Infrastructure Mods and Compatibility==== Infrastructure Compilations ==========================
Morrowind Rebirth is a huge mod that will transform Vvardenfell into something very special, a world full with detail & life. This is the first part of Morrowind Rebirth, that will offer a big overhaul to the Ascadian Isles, parts of Bitter Coast & parts of West Gash. More areas will see a transformation in the months to come! The following cities have been reworked: Caldera, Balmora, Suran, Dren Plantation, Pelagiad, Ebonheart & Seyda Neen. More cities & landscape edits will follow in future updates. I've listed some of the changes down below.
* Smoother landscapes & fixes for a huge number of landscape seams.
* A large number of new NPC's and evenually new creatures.
* Shops will close nighttime between 8 pm – 8 am.
* New music, splashscreens and new main menu.
* Fixes a large number of floaters and glitches.
* New weapons, misc items & clutter.
Cleaning Stats for "Morrowind Rebirth v 1.0.ESP": duplicate object instance: 447 duplicate record: 13 junk-CELL: 120 redundant CELL.AMBI: 143 redundant CELL.WHGT: 147
** TESTool crashes when trying to merge objects when this is active (with minimal active mods).
** This is a huge mod that has several additions to landscape, settlements, and game play settings. This entry only addresses the settlement/infrastructure concerns. The author recommends not using landscape overhauls for Bitter coast or Ascadian Isles ... and to not use grass mods (editing can make them work and I will note that where I can). I will list the towns it affects and then compatibility as necessary. Except for a tree in Dagon Fel I did not see changes in Ald velothi, Khuul, Vos, Sadrith Mora, or Molag Mar.
B: Vurt's Groundcover (south of town land has been reshaped 2,-13; 2,-14)
G: Ebonheart Shadydistrict (scary how well it fits).
G: Morrowind Add-on Mod
Seyda Neen
B: Vurt's Groundcover (-2,-9; -2,-8; -3,-8; -3,-9)
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod
B: Children Of Morrowind (according to the author).
B: Vurt's Groundcover (-1,-7)
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod
B: Vurt's Groundcover (Due to land reshaping and added farm -1,1; -2,1; -2,2)
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod
B: Vurt's Groundcover (-11,11 and due to land reshaping: -12,10; -12,11)
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod (well it could work but a door from the add-on mod comes up missing ##000564
B: Vurt's groundcover (for the basic city I would remove most of it -2,-2; -3,-2; -3,-3; -4,-2)
B: Balmora Ghetto
B: Vurt's Groundcover (6,-6)
B: Suran Waterfront
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod
Fort Buckmoth
B: Unique Buckmoth
B: Guarded Ghostgate (rebirth adds guards in the same spot)
** This looks to be such an amazing mod on the surface as it attempts to merge and combine a massive amount of mods (... 132 mods according to the readme). I found that the more mods you added with this the more errors you can expect. Diverse errors that require serious homework to fix. Just try running with Suran Extended and you will see what I mean. Perhaps after I gain more experience I can revisit this monster of a mod.
==== Infrastructure Additions ==========================I'm including these first as they cover many towns but do not constitute a town overhaul. Most town expansions described below will be tested with these installed, so for conflicts with those town expansions see the individual entries.
This plugin is 99 % cosmetic. It adds motion and nice scenics to every small town. Escpecially Dagon Fel, Maar Gan and Vos looks really nice now, with more NPCs and their services, even some wifes/husbands (which includes topics about their beloved ones!). Also single PCs have their own topics, someone might even have an interesting story to tell you! And don't kill Fargoth, some of the new NPCs will dislike you for it! And don't forget to visit the Explorer's Club (progrock easteregg) in Dagon Fel. I spent a lot of time making that place, I think it is funny. I could go on forever explaining what I've added to this world, but most importantly, I've tried it against a lot of other plugins, and I don't think there should be any giant clashes.
** Complete list of towns affected: Ebonheart, Seyda Neen, Gnisis, Dagon Fel, Hla Oad, Khuul, Mar Gan, Molag Mar, Vos, and Sadrith Mora.
B: MDP Khuul
B: MDP Maar Gan
More Detailed Places (MDP) aims to add more atmosphere to specific places. This link is for the compilation. One can also use the individual variants, which include: MDP - Dagon Fel, MDP - Ebonheart, MDP - Gnaar Mok, MDP - Khuul, MDP - Maar Gan, MDP - Sadrith Mora, MDP - Fort Buckmoth, MDP - Hla Oad.
