Wow Emma, I used all your companion mods from Morrowind, and they were great, but Vilja just outshines them all. You've really outdone yourself.
She's charming and sweet, and honestly, I find the accent endearing. I had a very good friend in high school who was a Swedish exchange student, and she reminds me a lot of her. So +1 on the revival of many happy memories.
I hope Vilja won't be your last companion for Oblivion (perhaps we'll see a return of Morgana and Co.? Maybe I'll be reunited with my Morrowind Family? *hint hint*).
Thank you

I think maybe it is easier to make Oblivion companions really come alive, as you have both all the voice acting and the facial expressions to play around with. A companion that can smile at you or frown at you, and tell with her own mouth what she feels will appear more human.
I'm hoping to work on at least one more companion for Oblivion, so that Vilja has someone she can really pvssyr with, but that would be a long term project, as it takes so much longer to make an Oblivion companion than a Morrowind one. As CDCooley and I now have built a good foundation, hopefully a second companion would be easier to make.
Did it take a long time to get Vilja's face as it is now? I have to say it's very good. No weird inconsistent skin colours or oddly shaped head... Very realistic. Best face in the game.

It didn't take long at all... She is made from the original Oblivion head mesh, and I used a texture I had found and adjusted back in 2006, I'm afraid I don't even know where it originates from but I have seen several similar ones in use. I started out with the imperial female face which has all the sliders basically at 0, and then I just adjusted very little at a time until Vilja looked the way I wanted her to look. I'm glad that you do like her looks

. Even if there are now several alternate looks of her available, the original one is the one I prefere, myself, and one good reason is that I think the original Oblivion head mesh shows expressions so nicely.
Damn traps get her every time.