Fallout 4 came out 4 years after Skyrim and has much less content. It svcks. You would think that Fallout 4 would have twice as much content than Skyrim. Skyrim's map is much bigger than Fallout 4's. Skyrim also has much more encounters and enemies than Fallout 4. Almost every enemy I encountered in Skyrim was unique from another one and didn't feel repetitive. Skyrim also had unique enemies in certain locations that you can't find anywhere else unlike Fallout 4. For example you can only encounter the keeper in the soul cairn. One of the unique encounters was the Any Queen in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. One of my biggest complaints with Fallout 4 is the amount of enemies. Everywhere I go, I'm always running into raiders, super mutants and ghouls mostly. It's so repetitive. Skyrim had much bigger dungeons that were far better than the ones in Fallout 4. The list goes on..