Here is my problem with companions, they do stuff randomly.
Take Boone for instance: I'll give him tons of weapons with the appropriate ammo(Lever-actions shotty, Plasma rifle, Missie Launcher, frag grenades...and you know what he uses? His trusted Scope hunting rifle, which is actually fine because he kicks ass with it.
But then get this, we start battling multiple mobs for a minute or 2 until Boone gets a genius idea "OH wait i got a 9 MM pistol in my inventory, I'm going to use this instead". :

Out of all the weapons I give him to use, he chooses the weakest POS weapon at the worse time to use it. :banghead:
This scenario happens multiple times except he uses a machete or brass knuckle, or a random frag grenade while we are inside vaults( Which is the worst time to use them!!). I know it isn't my companion wheel setting because he WAS using the hunting rifle for like the last 3 hours.
Also another pet peeve with companions they get stuck behind load screen doors. Meaning you go through the door, see the loading screen, but you are by yourself. Really annoying