- see individual entries for other towns & mods
==== Imperial Infrastructure ==========================
This mod expands Ebonheart, as stated in the title. It adds a large section of docks, more guards, a new inn, a couple new items and a quest that is short but difficult. Unfortunately, it will conflict with any other mod that changes Ebonheart or the surrounding Ascadian Isles area (1,-12; 1, -13; 1, -14; and 2, -12; 2, -13) including the wonderful Vality's Ascadian Isles mod.
Cleaning Stats for "CD_ebonheart.esp": duplicate object instance: 3 duplicate record: 3 redundant CELL.AMBI: 3 redundant CELL.WHGT: 3
G: (not with Morrowind Add-On Mod as well)
G: Morrowind Add-On Mod
B: Vality Ascadian Isle Mod (as detailed above, but I did not find but a few tree collisions in 1,-13)
MNC: Ebonheart extends the castle Ebonheart and its surrounding area with several buildings and NPCs with their own dialogue. This mod is the second of a little series of city expansions. I tried to be as lore-friendly as possible, i.e. the new additions have got their own little background stories. I leave it to your judgment if I succeeded. Furthermore, this mod doesn't contain any quests, armor, or weapons. Okay, there is one or two of them but they are used by NPCs and not intended to be used by
the player.
Cleaning Stats for "MNC_Ebonheart_v1.0_EV.esp": redundant CELL.AMBI: 4 redundant CELL.WHGT: 4
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod
B: Ebonheart Shadydistrict
* 13 new shacks with fully furnitured interiors.
* 2 New Taverns: The Evil Mudcrab & The Red Lantern.
* Docks with a shipmaster offering travel service to various destinations
* A new Imperial Barracks
* Several new traders & much more!
Cleaning Stats for "New Seyda Neen 1.6.esp": duplicate object instance: 27 junk-CELL: 2 redundant CELL.AMBI: 7 redundant CELL.WHGT: 7
B: Vurt Groundcover (-2,-9 ... very south of -2,-8)
Seyda Neen has been expanded with 8 new shops. In one shop you'll find 3 new versions of steel weapons. One of the shops has Heavy Adamantium and Heavy Bonemold armor for sale. You will also find new Medium armor made by Chitin and Fur. There is also a magic shop and a alchemy shop. For the thief oriented player, look for Suspicious Minds house. There is also a shop for rings. And don't forget to visit The Golden Arrow who have everything a marksman could want, including magical arrows and bolts. And lastly, one clothiers shop.
B: Vurt Groundcover (-2,-9 ... very south of -2,-8)
G: Morrowind Add-On Mod and/or
This mod is the result of 2 mods Seyda Neen Docks and Haldenshore, merged in the TES and made compatible. Haldenshore is created by JOG, special thanks to that individual for letting me combine these two mods.
Cleaning Stats for "Seyda Neen Docks and Haldershore Tribunal V1.1.esp": duplicate object instance: 13 duplicate record: 229 junk-CELL: 17 redundant CELL.AMBI: 2 redundant CELL.WHGT: 2
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod
B: Vurt's Groundcover (-1,-9)
B: Vality Bitter Coast mod (some trees in -1,-9 along docks)
You can also consider this mod to be Beta status, but I have released it as a resource in case someone else would like to take it up and finish it instead, as I don't plan on finishing it in the immediate future.
-All the new interiors need Northmarkers placed inside them. -Most of the new interiors and other interiors that were changed need pathgrids.
-All of the doors for everything are working, although some of them might need tested in-game because the spaces they are in are small...
-The new basemant rooms in the Halfway Tavern could be used as a home for Drelasa Ramothran (the publican). I added the door to the new basemant sections with this in mind.
-Part of the South Wall interior was moved up for consistencies sake with the outside design. The part specifically where the guards quarter and the prison are would've been above ground otherwise if someone would look close enough...and I really really liked that window there before the guard beds and where it also is outside.

-Part of the North Wall interior was changed for consistency because of the new gate above ground and because of the new wall design outside.
-The hidden entrance from the fort that leads to the grotto I put in place thinking about the Thieve's Guild. The table and stools inside the grotto were also placed with that in mind.
-Ignatius Flaccus' House now has an exterior. I added an extra window on the front so it wouldn't be an exact copy of the other house nearby. This house is the main reason for the Tribunal dependency, as Ignatius Flaccus is from that expansion.
