If you are looking to rewrite some lines, how about the times she asks about changing her hair? Either answer is not good enough, just like in RL. How about an option "You would look grat in whatever hair you choose"

Coward! :chaos:

I know you guys do that in real life, but I also know that the reply you get to that one is "Come on, that was not what I asked! Now, you tell me what you really think, mister"
(The hairstyle topic is filtered so it can not show up more often than once a day or even once every second day)
Also, if you are still scripting, she should not talk about a beautiful sunrise/sunset in the middle of the day or when it is raining. Not a big deal. It's just when you start talking about things in a forum all these things pop to mind that you do not think about in the game.
I would probably vote "leave as is" though. Don't want to make her too perfect

On another note, the "take a nap" option when traveling. I use your comapnion friendly inns mod but still have places where there is only one bed (or bedroll like in Pell). I can't lead her to another bed in this situation so she winds up staying awake or wondering off. If she could have her bedroll option in all these situations it would be more appropriate, even if she complains about me getting the bed! Taking this further, if I use a realism mod where I have a bedroll to sleep in the wilderness, she should be able to do the same.
But this may be for version 4!
Vilja's bedroll is designed to disappear during daytime, so that you can keep it in your house and it won't be in the way. That's why she cannot use it for a nap during daytime. I.e. she can use it between midnight and dawn, also in inns, but not at other times.
However, there are other bedroll mods around that let you put down a bedroll exactly where you want it and pick it up and carry it with you afterwards. These bedrolls are designed so also companions an use them. We discussed the issue at an earlier stage of the work with the ver 4 version, but as these mods are doing the trick and works very well, there isn't really a point in incorporating the same feature in the Vilja mod.
Regardin the companionfriendly inns mod: The reason why I haven't added extra beds in some of the inns is of course that there isn't space enough. When possible, I have at least added an extra bedroll.