Thankyou for a magnificent mod, you know one notices that it is a woman that has created this mod
because Vilja acts like a woman asking questions that no man wants to answer because you can never
answer them right. I like the accent though let me guess you are from MellanSverige somewhere, Uppsala
perhaps? Anyway I salute you for a magnificent mod! Forts?tt s? o god jul. :tops:
Heh, yes, I can imagine that you guys find some of Vilja's questions a little.. inconvenient and wish she had never asked. Especially as she might respond in various ways depending on her current frame of mind. And I know there are some other questions as well where there isn't really a "correct" answer that will fully please her. But... that's how it is with real friends, too, isn't it?

At times they ask the wrong thing or you say the wrong thing... but as you are friends, you'll sort it out.
No, I'm not from Mellan Sverige, I'm from the south, from Sm?land. I take it you are swedish as well

I wish you a God Jul, too, and hope that you've seen at least one lovely Lucia today!