-There are two new doors inside of the main part of the Fort in the towers that go out onto the roof.
-Buildings that were edited that are from vanilla and aren't the Halfway Tavern are because of construction error fixes I made.
-I included the viney trellis mesh because I wasn't sure if this would cause errors in others games, seeing as the mesh was copied from the CS disc.
B: Vality Ascadian Isles (floating trees in 0,-9; 0,-7; -1,-7)
B: Vurt Groundcover (-1,-7)
G: Unique Pelagiad
This plugin adds a seedy downtown distric to the north wall of fort pelagiad, adds: One tavern, One supply shop, One fight club, One pot shop, and 5 (im pretty sure) houses.
Cleaning Stats for "My Little Pelagiad Mod.esp": duplicate record: 9 junk-CELL: 1
B: Vurt Groundcover (-1,-7)
G: Unique Pelagiad
This mod replaces most of the buildings in Caldera with Barabus's new imperial meshes and retextures the remaining original meshes to match. In addition the wall around the city has been completed and raised as much as possible, and portcullises have been added to the gates. Load doors have been added to Shenk's Shovel so that when you go across the skyway to the large room above Verick's, you actually go outside and can look out the windows into the town below. Other than that, no interiors have been modified, and no new construction has been done so as to aviod mod conflicts.
Cleaning Stats for "Improved Caldera.esp": duplicate object instance: 25 redundant CELL.AMBI: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
- all good so far
This mod were originally created by Loki The Grouch. I won't take credit for his work. My edit will make several changes to this mod, and some of them can be seen down below.
* Removed some doors that had no marker or lead nowhere.
* Smoother landscape for Caldera and its surroundings.
Cleaning Stats for "New Better Caldera (Trancemaster Edit).esp": duplicate object instance: 36 junk-CELL: 9 redundant CELL.AMBI: 11 redundant CELL.WHGT: 13
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod
I could probably paste & copy the text from my New Seyda Neen mod since this will be made in the same fashion. To put a few words to it I've never liked Gnisis. It was a quite boring "village" with an egg-mine, a fort of sorts and a temple with the Vivec ash-mask. This is my version of how Gnisis should have looked like.
* New Traders.
* Extensive rework of exteriors & some interiors.
Cleaning Stats for "New Gnisis 1.2.ESP": duplicate object instance: 20 duplicate record: 2 junk-CELL: 2 redundant CELL.AMBI: 6 redundant CELL.WHGT: 6
B: Vurts Groundcover (-11,11)
This plugin is my try at improving the atmosphere and realism of Gnisis. It adds some new traders and other misc. details to the town.
Cleaning Stats for "Clean gnis.esp": duplicate object instance: 23 junk-CELL: 1
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod ^
This mod expands/enhances the West Gash town of Gnisis, home to the Mask of Vivec and starting point for all Legion hopefulls. With a mine generating income, a Shrine drawing pilgrims and worshipers, and plenty of unclaimed land surrounding it, Gnisis was ripe for growth. - 29 New NPC's, each with unique "background" dialogue. Nobody likes a clone - 10 New Interiors, plus additions/changes to the Temple, Fort and Tradehouse in Gnisis. - 5 new quests centered around Gnisis (some straightforward, others not-as-much) - Altered Imperial Legion starting quest (so that it fits with the Expanded town) - New features around Gnisis, including - Waterfall inside town - Expanded Fort Darius - Rope bridges to East and South for better travel to/from Gnisis by foot. - New hut near Silt Strider - 2 New huts near Vabdas land (western part of Gnisis) - Dock area with 2 shacks - Massive manor on cliff outside of town (Note: quest to be added later as update/add-on) - Boat access to/from Gnisis! To: Khuul, Dagon Fel, Hla Oad, Ebonheart From: Dagon Fel, Khuul
Cleaning Stats for "CR Gnisis Expanded 1.0.esp": duplicate object instance: 20 duplicate record: 88 junk-CELL: 22 redundant CELL.AMBI: 7 redundant CELL.WHGT: 7
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod
Gives the Town of Dagon Fel a bit more uniqueness by making all the buildings/structures unique, so textures can be attached which will show up in/on Dagon Fel ONLY. Textures for the imperial/common homes by AOF. Textures for the shacks and docks by EarthWyrm Interiors are not affected by this. Has addons for "Hilgya the Seamstress" by Plangkye, "Dagon Fel Mill" by Thondur and "Metal Queen Boutique" by CanadianIce.
