I have a hard time trying to find a set of armor that I like for Vilja.
I just finished the main quest, and I have a lot of stuff left to do, like Fighter's, Mage, Thieves' Guild quests and a bunch of other side quests.
And I only barely poked my head into the Shivering Isles.
I was thinking of using the Construction Set to make a set of armor for her using various pieces of other armors, but I can't really find anything good.
I don't like anything terribly fancy, nor anything overly simple. It's tough finding something in the middle that I think fits my image of Vilja.

I'm using the TGND body, which I like, as it improves all equipable Vanilla armors/clothings, as well as adds a few new items (I am using a Rogue Leather set for myself, as I favor sneaking and marksmanship, but I've always used Vilja as a charge in melee character, so she would look silly in light leather like mine.)
http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6467/flameatronachandtgndumb.jpg Not too big and bulky, so it wouldn't look awful on Vilja, though some heavy armors like Steel and Dwarven are still pretty large, pauldron-wise.
Right now, I've got her in a set of Perfect Amber Armor, which I hate, because it makes her look like some kind of turbo Power Ranger.
http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/8121/myparty.jpg This is a picture I took outside of Emma's Aleswell Cottage, which I use as my main home, currently.

Temporary follower Mazoga the Orc in tow. Vilja's armor is so silly. (And I changed Vilja's hair and gave her eyelashes. But those're the only changes I made to an otherwise perfect follower

So, what does everyone else have Vilja wearing?