There are also a bunch of FO3 meshes with mere retexs...
Yes thats true, and the effect in any mod transferring from Fo3 to FNV using those assets will get the re-tex version in New Vegas (as thats the legal one we can use). This may have interesting and/or detrimental effects on the mod - we'll have to see. After playing now for 5 or 6 hours I'm seeing that even though only 32% of the content got transferred, nearly All of the common objects made that cut. There will definitely be things missing, and it will be much better for those involved if we use the Fo3 GECK and strip-out/change-out as much of the objects Not being transferred as possible.
I plan to use my SharedAssets anolysis data exactly for this starting this weekend, so that should we be able to transfer mods one day, I would rather not have to worry about loosing content. That will of course take Way too long with my mod, so I figure if I can at least replace the structural pieces (walls, floors, ceilings, etc), then even if other things don't make it, the basic structure is still there and that will make it easier to debug/add replacement stuff to afterward.
The quest records make me nervous though - my one completed quest is moderate in size (195 users, ~100 stages) but is not particularly remarkable beyond that. I don't use any of the Fo3 NPCs or Fo3-specific content, and the stuff I load are renamed/custom items that are definitely still there. There is something else about Quest records from Fo3 that FNV doesn't enjoy..