Hi Emma:
Gave this mod a try based on the popularity and must say it makes the game more enjoyable because of Vilja comments. More fun that way.
However I ran into a couple quirks:
I use the Alternative Start mod and it gives me 0 weight clothing (nice cheat). However, Vilja thinks I am naked and will not talk to me after she joins me. I like the 0 weight clothes perk and it looks like leather armor so was hoping to keep it and enchant it later, just don't want to put on other clothes so I can talk to her.
Second, I have UL Imperial Isle and New Roads and Bridges installed. When leaving the Waterfront to the left when facing the door to the temple district (the rocks are now gone and there is a path there), Vilja does not see this and when she reaches the spot where the rocks were she turns around and runs away looking for another path. I can work around this by summoning her when I get to the other side.
These are not biggies, just wondering if it is worth fixing.
Great mod, great voice work (you must have used some good sound equipment to record compared to some of the other voiced mods), your English fits perfect with the character.
Hi Peter,
thank you for your kind words - I'm glad you enjoy Vilja's company.

I know about the quirk with the 0 value armor from the alternate start mod (it's the value that matters, not the weight). Unfortunately, checking for clothing value is the only way to make Vilja 'know' about nudity, and I think it's quite nice that she does know how you and she are dressed (once she likes you better she will not refuse to speak to you). There is an easy fix, though. Just put on a ring, shoes, and amulet or whatever has a value of anything above 0 - 1 gold value is quite enough. Then she won't consider you character as naked anymore.
As for the other mods you mention, this is something you'll have to discuss with the author of them. If Vilja reacts this way, it means that the pathgrids haven't been adjusted to match how the gameworld looks with these mods installed. She cannot 'see', she is travelling by the existing pathgrids, and if they are wrong or missing, she will get confused. However, she should eventually warp to you if you continue to walk in the direction you have planned.
My sound equipment is just a standard headset, nothiing fancy at all. And now, during the recording of ver 3, which is soon to be released, my old headset broke and I couldn't get the same model, so I hope the difference won't be too noteable... (don't worry, you won't have to restart when ver 3 arrives, you will be able to just switch esps and keep on playing).
I hope this is of some help, and, as I said, just putting on a ring or amulet will instantly make her realized that your character isn't nvde.