G: Morrowind Add-On Mod
==== Hlaalu Infrastructure ==========================PW_Balmora_Expanded_Vality_trees (lost link)
** This is not a readily available mod by Pseron Wyrd. It merged in trees from with I chose this because if I can make mods compatible with this then they will by default be compatible with the other two mods. I also want to play with this mod.
** This mod had floating trees and rocks in cells -4,-2 and -4, -1 I moved or disabled them with the CS.
Cleaning Stats for "PW_Balmora_Expanded_Vality_trees.esp": redundant CELL.AMBI: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 2
B: Vurt Groundcover (-2,-2; -3,-2; -3,-3; -4,-2)
G: Balmora Ghetto seems to work using the patch version
- to make Balmora more diversified in general...has been done before, but never as I would have liked it. - to make the city quarters more detailed and distinguished - to integrate it more into its region, the westgash, and thereby making it look a little more as if the city "grew" into the landscape. - to keep the mod all "vanilla" (No, I did not achieve this 100%, but 99.9%) I added lots of detail to the whole city, from lanterns to trees to shrubs to stone arches to misc items, overhangs, rooftop seating-accommodations and so on, to give the city a more rural look and to make it feel more like there are really people LIVING in this city. I also added some docks to the river-areas, so now theres for example a boat transport to suran and vivec, a fishermans wooden dock at the lower quarter side of town, and an abandoned (fishermans) hut just outside the northern end of town. That hut is for you to spend a night or two and maybe store some stuff.
Cleaning Stats for "Another Balmora 1.2.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 duplicate record: 2
Good has patches for Illuminated order and NOM.
B: Vurt Groundcover (-2,-2; -3,-2; -3,-3; -4,-2)
?: Balmora Ghetto - I cannot tell if it is working.
This mod is derived from Saint Jiub's "Atmospheric Balmora" ... "derived from" because indeed, the .esps contained within are really a trimmed down version of the version of Jiub's plugin listed on PES at the time of writing. The main difference is that all West Gash style trees and Ascadian Isles bushes have been removed to make room for Vality7's Bitter Coast style trees which are NOT included in this mod. This mod is designed to co-exist with the aforementioned mod, but technically does not require it. If you have used Jiub's version in the past, you will also find that the canol has been normalized, and that there are two new lights in Labor Town - one on Caius' house, the other near the water pump. In addition to the above changes, the bench on the Silt Strider platform has been removed, there are three new crates on top of Caius' house, two new bedrolls on the east side, and several objects along the canol have been re-aligned to my own liking.
Cleaning Stats for "Atmospheric Balmora for VBA.ESP": duplicate object instance: 46 duplicate record: 113 junk-CELL: 3 redundant CELL.AMBI: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
** has patch for Illuminated Windows.
G: Compatible with
Expands Suran with 14 new buildings to the north of town. Adds representitives from the main Guilds. A new small dockside which also includes a local ferry service and access to the main shiping routes. Adds a teleport item with over 100 locations but... are you worthy enough to use it!!! Updates the bridge leading in to Suran (retexture of the one from Bloodmoon) effects external areas:
Suran,Ascadian Isles Region, 6,6
Suran,Ascadian Isles Region, 6,7
Ascadian Isles Region, 5,-6 - moves rock to clear path at end of bridge.
Ascadian Isles Region, 5,-7 - corrects problems around dock area.
Ascadian Isles Region, 6,-8 -
Azura's Coast Region, 9, -11 - adds new tomb
Cleaning Stats for "New Suran.esp": redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
B: Vality Ascadian Isles (-6,6; -6,-7; -6,-8)
B: Vurt Groundcover (6,-6)
B: (Land height issue covers stairs)
- A luxury hotel with three bedrooms (balcony views and canopy beds!) and two enormous suites. You may rent a room, suite, villa, or everything! - A hotel restaurant - A taverna with outdoor seating - An Olde-Worlde tea shop - A souvenir shop - An unusual villa with a pool and an incredible view of Bal Ur - A number of private NPC residences including one playing host to a boozy teen house party - Three new books - a brochure, a phrasebook and a recipe book - Am-Ru's Retreat - a delightful fishing cottage on a secluded island in the Ascadian Isles, accessible through "boat hire" at Am-Ru's Retreat - A beach-side taverna with outdoor seating - Am-Ru's courier quests - talk to Am-Ru about Services and then about a "courier" - you will enjoy these quests fully if you accept rather than decline when prompted. You will even have the opportunity to have an NPC run around after YOU for a change, with amusing results. - A "treasure hunt" in which to gather some fun - but not overpowering - treasure (levelled list weapons, armour, scrolls etc)
Cleaning Stats for "Clean Suran Extended.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 junk-CELL: 2 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
B: Vality Ascadian Isles (-6,6; -6,-7; -6,-8)
B: Vurt Groundcover (6,-6)
New Gnaar Mok expands the city of Gnaar Mok by adding in clutter, more NPCs, more buildings and among other things a new miscellaneous quest.
