Your notes for the upcoming release make me curious. You've stated that Vilja will interact with companions and shop mods. Do you have a list of recommended mods to pair with her?
Well, not with shop mods... What I meant in my previous post was just that if you have a shop mod installed, I'm sure that you will spend a huge amount of money there on outfitting Vilja - and yourself of course
However, she 'interacts' with the original Oblivion shops. You can give her some gold and send her shopping. Or, if you are in a town, it might very well happen that she decides to go and do some shopping on her own, in which case she will inform you and then wander off for a little while. With some luck, she might even bring back something useful (but don't bet on it! She might not have the same opinion as you on what IS useful ;D)
She also interacts with companion mods. You can introduce her to your other companions, and she will recognize them as companions. For a number of existing moddermade companions, I have also added in unique interaction (i.e. Vilja will recognize them by name, talk to them about their life, discuss them with you...). These companions are:
Viconia (this mod has so far not got appropriate conversation functions, but I have helped Sulteric to set this up for the next version, which I believe has been released a few days ago. For the older version, there's a quick-fix in the Vilja mod that will still allow the girls to have some interaction.)
Stoker Wolf (has not got appropriate conversation functions, but I have added in a quick-fix in the Vilja mod to allow some interaction)
Saerileth (same as Stoker - quick-fix added to compensate for missing conversation function)