Comparability but not dependency on USPs

Post » Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:27 pm


I've got a serious Alchemy Mod that I'd like to roll out. I'be been putting a lot of effort into making sure I've duplicated all the fixes from the Unofficial Patches, in regards to Alchemy.

Would anyone recommend ( or NOT recommend ) turning the Unofficial patches into ESPs, so my next mod captures all their fixes for content I intend to alter.

For example, If I alter Magic Effect AlchDamageMagickaRate I currently have to go back into the Unofficial Patch notes, to make sure I didn't miss anything.

This is because I'm not loading the Unofficial Patch when I work on my mod. I don't want it to be a dependency, but why I'd love to catch all the fixes they've got.

There's lots of great stuff in those patches, small things that eat a lot of my time... KeyWords, Improper Flags.

It would literally save a few weeks if I could grab them.

Maybe I can load the Unofficial Patches... then ignore flag everything that isn't related to Alchemy... then save... then use that as a starting point?

Any other suggestions?

What do yo think?

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