As no-one else have reported any problems, the first guess would be an incompatibility of some kind. If you still have a save since before you levelled up, the easiest way to check would be to temporary disable the RL-mod and check if it does any difference. (i.e. if she behaves normal if you level up the normal way, without the RL-mod)
Fortunately, I did have a previous save. And I managed to identify the culprit... (see below)
Uhm... you say she says "ok" and then wanders off? "Ok" isn't her normal reply to these questions, but maybe you don't mean it literally?
No, I just meant she gave the normal/expected response.
When you say that the player levels up AFTER resting, do you mean that literally, or does the player level up during resting, as with the Oblivion level system? If the levelling happens in game-mode it sounds very likely that it could affect companions in a bad way.
By default, Realistic Levelling levels the player up immediately. The only delay is if the player is in combat, in which case it waits until the combat has finished. With the 'level up when you rest' option, it levels the player up when they rest, just like the vanilla system. In fact, it uses the vanilla level up process regardless of which option you choose, but it overrides the standard 'level up' screen you get with the vanilla system.
Anyway, I found the mod that was causing problems. All of the issues I was experiencing with Vilja were caused by her fatigue being set to 0. And her fatigue being set to zero was my fault. :whistling:
You know how you get a bug, and it can't possibly be the mod you were working on that was causing the bug, because you've tested that mod and it works perfectly? :facepalm:
(insert ten of your favourite swear words here) :swear:
The problem was a fix I had made to my Extra Wounding plugin (part of MMM). I'd been having problems getting it to work properly with leveled NPCs - EW stores the NPC's health when it starts and uses that to work out how wounded they are, which is no good if they are leveled. So I modified it to remove all wounding processing and effects from an NPC when they leveled up, and then re-apply the processing at the NPC's new level. However, as part of that I was accidentally setting their fatigue to zero if they weren't wounded. :banghead:
Actually, fixing that bug revealed another bug in the processing, where it wasn't correctly re-applying the wounding processing to a leveled NPC. So I fixed that bug as well. :angel:
So the upshot is that the problem of Vilja's fatigue being set to zero by Extra Wounding after you level up will be fixed in the next release of MMM. :dance:
Oh, and I've also got another plugin in the works that should solve the whole 'enemies attack companions rather than the player' problem, regardless of what mods you have loaded. Arkngt has been testing it with FCOM and SI, and the initial reports are encouraging. :ph34r:
I did just encounter a couple of funny situations with Vilja (well, I thought they were funny...)
She asked to go for a swim, so we went for a swim in a nearby pool. When we got out, I spoke to her again, and she asked to go for a swim... :rolleyes:
Shortly afterwards, she made some comment about the deer being beautiful and full of life. I wish I could have turned round to her and said "Vilja, dear... guess what that leather armour you are wearing is made of..." :laugh: