I wouldnt say they are fantastic and amazing, they are about on par with a lot of other 2011 games. Beaten by a few DX11 games obviously but as I said, Skyrim is far from cutting edge.
Also, why do we need to name another 2011 rpg game similar to Skyrim? First you defend the visuals and then you give a question that implies the amount of content excuses the visuals.
Rage looks better than skyrim
Prey 2 looks pretty nice from what little you can see in the new trailer
Minecraft still looks like crap but that doesnt matter cause its the best game EVER.
heres an exercise. i want all the people who say that skyrims graphics are just dandy to look again at how oblivion looks now. remember back when everyone was ooohing and awwwing at oblivions graphics and now we cant stand to look at them. the oohing and awwing are going to turn to :sick: as soon as the next gen console titles are released. and i as i mentioned the games above which are both open world look far better texture wise than skyrim does. i posted a far cry 2 video earlier showing how a 2008 PC centric game looks much better.
i agree with the other posters that they should have designed skyrim with a high end PC in mind and scalled back. they could easily rerelease the game on the next gen console with better graphics, lighting , physics etc. but instead we are stuck with a 360 designed game for 6 years.
all that said im happy with skyrim because it supposedly has shadows........textures can eventually be replaced but shadows and lighting are very difficult to replace.