with no Menu Icon.esp
14 Duke Patricks - Friendship Ring For Companion Detection.esp [Version 1.8]
15 DLCHorseArmor.esp
** DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
16 DLCOrrery.esp
** DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.3]
** DLCOrrery Vwalk.esp
17 DLCVileLair.esp
18 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
19 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
1A DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]
** DLCMehrunesRazor Vwalk UOP.esp
1B DLCSpellTomes.esp
++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
++ MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
++ Blade Of Woe Replacer.esp
1C Featherwynd - Amazon Priestess.esp
1D GizmodianSothaDagger.esp
1E Hentai DarkSisterhoodArmor.esp
1F HGEC Witch Queen Ritual Robe.esp
20 KDDwemerSpectacles.esp
21 Mithris_HGEC.esp
22 Nicos Tabaxi Bows.esp
23 Sister_of_Eisen_HGEC.esp
24 Underworld Armor.esp
** TGND.esp
** TGND_SI.esp
25 TGND_Corsets_of_the_Rose.esp
26 TGND - Kogane's Ranger Armor.esp
27 TGND Exnem Rogue Outfits.esp
28 Ryk_AtholBrose.esp
29 RogueLeather.esp
2A Gizmodian - Shell of the Artifice.esp
2B TGND_Lingerie_Underwear.esp
2C Slof's Horses Base.esp
2D Slof's Extra Horses.esp
2E DLCThievesDen.esp
2F DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.5]
** DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.4]
** DLCThievesDen Vwalk UOP.esp
30 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.72]
31 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]
++ Cobl Tweaks.esp [Version 1.44]
32 TIE.esp [Version 1.35]
** TIE Vwalk.esp
33 AleswellHomeQuest.esp
34 BrotherhoodRenewed.esp [Version 1.0.4]
35 The Ayleid Steps.esp [Version 3.4]
** The Ayleid Steps Vwalk.esp
36 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
37 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]
38 DLCFrostcrag.esp
39 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4]
** DLCFrostcrag Vwalk.esp
3A Knights.esp
3B Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]
** Knights Vwalk UOP.esp
3C HoarfrostCastle.esp
** HoarfrostCastle Vwalk.esp
3D Feldscar.esp [Version 1.0.4]
** Feldscar Vwalk.esp
3E Vergayun.esp [Version 1.0.5]
** Vergayun Vwalk.esp
3F Faregyl.esp [Version 1.0.10]
** Faregyl Vwalk.esp
40 Goblin Tribal Shields.esp
** Leviathan Soul Gems Abridged.esp
41 Oblivifall - Ambiant Dungeon SFX.esp [Version 1.2]
42 Duke Patricks - Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert The Target.esp [Version 7.1]
43 Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now.esp
++ Khajiit Fix.esp
44 CCR - Capucine.esp
45 Tabaxi Race 2.0.esp [Version 2.0]
46 1em_Vilja.esp [Version 2.1]
** 1em_Vilja Vwalk.esp
47 TheOubliette.esp
** [GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.esp
48 Duke Patricks - Magic you can believe in.esp
++ Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp [Version 1.53]
49 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
4A Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp [Version 3.1a]
4B Streamline 3.1.esp

These are the Laptop lists, on the desktop I do not have the Customized Viljas Bain, and using Wisemans slightly less resource needy world textures instead of CorePCs (Our desktop is less capable than the laptop)

Edit: Just realised I am still using the UOP vampire aging fix instead of the Wrye Bash tweak - Going to amend that. Does anyone know if that would have a bearing on this?

Edit2: It also might be worth mentioning I dropped using All Natural a couple of weeks ago, for our machines its the straw that breaks the donkeys back. Not too badly, just makes gameplay a little less than smooth which annoys, everyone here likes no loading stutter, silky smooth non-distracting gameplay.

Edit3: I have also started a completely new game with my PC three days ago with this load order, and have had two instances of double face bugs with Vilja.

