The bottom line here is that a lot of people have decided to fall to their sense of entitlement regarding this subject. It is refreshing to see a civil discussion commencing in this thread as pertaining to the subject matter at hand. In all honesty, the patch itself is the compensation. Maybe with a few little extras tossed in as previously noted. Game raging over glitches on an internet forum definitely can feel fulfilling to those that are responsible for doing such. However, I would tend to agree that those that are doing so are definitely part of the minority.
Many individuals seem to forget that a game of this magnitude is going to have its idiosyncrasies. There is no such thing as the perfect game that will appeal to everyone. If there were, no one would be on this forum, or any other for that matter, because they would all be too busy playing the game. People also tend to forget that there are far more games on the market today that are basically broken, unplayable tripe that have never been patched, and never will be.
Some that have posted their rage over losing a work week worth of time, and cried "Lawsuit", "Compensation", "Boycott" or any other cockamamie blithering, have given me a lot of laughter. That's really the only compensation I need. In this (overly) litigious society we live in, people seem to think that tossing out the word lawsuit automatically gives them clout. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Especially when they do so on the publisher's website forums.
It's a video game people. Something that is meant to waste time with for entertainment. At the end of the day, all you have is a dent in the couch, sore thumbs, and eye fatigue to show for that 1000/1000 Achievement list.
My good sir,
You can not be serious ... there is a definite difference between entitlement and making amends for a blatant screw up by a company. Your quote of the Patch is the compensation is crazy and would not make sense in any situation here ill give you a few examples. I just bought my kindle and it doesn't seem to display all the words of the books I download ... oh I am sorry for your inconvenience sir we will have a patch for that in about 2 months so you cant use your product as intended and advertised but our gift to you is that we will fix the product. Another example waiter my food seems to be only half cooked ..... I am sorry sir we can take that back and cook it up again for you in about 2 months come back then and receive our gift to you the cooked meal you payed for in the first place. One more how bout it ... Excuse me I bought a sofa and only got half a sofa .. I am sorry sir we only made half sofas and will in about 2 months have the other half available ... so while you only have half of what you payed for our gift to you is that we will get you that other half when we are done with the fixes. I am sure by now you get my point but you will never acknowledge it that this terminology of the fix is compensation is just absurd.
As far as there not being a game that appeals to EVERYONE well you are right you are absolutely right but that is certainly a no DUH what you fail to realize is that this is not about a games appeal its about a game simply being PLAYABLE. My friend hates fallout 3 and NV so he doesn't play it because it does not appeal to him ... in turn he loves black ops and I don't so I don't play it but the issue isn't our likes and dislikes its simply the fact that we could play the games we liked so I am not sure what you were getting at.
Talk of lawsuits is not permitted by the mods so I will not touch on that other then to say if you are talking legal action on the company forum then you are not really serious about it.
Your point about more games being out there that are broken and will never be fixed is a real good one but you must understand that few games with as much hype as this one promising so much and being a flat out good game can really be considered in this category. Many of the broken games I have played that will not be finished were simply BAD games not worth finishing but FONV is a great game that got handled real poorly.
Finally you can liken all this to just being a video game ... but no matter your hobby be it gardening, knitting, curling, or whatever its what someone likes to do regardless of the payoff or lack there of in your mind. Simple fact is .... don"t judge.
My feeling is they should at least apologize for this its been a complete disaster that would make me pretty happy ... or maybe a new in game gun lol.