Ive recently decided to try out Realistic Fatigue again and while it works great for me, Vilja is having problems. Im writing here to see if you can address my problem.
If youre not familiar with RF, a player who has low fatigue can sometimes collapse to the ground. Vilja however falls after 2 steps and pants non-stop. Im not sure how to fix this myself and Im not sure if youll be able to either but I would really love to keep her AND use RF at the same time. If you can help me that would be awesome.
EDIT: Also when I try to summon her when shes collapsed I get a CTD. I will have a look at her tonight in more detail cause none of my other companions have this problem. hmm... well Im definitely not going to give her up if it comes to picking and choosing shes just to awesome, but hopefully you can take a look a see whats up.
This reminds me very much of a serie of posts that was made in Vilja's endorsemant thread at TES Nexus:
For simplicity, I quote the posts here, full thread is http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/172080-companion-vilja-endorsemants/page__st__1440
I am running a mod that controls fatigue and encumbrance. It seems to very much dislike something in Vilja's esp and she is moving super slow and stumbling every few steps while walking forward. Which makes me think Vilja has a stumble script that isn't reacting well with my other mods tripping script. That one doesn't cause tripping at all while moving forward.
Is there a way to turn off or remove any scripts of Vilja's involved with encumbrance, fatigue, and tripping? As much as I really enjoy Vilja the other mod is an absolute necessity for me to play Oblivion so I am really hoping to find a solution so I won't have to stop using Vilja.
Which level are you at? And what armor is Vilja wearing? Vilja is as affected as you by the mod that controls fatigue, if you for instance give her heavy armor she might have difficulties at lower levels. As for the encumberance, you can disable her own encumberance counter in her options book. But I don't think that will make her run as fast as she did before you added this mod, you'll have lot let hear wear very light armor or clothes to perform better. She does not have any stumbling script, it's an effect of your other mod.
However, there is one more thing you can do: in her Options book, you can boost her health. This will also boost her endurance and hopefully help up her general fatigue. Try boosting her health to max bonus - you can always lower it again when you reach higher levels.
I know that ElricOfGrans, who posted right before you, are using mods similar to what you are talking about, and that he has some strategies for making Vilja perform as good as possible. He has also given me some suggestions in relations to this - I'm going to add in so that she can make fatigue potions for you in the next version, which I'm working on (there will be another quick-version released first, curing the little hiccup with Vilja's behaviour after some prison-visits, see previous posts).
I'm not sure if ElricOfGrans will read this, but if not, maybe you should PM him and ask how he has handled it. Maybe it is as simple as that you are currently at a very low level. As Vilja levels with you (once you have reached lvel 3) she will get stronger and have better fatigue.
Is she drinking fatigue-potions when needed? I'm thinking of various options to force her to use potions and gain fatigue.
I just wanted to get back to you and let you know that the trouble I was having was not related to your mod or the other mod. It was my fault. I was using Wrye bash for the first time and followed the instructions for the patch.
That was a bad idea. The last mod in my load order, aside from the patch and streamline, is an extensive overhaul but is not recognized by Wrye bash yet. So it was merging things that it shouldn't have been and moving them behind the overhaul. For a totally unrelated reason I tried making the patch only merge graphics and surprise. Vilja was moving quite smoothly. Faster than my character actually. And her progress page is displaying properly as well.
May want to pass this along to the other person with similar issues? If he is using any sort of merged patch and it doesn't recognize the mod in question properly that may be the issue.
I use a lot of mods like that (Realistic Fatigue, Realistic Health, etc), so had similar issues with Vilja early on. As Emma suggested, these issues basically clear up once Vilja gets a few levels under her belt, and seem less prevalent in the latest release. I cannot remember when it was exactly that Vilja seemed to get over it, but it was by the time I reached level 10. Prior to that, if you are in the Mage's Guild it will make things easier if you get a Restore Fatigue on Touch spell, and make sure her encumbrance is very low (no more than 25%). Restore Health on Touch spells/scrolls are also essential for when Vilja's life drops too low to cast her own healing spells. What I used to do at low levels was spam Restore Fatigue on Self and/or use Restore Fatigue potions on myself, but I adjusted my playstyle to work better with Vilja. I stopped using these so heavily (keeping them for when I really did need them, like combat) and took things slower in the early levels. In fact, just taking things slower may make a dramatic difference (depending on your race/class): Vilja has proven to have more stamina than some of the characters I built! Vilja will tell you off for taking your time, but just ignore her (do not tell her I said that!).
Hope this can be of some use for you. As far as I know, he hasn't had any problems with Vilja and the fatigue mod since.