I like a lot of companion interactions.
Piper: Jeez, you Mutants are not much prettier up close.
Strong: Strong say the same about little lady.
Danse: I can't believe you're leaving me for that... thing.
Nick: Believe it, bucko. Now isn’t there someone else you should be irritating.
Cait: There’s nothing quite like the smell of power armor, grease and testosterone.
Danse: The aroma is rather… pungent.
Danse: Keep away from me, you filthy Ghoul.
Hancock: Don’t flatter yourself, crew cut. You ain’t my type.
Strong: Strong find milk of human kindness on own.
Cait: What the hell is he talkin’ about? Never mind. I don’t want to know.
Cait: You two have fun together, Piper. Too bad we can’t make it a threesome.
Piper: Never going to happen, Cait.