Edit4: ( Turning into an epic :) ) Just had a talk with all playing here and they all will start a new game so I can be sure we are all singing from the same hymn sheet so to speak with regards any problems found from now on.
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Flesh Tunnel
Posts: 3409
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:43 pm

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:59 pm

One quick thing:

The double-face bug is an engine bug. It has nothing to do with any particular mod and can strike a 100% vanilla game. It doesn't happen a lot, but it's there. So looking for a mod as the cause of it will get everyone nowhere. It will strike vanilla NPCs who are merely following you at the time, such as when Martin tags along with you after Kvatch.

@ povuholo: Nope. An OnLoad block will not trigger if the cell you're traveling to is still in memory. With that in mind, it's entirely possible to fast-travel with Vilja and still have her display the bug since her fix for that relies on an OnLoad block.

My suspicion here is that the baldness issue is really just the double-face bug. Helmets and wigs have transparency on them. ATI video cards are well known to have issues with displaying something with transparency behind another transparent object. The effect usually means the forward object becomes invisible. In this case the helmet or wig. So in theory, the UOP spell to fix the double-face bug should work even if the cell is still in memory.

If it doesn't, then the baldness is a separate issue that has never been identified before. The UOP, AN-RL, and Vilja have no directly conflicting records other than cell flags, which get resolved by the bashed patch. If it's related to lighting, then an easy test would be to fast travel in the cities during the day since all of the light sources should be turned off there. If the baldness crashing only happens when arriving at night, that suggests a lighting issue. Which means the potential for it to happen exists in any mod that uses vanilla light sources.
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Sakura Haruno
Posts: 3446
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 pm

~snip~ It has nothing to do with any particular mod and can strike a 100% vanilla game. ~snip~

In which case, I have no current problems at all with vilja. Game bug un-resolveable - will live with it :)

@Emma/cdCooley - My current stable installation on both machines I am going to keep for a while now, give the game chance to mature for all players.
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Marquis T
Posts: 3425
Joined: Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:39 pm

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:32 pm

My suspicion here is that the baldness issue is really just the double-face bug. Helmets and wigs have transparency on them. ATI video cards are well known to have issues with displaying something with transparency behind another transparent object. The effect usually means the forward object becomes invisible. In this case the helmet or wig. So in theory, the UOP spell to fix the double-face bug should work even if the cell is still in memory.

Makes sense. I do have an ATI card, and I get glitches when things like nether liches and cobwebs, which both have transparency, overlap in a dungeon.

Didn't happen with my old ATI card though, I guess it's related to the newer models. I don't think I've experienced the double face bug back then either.
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Posts: 3304
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:52 am

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:58 pm

One quick thing:

The double-face bug is an engine bug.
My suspicion here is that the baldness issue is really just the double-face bug. Helmets and wigs have transparency on them. ATI video cards are well known to have issues with displaying something with transparency behind another transparent object. The effect usually means the forward object becomes invisible. In this case the helmet or wig. So in theory, the UOP spell to fix the double-face bug should work even if the cell is still in memory.

Just tried that theory, I crash trying to Travel to one of my Northern properties, No problem to random location near Anvil, and South to Leaywin, she shows up Bald, and when cast Fix spell, she has her Cloak back on... :rolleyes:

Is that the Normal Double Face on those Ayleid Fighters I linked above, it's Pretty normal for Them in my game, Practicaly nobody else though. (one other time on a cm companion)
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Posts: 3368
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:18 pm

One quick thing:

The double-face bug is an engine bug. It has nothing to do with any particular mod and can strike a 100% vanilla game. It doesn't happen a lot, but it's there. So looking for a mod as the cause of it will get everyone nowhere. It will strike vanilla NPCs who are merely following you at the time, such as when Martin tags along with you after Kvatch.

