When you tell, for example, Boone to back up, it removes a 'follow' package that makes him to follow at a certain distance, and adds one that makes him to follow at a longer distance. To find it, go up to the menu bar and select Character>Packages then search for "FollowersBooneFollowPlayerLONG".
Ah, no, I am really sure it is not that.
For example, the currentaipackage and currentaiprocedure both show up as -1 while it is happening, then when I evp the follower, it stops in its tracks, and the regular follow package numbers show up again. The follow long package would show valid package and procedure numbers. Then, if you directly put the follower into the follow long package, it does not cause the follower to turn on its heel, precisely and perfectly, and walk a few steps away (its never done that).
This behavior seems different and new - - I was never able to achieve it with the existing packages while using the player as the package target (and this action does in fact do that). I had asked Gstaff to see if any of the devs who made it could come by and toss some info our way and he said he relayed the message so, yeah. I guess that at some point we'll find out more about it, be it sooner or later.