Yes, because placing the player on the eastern most part of the map and telling them "Find the trinket somewhere to the west of here" and providing no more contextual clues within the game to its location is obviously the pinnacle of game design.
Who said that's the "pinnacle of game design?" Who even implied that?
Your straw man has been outed.
I just love it when people purposefully waste as much of my time as possible. /rollseyes
And I "just love it" when message board posters flail away at straw men instead of addressing issues.
Quest markers were invented for a reason,
Yes, they were, or rather for two interlocking reasons:
1. It requires time and resources to provide sufficient information in-game to make it possible for players to find things/places/people, and
2. Many players become frustrated if they can't find things/places/people quickly and easily and with minimal effort.
Beth had and has the choice to either provide sufficient information in-game to make the finding of things/places/people at least simple enough to hopefully not cause too much frustration to the short-attention-spanned while providing an additional level of detail for the benefit of those who enjoy a challenge in games, or to just slap a huge blinking GPS unit on each and every thing of any importance in the game. They chose the latter.
and they serve that purpose well.
Yes - if you count the "purpose" as saving time and resources and making the game easier for the benefit of the easily frustrated, yes - the quest markers serve that purpose well. If you include the overarching "purpose" of providing challenge for the benefit of those who appreciate it, it kicks that purpose square in the teeth.
I do wish developers would find a better way to implement a system to provide direction within the game and make it more integrated into the game play, but until then quest markers it is.
Then we're in agreement, and the only issue is when "then" is.
I'd say though that, as far as Beth goes at least, "then" is never. The games are too big and have too broad of a fanbase that includes too many casual gamers who simply won't buy the game at all if they think, or hear, that it's too comlicated. Beth has a vested interest in aiming the games squarely at the least common denominator, and that's what they'll do. The "better way" (which is really just the old way of providing sufficient information in the game that the map marker is no longer necessary) is going to have to come from another game from another company - a company that doesn't have to seek to maximize their profits in order to pay all their executive salaries and thus doesn't have to tailor the game for the broadest possible appeal.