I want to see what you guys and gals think of my comparison screenshots that I took in Oblivion. Although they are not exactly the same landscape or have
exactly the same creatures/NPCs in them. I want to know what you think. Is Skyrim a major leap forward (graphics) from Oblivion looking at my screenshots?
I GET the ones from Skyrim are Xbox 360 screenshots so don't try and catch me out there. I took the Oblivion screenshots and I tried to get them as near as
possible to the pictures in Skyrim. These where taken with max settings in Oblivion with HDR enabled (no AA, no mods). I don't want people pointing out that isn't
fair because you can't compare a console with a PC. It's just the fact that Skyrim is a 2011 game and should look much better than Oblivion regardless of what platform it's on.
I am just going to keep it short and sweet and say I think Skyrim looks really nice compared to Oblivion, but it's not a massive leap. I will still gladly be playing this game on day one and it's not another
"It looks crap!" thread.
Here are the screenshot comparisons:
Thank you.
Edit: Made it more clearer what I was asking. This doesn't void the poll because I'm sure people knew what I was asking originally (it was virtually the same, just now reworded).