Cleaning Stats for "New Gnaar Mok.ESP": junk-CELL: 1
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod
Gnaar Mok Expanded recreates the original village and expands it onto a small island adjacent too the main Gnaar Mok island. My main goal in creating Gnaar Mok Expanded is too expand it seamlessly; I didn't want it too feel like just another cheap city expansion mod that completely ignores the Elder Scrolls lore. It is still a small, remote, crappy fishing village, but now with more NPCs to meet and locations too visit.
Cleaning Stats for "GnaarMokExpanded.esp": duplicate object instance: 2 duplicate record: 3 junk-CELL: 2 redundant CELL.AMBI: 10 redundant CELL.WHGT: 10
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod
This mod adds alot of new content to the town of Hla Oad. There is now:
-Weapons Shop
-Armor Shop
-Mud Crab farm
-Skooma Pub
-Slave Trade Post
Cleaning Stats for "Hla Oad Expanded.ESP": duplicate object instance: 1 redundant CELL.AMBI: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
B: Morrowind Add-On Mod
B: Vurts Groundcover (-6,-5 ... actually only the most area right next to town)
==== Redoran Infrastructure ==========================
This mod does a few things. First up, it introduces four new stores to Ald-ruhn. These stores stock new items in the categories of: Magic, Weapons, Cool bows, Miscellaneous. Oh yeah - It's right of the main mushroom hall thing, just to the right of the stairs as you approach it. Check the local map at Ald-ruhn. Look for: Ald-ruhn Archery Supplies, the rest are around there close by.
Cleaning Stats for "Ald-ruhn Expansion 1.1.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 4
- all good so far
This plug-in is the English translation of my German Mod "New Ald'ruhn". It extends the city of Ald'ruhn with several buildings and NPCs with their own dialogue. I tried to be as lore-friendly as possible, i.e. the new additions have got their own little background stories. I leave it to your judgement if I succeeded. Furthermore, this mod doesn't contain any quests, armor, or weapons. Well, there are two armor parts, but they aren't really that special.
B: Vurt Groundcover - The Ashlands (-2,6; -2,7: -3,6) ^
Included in this handy, easy to use plugin is; Ald Velothi travel links, Ald Velothi winery, Ald Velothi bakery, Ald velothi bookstore (also known as "under the arch"), Ald Velothi outdoor market, Fort Greyburg, and also a free, complementary, bonus gift! The unreleased parts of my Ald Velothi series: Ald Velothi pub, Ald Velothi apothecary, and Ald Velothi smith! As another bonus, I have added walls to the area nearby the outcast ashlander camp, another defense tower, and an empty house, just begging another modder to make into something!!
Cleaning Stats for "Clean Ald velothi complete (finally!).esp": duplicate object instance: 134 duplicate record: 373 junk-CELL: 15 redundant CELL.AMBI: 19 redundant CELL.WHGT: 19
B: Vurt Groundcover (-11,15)
- 12 new cells, which includes nine shack homes, a workshop, a mead tavern and a subterranean bandit hideout. - Added additional ship, boats, dock area, and more aesthetic improvements to make Khuul a more convincing fishing settlement. - Improved AI pathgrids. - 19 new NPCs. - One short but engaging quest with plenty of choices to make, allowing you to truly play your character. A new smuggler gang has arrived and is causing trouble in the village. Work closely with the Empire to drive the thieves out of Khuul.
Cleaning Stats for "Khuul Expanded.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 junk-CELL: 1
B: Vurt Ground cover (-9,17)^
In this mod there are many resources from all over the community. Now we have a Khuul that is both interesting and useful.