My suspicion here is that the baldness issue is really just the double-face bug. Helmets and wigs have transparency on them. ATI video cards are well known to have issues with displaying something with transparency behind another transparent object. The effect usually means the forward object becomes invisible. In this case the helmet or wig. So in theory, the UOP spell to fix the double-face bug should work even if the cell is still in memory.

If it doesn't, then the baldness is a separate issue that has never been identified before. The UOP, AN-RL, and Vilja have no directly conflicting records other than cell flags, which get resolved by the bashed patch. If it's related to lighting, then an easy test would be to fast travel in the cities during the day since all of the light sources should be turned off there. If the baldness crashing only happens when arriving at night, that suggests a lighting issue. Which means the potential for it to happen exists in any mod that uses vanilla light sources.

I'm surprised over that no one here has ever mention the Nvidia Fog bug yet, which I've managed to create baldness to my character by standing in the right position in any cell regardless to pure vanilla or a modified game setup.

In Wrye Bash you can fix this *fog* bug with any selected esm/esp to use the "Nvidia Fog Fix" from the right click menu and click ok when prompted. :user:
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Marguerite Dabrin
Posts: 3546
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:30 am

Wow weird that this came up today, just as i experienced this issue.

I just got an elven helmet and decided to equip vilja with it (i normally don't wear helmet at all), then i went and did the last mage guild quest and as i turned it in my game started ctd'ing on every fast travel except one where i managed to travel, however this time vilja was bald. Didn't take any chances so i loaded a save right before king of worms and unequipped her helmet: Now i could zone just fine and played fora little bit doing lots of zoning to see if i would get a ctd. Then i come her to forums and read this thread....... I didn't really suspect vilja because i have been playing for so long with no issues but the bald thing was what made me take of her helmet.

So i did some testing and when i requip the helmet i do indeed crash on 90% of fast travels. The one time i didn't crash she was again bald. I used the double face fix and she went back to normal with helmet showing, then i tried to fast travel and crashed. Tried some fast travel with no helmet and i get no crashes.

So yeah i wouldn't be surprised if the baldness is indeed part of double face problem, why it causes crashing is another matter though. I get the double face bug ALOT, but it has never caused a crash before. With 100+ hours played i have only had a handful of ctd's before this.
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Elisabete Gaspar
Posts: 3558
Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:15 pm

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:29 am

I'm surprised over that no one here has ever mention the Nvidia Fog bug yet, which I've managed to create baldness to my character by standing in the right position in any cell regardless to pure vanilla or a modified game setup.

It's sort of hard for ATI users to know if an nVidia bug plays a role in this :)

So yeah i wouldn't be surprised if the baldness is indeed part of double face problem, why it causes crashing is another matter though. I get the double face bug ALOT, but it has never caused a crash before. With 100+ hours played i have only had a handful of ctd's before this.

Yes, I think the baldness thing is the same issue as the double-face bug. The only new aspect of it is that fast travel after it's hit is causing crashes. I don't think it's a widely known issue because there aren't as many people who play with companions, and I think the only reason it's being noticed more with Vilja is because (at least from what I can tell) more people are using her regularly and thus encountering it more often with her in tow. It's definitely not something specific to her.

Unfortunately there may not be anything that can be done about it short of the obvious.

* Don't fast travel.
* Use a travel network mod.
* Remove the helmets before using fast travel.
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Kelly Upshall
Posts: 3475
Joined: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:26 pm

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:24 am

I'm surprised over that no one here has ever mention the Nvidia Fog bug yet, which I've managed to create baldness to my character by standing in the right position in any cell regardless to pure vanilla or a modified game setup.

In Wrye Bash you can fix this *fog* bug with any selected esm/esp to use the "Nvidia Fog Fix" from the right click menu and click ok when prompted. :user:

I'm pretty sure that fog fix is for something different. That is for the problem with nvidia cards that show a black screen in cells with no fog, so the solution is to add a tiny amount of fog to every cell to prevent this. I don't believe it has anything to do with transparency issues, I think that is something separate.
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Posts: 3367
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