Cleaning Stats for "Khuul Expanded.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 junk-CELL: 1
** The readme contains a huge amount of information. I would consider this the Cadillac of Khuul
B: Vurt Ground cover (-9,17)
B: Morrowind Add-on Pack
Khuul - small, boring, nothing to do, nothing to see. Well I changed that a bit, simply by expanding this village, making the ongoing port bussiness believeable. There are new houses, new folks, new realistic pier, there are boats everywhere, as well as the necessary clutter. Also you can clue-hunt for a key to unlock a treasure somewhere.
** Has floating rock off shore 01010995
Cleaning Stats for "MiliksKhuul.esp": Evil-GMST Bloodmoon: 61 Evil-GMST Tribunal: 11 duplicate object instance: 7 duplicate record: 5 junk-CELL: 4 redundant CELL.AMBI: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
B: Vurt Ground cover (-9,17)
G: MDP or Add-On but not both
The town of Khuul, once the very definition of a seedy shanty town fit only for harboring various sorts of scum, has been rebuilt into a quaint fortified village. The Bureau of Tourism tells us that business has never been better! So buy that ferry ticket and
come see for yourself what the Redoran Ministry of Commerce has done with the place!
** Basically transforms the town by making it like Balmora or Suran.
Cleaning Stats for "New Khuul - BM.esp": duplicate object instance: 22 duplicate record: 41 junk-CELL: 2 redundant CELL.AMBI: 10 redundant CELL.WHGT: 10
B: Vurt Ground cover (-9,16; -9,17)
B: Morrowind Add-on Pack
Extends Maar Gan with trader, alchemist, smith and more.
Cleaning Stats for "Maar_Gan_Extended.esp": duplicate object instance: 8 duplicate record: 8 junk-CELL: 4 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
G: MDP (but not with Morrowind Add-on Pack)
G: Morrowind Add-on Pack (but not with MDP)
- new towers and forts for better atmosphere. - more populated fort with new NPC. - better lightning. - detailed and better terrain to blend with the environment.
Cleaning Stats for "Unique Forts - UF - Buckmoth Legion Fort.esp": duplicate object instance: 10 duplicate record: 28 junk-CELL: 20 redundant CELL.AMBI: 2 redundant CELL.WHGT: 2
==== Telvanni Infrastructure ==========================
Makes Sadrith Mora an off-limits city to non-Telvanni, as it is frequently described in game. Either join House Telvanni, or purchase Hospitality Papers from the Gateway Inn to enter the city. It is possible to sneak in, but you won't be able to buy anything, or speak to anyone, and guards will chuck you out. Additional Changes: Two small boats will take you from Gateway/docks to Wolverine Hall and vice versa. Added a path leading to the Mages house. Added a root where there was a shadow for one, but no root. Angaredhel now deals with joining HT.
Cleaning Stats for "TC_SadrithMoraClosed.esp": redundant CELL.AMBI: 3 redundant CELL.WHGT: 3
G: MDP (MDP conflcits with the docks mod though)
This is a minor expansion to the town of Vos in Morrrowind consisting of one new exterior leading to pub, general store, smith, clothier, and apothecary. An extension has been built to an existing house to add a buyable player home.
B: Vurt Ground cover (11, 14)
G: Morrowind Add-on Pack
==== Temple Infrastructure ==========================PW_Redesigned Vivec-Vivec_Expansion (lost Link)
This is a not so readily available merger of Piratelord's and Hoghead the Horrible's See the readme for those mods to see what is affected.
B: Vurt Groundcover (... optionally 5,-12 for docks area)
Expands Ghostgate a bit to make feel, that this is the place, where proud warriors of the Temple fight against evil.
Cleaning Stats for "Guarded GhostGate.esp": junk-CELL: 2
One year after the Nerevarine's defeat of Dagoth Ur, Vvardenfell's champion called a meeting between Duke Vedam Dren and the executive leaders of the Great Houses and native tribes. At this meeting, the Horator-Nerevarine enshrined the concept of a new coalition between the island's great powers in the form of the Treaty of Tureynulal. The result of this was that instead of a sprawling wasteland taking up most of the valuable real-estate of the island, a new commercial district would be formed, bringing wealth and commerce to the disparate people's of the isle in an effort to use the prospect of personal benefit to bring forth communal prosperity and opportunity.
Cleaning Stats for "Clean Ghostgate.esp": duplicate object instance: 3 junk-CELL: 2 redundant CELL.AMBI: 20 redundant CELL.WHGT: 32
Replaces the old canton-style Molag Mar with a more aesthetically pleasing version. Does not change any quests. No conflicts or bugs to our knowledge, after a year of use.
Cleaning Stats for "Molag Mar Revisited - Illuminated Windows Enhancements.esp": redundant CELL.AMBI: 10 redundant CELL.WHGT: 10
G: Illuminated Windows Enhancements compatibility version included.
B: Morrowind Add-on Pack (very badly)
The town of Molag Mar has been transformed from a dismal, dreary and quite ugly canton to a nice little sea-side resort, a perfect spot for you and the family to settle down! So put on your traveling boots and hike on over; see for yourself what the Public Works Department of Molag Mar has done with the place!
** Essentially transforms the town Redoran style - flattens the land, removed the canton.
Cleaning Stats for "New Molag Mar - M.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 duplicate record: 62 junk-CELL: 113 redundant CELL.AMBI: 11 redundant CELL.WHGT: 11
B: Morrowind Add-on Mod (very badly)
B: Vurt's Ashland Overhaul (places floating trees).
==== Bloodmoon Infrastructure ==========================
This mod adds a town outside of Fort Frostmoth. This mod adds 42 npcs and most all of them have unique dialogue. It also adds 11 buildings, a few plants, and a nice look-out spot. Assuming you have your view distance maxed. Some screenshots were taken with Darker morrowind and a few head/hair mods in use in-game experience may vary. I plan on making a few other versions depending on if the permission to use certain mods comes along. Feel free to edit this as you see fit, if you decide to upload it then just give me credit for the original mod.
Cleaning Stats for "Frostmoth.ESP": duplicate object instance: 11 duplicate record: 262 junk-CELL: 2
B: (land and rock collisions)
This mod adds a more realistic fortification to the Raven Rock colony. Instead of boulders precariously pilled on one another, this mod adds wooden walls, a few new buildings and company guard to man the new fortification. Like the original Raven Rock, you must have completed the colony quests to receive the full services of the new fort.
Cleaning Stats for "Wooden Fort Raven Rock.esp": duplicate object instance: 2 junk-CELL: 3 redundant CELL.AMBI: 2 redundant CELL.WHGT: 2
** I can't even find anything this mod adds except ore. Where is it? Better Raven Rock mod finishes the wall to completely enclose the colony. It also adds harmless wolves all around the colony. Also When i saw the guards in Raven Rock only having steel armor and plain silver weapons, I was disipointed so i gave the guards better armor and weapons. Some updates have been done in this version, see readme for info. [
** Causes TESTool to crash on merging objects!
B: very minor clipping of tree with
New Skaal Village adds much more flora to the Skaal village. It is packed with all kinds of snowy trees, grass, holly bushes, and two brand new skaal lodgings with one being the Skaal Hunting Hall that contains the book I wrote called "The Bloodmoon". This does conflict with any other skaal village mods like Skaal_village_expanded or the Rin graveyard.
Cleaning Stats for "New_Skaal_Village.esp": duplicate object instance: 1 junk-CELL: 2
G: Felsaad_Revamped
Added half a dozen cottages to the outskirts, outside the walled area (if you have Felsaad Revamped). The only dialogue addition is to update the Services and Thirsk reponses. There is now a trader and an apothecary - a hamlet such as Thirsk would need a healer of some description and a trading post if nothing else, the remaining houses belonging to the staff at the mead hall. This is a very small expansion, no new textures or meshes. An alternative .esp file is included for use with Children of Morrowind.
G: Felsaad Revamped
G: (Though this adds a building that collides with the wall added by Felsaad Revamped)
The mod: - Makes Chieftain's room much nicer; adds some storage. - Makes the small room upstairs look nicer, adds some storage. - Adds a trader in the basemant who has 3000 gold. - Adds a basemant with an entrance just by the throne. -Adds 3 non-hostile hunter woves in their own fenced area near the smith. Sorry, can't control them.
Cleaning Stats for "BetterThirsk1.0.esp": duplicate object instance: 3 junk-CELL: 1 redundant CELL.AMBI: 1 redundant CELL.WHGT: 1
==== Tribunal Infrastructure ==========================I can't test these because I can't seem to find a way to go there without starting the quest
-- Vanilla